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The Scroll

by Midnight_Raven 0 reviews

Sakura and Naruto read the scroll.

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Crossover,Drama - Characters: Naruto,Sakura - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-08-08 - Updated: 2008-08-08 - 1316 words

A few explosions went off at a distance, by the paper bombs that Sakura set up last night. This action woke up both Sakura and Naruto, who is both struggling to get out of the tent.

“What the hell is happening?!” Naruto said, panicking along side Sakura.

“A paper bomb went off, we got guests.” Sakura said, feeling five weak charka signs. Half a dozen men with red fire nation armor come in view, along with one big Kaboom. One fire bender fall down dead from the bomb.

“ATTACK!” Sakura heard faintly, as she draw a small wall of earth just to cover both her and Naruto from danger. The following fire ball hit the wall, almost causing it to break.

“I guess that is fire benders and we are the enemy here.” Sakura said, Naruto look at Sakura confuse. More balls of fire heading Sakura and Naruto way.

“What to start a morning off, getting ambush by some foolish people.” Sakura said.

“EARTH BENDER!” Screamed one fire bender, in hopes of getting his team mates attention.

“I got this one Sakura-chan, SHADOW CLONE J-”


“Alright, alright then what should we do!?” Question Naruto.

Sakura thought for a second.

“Just use tai jutsu.” Sakura said, then she punch the wall of earth. The wall explode into tiny pieces of rock, Sakura spin around and punch and kick each piece toward the fire benders way. All hitting their targets on the spot, the four fire benders fall to the ground knock out.

“That was easy.” Naruto said, then he look around his camp sight.

“AW MAN!” Naruto cried, rushing to his burn down tent.

Everything around the camp sight was either burn down or in pieces from Sakura earth bending.

Good thing I left my bag out side the tent. Sakura thought, walking to her bag that was on the ground barely stain with burn marks. She put it on her back and seconds later Naruto flew toward her crying anime style.

“T-They destroy my ramen.” Naruto cried out pointing at the burn down tent and his bag.

“We should start to leave now.” Sakura said, just in case that some more people come and fought with them. She didn't know why they start to attack them, but in due time she and Naruto will know it due time.

Seeing Naruto heading back to the tent.

“Leave the tent and your bag. It have no use to us now and it will only slow us down.” Sakura said, taking out the scroll from her own bag and open it. Till it show a map on all the nations.

A big red star was beside a city called Ba Sing Se saying you are here and a big blue star was up north saying Avatar is here.

Sakura laugh to her self a bit. Tsunade really did out do her self this time.

"Naruto look like we going north now." Sakura said, as they both begin to start to walk up north, leaving their former camp sight burnt and damage along with five knock out fire benders behind for good.

They walk for about 30 minutes well almost when Naruto started to complained about being starving.

"We get something to eat later Naruto-kun." Sakura said, still looking at the map.

A few more minutes passed by, before Naruto speak up again.

"Hey Sakura-chan?"

Sakura look up from the map annoyed.

"Yes Naruto-kun?"
"Who are the fire benders or what ever that attack? Are their any more people like them that we should watch out for?" Naruto said.

"I don't kn-"
The map changes into information about fire benders at the top, information about the earth benders in the middle, water benders after that and lastly air benders.

Deciding to take a rest already, Sakura begin to read the information already about fire benders.

Fire benders are people who can fire bending and they live in the fire nation.

The lord of the fire nation 100 years ago started a great war and destroyed the air benders race and this time before the end of the summer the current lord is waiting for a comet called Sozin's Comet to gain power. The Avatar is the last hope to bring peace to the world and stop the fire lord, but no one saw the Avatar for an hundred years.

The fire lord had banish his own son Prince Zuko from the nation.

Sakura finish reading the little information that the Hokage and her teacher had given her in the scroll. Naruto shake his head in little understanding.

"Read all of it." Naruto said.

Sakura nodded her head.

Earth Benders are people who can do earth bending and mainly live in the city Ba Sing Se, but rumors had been told that the fire nation took the earth benders from the city and send them to prison.

The fire nation is currently ruling the city now, seeing that people are scared to stand up.

The information ends there for the earth benders and Sakura felt very sad. How can the fire nation do this to them? This is cruel and cold hearted. The fire nation need to bring to to justice.

Water benders are people who can do water bending. Their are a few water benders out in the nations now. They live in the southern water tribe or the Northern water tribe.

The water bender information was real short, and slowly Sakura read to the air benders .

Air Benders was no more. They use to live at the air temple till an hundred year ago they were all destroy by the fire nation.

Air Benders were gentle and kind hearted benders who don't want to get in any fights what so ever. They avoid conflict all all cost.

"Wow I never believe that this world is so much harsh than ours." Sakura said.

Naruto agree to her, letting all this information sinks in. Then the scroll change once more to people pictures in sections. One selections was the air benders.

Their was a picture of a young boy with a blue arrow on his forehead and arms grinning. Under the picture was the name Avatar Aang.

"Hey Naruto-kun, look at this." Sakura said and Naruto lean to Sakura side, so they both now can see the scroll.

"So that's the Avatar?"


"He looks strange- ouch!"

"Ssssssssakura-chan that hurts."

"Then stop picking at him and look at this pictures." Sakura said annoyed, as they look under the earth benders selection.

It was a picture of a young girl, her eyes were blank, telling both Naruto and Sakura that she is blind. Under the picture her name was Toph.

Then under that their was a picture of an old crazy man that was known as the king of Ba Sing Se.

"He reminds me of Grandma Ts- ouch"

Sakura slap him over the head again.

They look under the water benders selection, where they saw a picture of a young 14 year old girl.

Her name was Katara.

Under her picture was her brother Sokka.

Then to last, but not least the fire nation selection, they saw a picture of the current fire lord. A picture of the princess who Sakura had guessed who is a real bitch.

They both look at picture of an old man who's name was Iroh and under his was the banish prince Zuko. Sakura gotta admit that he really does look hott with the two t's.

What the hell is she thinking? She mentally slap her self. She didn't meet the guy and she likes him by looking at his picture. That was strange for her.

Sakura roll up the scroll and with a sigh.

"Let keep on walking now." Sakura said, as both Naruto and Sakura continure to walk north toward the Avatar.
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