Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > More Than I Bargined For...

Alien Frank

by live_life 0 reviews

Well, you never met an actual twenty-eight year old who was like 5'4. That's it, he was defiantly from another planet.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2008-08-17 - Updated: 2008-08-17 - 384 words


Not happening. Not happening. Not happening. This can not be happening! Great! Just fucking great! There is no way in hell are you in love or think of your friend, a guy friend at that, in that kind of way! It's Frank! You cannot be thinking of Frank like that! It's just, just, just- wrong! Isn't it like against the law to be in love with your best friend like that? You're pretty sure that if there isn't, that you should go to the president and demand that he creates one now! It's not like you're feeling guilty about it. I mean, look at him, how can you be! Nobody can be that perfect! Maybe he's an alien or something. An amazingly wonderful looking alien that just so happens to be your best friend since high school. Yep, that's obviously the answer. Somehow, Frank got inside your mind when you were kids and corrupted it. Oh, god, you must be mental. There is no way Frank is an alien. Wouldn't he like have to eat brains or something?

You stare at him from across the bathroom. He was trying to get a towel from the top shelf. Standing on his tippy-toes he still couldn't reach it. Are aliens short? Well, you never met an actual twenty-eight year old who was like 5'4. That's it, he was defiantly from another planet. Before you knew it, he was in front of you with a red towel in his hands. His cheeks are a little pink from the effort and you can't but wonder if he turns any other color. "Finally!" He says looking up at you. "Really, I have no idea why you guys keep the clean towels on the very top shelf. You know I can't reach it!"

You laugh a bit and say, "We just love to torment you Frank. It's so much fun!"

"Ha, ha, shut it Mikey. Before I shove this towel down your throat." He reaches up and you feel the material of the towel rub against your cheek lightly, trying to get rid of any bile left.

You reach forward and touch his arm. Slightly surprised when you don't feel any change in his skin. You do it again, determined to see anything alien related. Once again, nothing happens. "Fuck."
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