Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Babysitter

Chapter 10...

by dtng101 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-08-15 - Updated: 2008-08-15 - 951 words


"Promise you won't laugh."
"What? Okay,Paola.I promise.I mean,I'll try.Who?"
"Gabe cooley."
"You're joking!"
"But you said he was too tall-"
"Well,he sort of stooped over when he asked me out."
"But I thought you and Mikey were-"
"Finished.It just got stale,know what I mean?We were only going out togethe because we couldn't think of anything else to do."
They've been going together for two weeks,Karina thought.
ANd it got stale?
But she didn't say what she was thinking.Paola was so beautiful,she really could have any boy she wanted.But Karina thought itwas kind of sad that Paola wanted them all.At the end of summer,Paola had broken up with Rick Danielson.Thta had lasted nearly three months,a long time for Paola.Since then,she'd gone out with at least three other guys.Now Mikey was about to be dumped.
I'd dettle for just one guy,Karina thought,one serious guy.Agai,she felt plain and boring compared to Paola.Why couldn't she stare at boys the way Poal did,or touch their shoulders all the time the way Pola did,or act real kittenish and sexy and not get embarrassed about it?
She took another bite of pizza.iT HAD NO TASTE AT ALL.mAYBE Pizza Oven did use artificial cheese.Yeccch.
"So,are you keeping this job?"Paola asked.The blond boy in the bomber jacket had walked out with a tall,black-haired girl,so Paola's attention returned to Karina.
"I guess so.Sure,"Karina said."They're paying me five dollars an hour since it's so far away from my house.I can really use the money.I'llactually be able to buy people Christmas presents this year.And I can help Mom out a little."
"But you said the place was creepy,and you were scared to death,what with the weird neighbor and everything."
"It was all in my mind,Paola.It was al just me.I got terrified because I heard footsteps,and they turned out to be Bob's footsteps.There wasn't anything to really be afaid of.Te neighbor was perfectly fine,too.If I hadn't already been in such a state,he wouldn't have frightened me at all.I frightened myself,that's all.Next time I'll be cool."
"And this kid isn't a monster?"
"No.He's adorable.I think he likes scaring the baby-sitter,though.It's sort of a game with him.I'm going to have to talk to him about that.Buthe's fine,just fine.His father is a bit of a basket case,though."
Paola took a long sip of her Coke."What do you mean?"
"He's such a worrier.I guess those news stories about the attacks on the baby-sitters have gotten him upset,or something.I don't know.He drove me home,and all the way back he kept asking me,'Did it go okay?Was everything okay?Was Bob okay?He must've asked me two dozen times."
"Maybe he was just nervous because it was your first night."
"Yeah,maybe.Maybe he'll calm down he's very devoted to Bob.It's easy to see that.And his wife is really nice.She just makes jokes about how nervous Mr.Way is and what a worrier he is.I guess she's used to it."
"'s rough,giving up all your Saturday nights,"Paola said,looking towards the front as a group of Harrison kids came in,laughing loudly and shoving each other thriugh the door.
"Not really,"Karina said."Not for me."She didn't mean to sound quite as gloomy as she did.
She looked away.
"Did you save me any pepperoni?" a boy's voice said,nearby.
Karina and Paola both cried out.Where was the voice coming from?
Suddenly Frank,a wide grin on his pale face,pulled himself up from under their table.He looked very pleased that he had startled them both.He stopped about halfway up and rested his chin on the tabletop.
"Frank!What were you doing down there?"Paola shrieked.
"Nothing.Just looking up our dres.Ha Ha!"His grin grew wider.His hazel eyes actually seemed to light up,as if the elestricity had just been turned on.
"You Idiot!"Paola cried."Hey-I'm not wearing a dress."
"Then I don't know what I was looking down there,"Frank said
"How long were you down there?" Karina asked,appalled atthe thought that he may have been eavesdropping on their conversation,trying to remember if they'd said anything really embarassing.
"Since Tuesday,I think,"He pulled himself up and sqeezed in besides Karina."No-don't move,"he told her.He put his arm around her shoulder."I'm comfortable like this."He beamed ather,four hundred perfect white teeth in her face.
"Glad one of us is,"Karina said sarcastically.She took his hand with both of hers and lifted it off her shoulders.He had large hands,she noticed.
Caroline was standing up besides the booth.She was one of Karina's friends,Karina has known her since grade school.She's such an awsome person to hang with.Except when Caroline's brother Frank is around.He's so mean to Karina at times.
"Frank have manners",said Caroline.
"whatver".said Frank.
"what's up C-line"said Paola and Karina
"Nothing much,just regretting,Frank following me around"said Carloine as she glared at her brother.
"Hey,I'am just taking my role as your big brother"said Frank
C-line mutered a few curse words atFrabk as she sat down next to Paola.
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