Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > More Than I Bargined For...

Wait, what?

by live_life 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-08-08 - Updated: 2008-08-09 - 485 words


"Jesus Christ Mikey!"

You look up from the spot on the floor you suddenly found interesting to take a quick glance at your brother. "What?" was all you said. Nothing about the dream. Nothing about Frank dying before your eyes while all you do is stare. None of it.

This time when you hear someone speaking, it's the same voice that was screaming in your ears not two minutes ago. "Dude, are you okay?"

This would probably be the first time in years that you had to look up at Frank. You were what? About four inches taller then him? But that's what you like about him, that he's so tiny. You can't even imagine a tall Frank. That would be, well, that would be wrong. All you do is nod to his question and start to whip your mouth on your sleeve.

"Ugh, stop! Here! Just wait a minute to let me get you a napkin or something!" You barley have time to see your brother make a face before he ran into the other room of the bus, knocking Ray and Bob out of the way.

Ray turns to yell at your brother, while you see Bob look back at you with a small white tissue in his hands. "Here, go clean yourself up or something. You smell horrible."

"Well, obviously, he just threw up," Frank says when he grabs the tissue with rolled eyes. He looks back at you with concern sketched onto his face. "You sure you're okay? Gerard was shaking you for five whole minutes before you woke up."

Ray turns back to you and says, "Yeah, you were screaming pretty loud."

You mumbled that you were fine and took the white tissue from Frank. "Thanks." Whipping your mouth, you look down at the mess you made on the floor. Great.

Frank nods, tearing his eyes away from yours to meet Ray's and Bob's, then turning to star at the pile of stench covering the bunk floor. "Uhm, let's get you cleaned." He sticks out a hand toward you. You grab it, trying your best to ignore the bile and follow Frank out of the bunk room. Leaving Ray and Bob to do whatever they want with your mess.

"Hey! No, wait! Mikey! Come back and clean up your mess!" There's no doubt that that's Ray.

"Gerard! Hey, I think I hear him calling my name," you can hear the footsteps that most defiantly belong to Bob, coming down the small hallway you were currently smushed in with Frank.

"Wait, what?! NO! There is no way in hell that I'm cleaning that!"

You feel a smile form on your lips when Frank cracks up laughing. That must've been one of the most beautiful sounds in the world. Him laughing. Just everything about him was beautiful. His hair, his eyes, his bod- wait, what?!

Well, that's the second chappy. Reviews plz?!
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