Categories > Cartoons > Code Lyoko > Lyoko Redone

Sneaky sissy

by magykman171 0 reviews

Category: Code Lyoko - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2008-08-13 - Updated: 2008-08-13 - 280 words

As Ulrich raced to the factory Sissy was watching him without him knowing."There goes Ulrich off to who knows where again." she said giloomily."I dont know where or who he is seeing." "Maybe he is cheating on me with Yumi." "I know what ill do." she thought rapidly. "Ill follow him and see where he goes." So following the unaware Ulrich she raced after him as quietly as she could. She followed him into the woods and down the passage that led to the factory. When they got to the factory it was too late for Ulrich to make up a excuse. He had to tell her everything. And to make matters worse Aelita and Jeremy had got there and Yumi`s time was running out. "ULRICH!!" Jeremy yelled as he saw him with Sissy. "What the heck is she doing here!!" "Don't yell at me she followed me here." Ulrich mumbled. "Well how much did you tell her??" asked Jeremy suspiciously. "Well from when we discovered Lyoko to the present." Ulrich said sheepishly. "Dont you get mad a me Belpois we have a life to save." Ulrich told Jeremy as he saw his face turn red with anger. "Your right Ulrich." said Aelita quickly "Lets go and save Yumi." So Jeremy and Sissy went to the lab and Ulrich and Jeremy go to the scanners. When they got into the scanners Jeremy virtulized them and after the virtulization was done the screen showed a virus and the scanners were offline and then there was a crash and the scanners were down and broken.
bth im moving my story to same username story title and everything
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