Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Slayer, The Avatar And The Guardian Of Light

CH96 - More For The Team

by GuardianOfLight 0 reviews


Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Dumbledore,Fleur,Harry,Hermione,Lupin,Tonks - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2008-08-18 - Updated: 2008-08-18 - 2996 words

Chapter 96 - More For The Team

Dimension: 1375 – Earth
Date: 8th October 2001 AD
Country: France – The French Riviera – Marseeleveyre Mountains
Location: Chateau Delacour
Time: Early Afternoon

Later that day after using the Time Turner to take the clock back six hours, the Chateau had been turned into a hub of activity. It was another recruiting session, but this time they were trying to recruit many more individuals than they ever had before.

Three different rooms at the Chateau had been needed to hold them all. The first was full of Durmstrang Alumni and others from Germany, Bulgaria and the surrounding countries whose male children attended Durmstrang, with them were Viktor and Dimitri.

In the next were a similar group of mostly Beauxbatons Alumni from France and Belgium accompanied by Delphine, Fleur and Colette.

And lastly the final room was full to the brim with Hogwarts Alumni including all the Post-DA members, several Gryffindor’s and the odd Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, along with a reasonably large group of Aurors and the rest of the younger generation of Weasley’s to whom Harry, Hermione, Tonks, Bill and Ollivander were conversing.

The doors to all the rooms had been closed for over two hours before Krum and Dimitri emerged from their now empty room holding a copy of the contract with over a dozen extra signatures on it.

“That was not fun.” Stated Viktor, closing the door behind him before leaning heavily against it.

“Whose idea was it to invite the Tertiary Minister of Germany?” sighed Dimitri.

“Yours!” Came the annoyed reply “He just had to keep asking questions wouldn’t he, he spent over half an hour just examining the contract. Bloody politicians.”

“Thank you.” Dimitri replied with a raised eyebrow.

“You’re welcome.”

It was another fifteen minutes before the Veela left their room and headed down to the Living Room to meet the men.

“How’d it go?” asked Colette as she slumped into a seat.

“Twelve signed, three had to be obliviated, we got the Tertiary Minister though.” replied Dimitri “Yours?”

“Fourteen and two, any sign of the others yet?”

“No,” Viktor replied “They do have the hardest job, convincing all those Aurors to join. Do you think they need reinforcements?”

“I shouldn’t think so, most of the Aurors probably want to fight Voldemort but convincing them to back someone they have never met and have only seen in the papers is not going to be easy.”

It took another two hours before Harry, Hermione, Tonks, Bill and Ollivander finally staggered in.

“Someone wake me in ten years,” sighed Harry as he dropped down beside Fleur “It’s going to take me that long to recover.”

“What was the result?” Delphine inquired.

“All signed,” replied Hermione with a smile, Harry had specifically thought it would be a good idea to bring her to the recruitment drive because of her wonderful knack of making logical arguments for things.

“The Alumni easily agreed to follow,” elaborated Ollivander, moving over to a decanter on the other side of the room, pouring himself a large sherry and downing it quickly before continuing “But the Aurors were a lot more hesitant, Mr Potter had to duel three of them at the same time to convince them. It was most impressive.”

“It was most knackering.” Corrected the man in question “They were NOT rookies.”

“Harry, don’t swear.”

“Knackering is hardly swearing Err-my-nee.” Questioned Viktor, he was now very good at speaking French and English but he still could not pronounce her name correctly.

“Force of habit.” She replied, seating herself next to Tonks and Colette on the sofa, while Harry rather more slowly shifted forward on the sofa, allowing his mate to massage his shoulders while he leaned heavily on his knees.

“Only two groups left then.” Sighed Tonks.

“Yes,” agreed Harry, not raising his head “The most important two.”

“Technically its one group and one person.” Corrected Delphine “But regardless I agree. Another operative in the Order and a group allied with us would be most useful.”

“Just remember the latter will not be joining The Alliance,” reminded Harry “We are merely stating our case and asking for their assistance if it’s needed in return for our own.”

“I suppose we should get to it then.” Sighed Harry, standing up and stretching. Reaching into his pocket he retrieved a Pepper-Up Potion and downed it, instantly feeling better as the steam poured from his ears “God that’s better.”

Turning to Tonks, Fleur and Hermione he made an ‘after you’ gesture towards the doorway before following them out.

As hard as she tried, Buffy could not properly prepare herself for the rough landing.

As she and the rest of the group hit the ground there was a several grunts and groans.

“Nice touchdown.” smiled Tonks as she extended her hand to help Buffy up “Even better than my worst if you know what I mean.”

“It’s probably better not to ask.” Grunted Giles as he, Anne and the rest of the Scoobies began to disentangle themselves.

“I’ve think I’ve sprained something.” Gasped Dawn, grasping Hermione’s extended hand and pulling herself up.

“Yeah, that would be me.” Xander groaned from the position under where Dawn had been, flattened between her and the carpet.

“Welcome to the Chateau Delacour.” Greeted Fleur as she Tonks and Hermione walked in “How are you all feeling after the trip?”

“Peachy.” Spike replied drolly, straightening himself out.

“If you’ll take a seat, we’ll get started.” Smiled Fleur as they moved to sit at the round table.

In another room of the Chateau, Remus Lupin had a much more pleasant landing.

“Hello Remus.” greeted Harry from a seat by the rooms fire “Drink?”

“So you are members of this ‘Alliance’?” asked Xander.

“Harry, Fleur and Tonks helped set it up along with a few others.” Confirmed Hermione “I joined later.”

“Who’s in charge of The Alliance?” asked Tara.

In response Hermione withdrew a newspaper and pushed it towards her, it was the article about the attack on her house; Tonks withdrew a couple more copies and pushed them towards the others.

They waited for a couple of minutes while they read the article; Giles was the first to finish.

“This masked being leads you?”

“Yes.” Nodded Hermione “He is called The Avatar.”

Several of their heads snapped up.

“Would that be the one we heard about earlier?” asked Willow “The one with all the fire, air, water and the earth control.”

“That’s the one.” Nodded Tonks.

“I thought you said you didn’t know any more about him.” Accused Dawn

“No,” corrected Fleur “I said I was unable to say anymore, which I wasn’t.”

“There are magical protection around The Alliance secrets,” explained Tonks “There was a meeting this afternoon in which we were given permissions to tell you.”

“Why are you telling us?” asked Anne, though she was pretty sure she already knew the answer.

“We are hoping that you will agree to ally with us so when everything kicks off we won’t have to worry about things like whether to trust each other or not,” replied Tonks “That way we can get on with the pummelling the bad guys.”

“I’m all for the pummelling.” Nodded Buffy.

“We thought you would be,” Fleur replied “But as we know you have your own battles to fight we aren’t going to ask you to join. We are hoping for more of a ‘you help us, we help you’ arrangement.”

“You mean an alliance with The Alliance.” Continued Willow.

“Exactly.” Nodded Hermione.

“What sort of force does The Alliance consist off?” asked Giles.

“More than fifty humans (not including our non-Alliance friends at Hogwarts), around a hundred centaurs, about two hundred Veela, just short of a thousand House Elves, nearly four thousand Goblins and Dwarves, about ten thousand Acromantulas ranging in size from less than a centimetre to over five meters in size and one rapidly growing Wyvern.”

None of the Scoobies spoke or said anything for almost thirty seconds.

“You have,” began Anne “Over fifteen thousand your army?”

“About that yes.” Nodded Tonks.

“From what I’ve read that’s over five times the Wizarding population of Britain.” Stated Willow.

“Roughly.” Agreed Hermione.

“What on Earth do you need us for?” asked Buffy.

“You can never have too many allies,” smiled Fleur “Dumbledore has his own force which is bigger than yours but still well under a hundred people in strength. He will maintain contact with you when you go back to America as he knows how strong you are and what good allies you would be. We have people working for us within his force and we thought it a good idea to enlighten you to our aims and get you on our side as well as offering you aid if you need it.”

“Are you serious Harry?” asked a shocked Remus “You’re actually siding against Dumbledore?”

“I didn’t say I was going against him, I merely said that I was not with him. The Alliance has similar aims but more effective ways of achieving them, as was proved by the way The Avatar was able to fend off the attack on Hermione’s house as well as protecting the train when it was ambushed.”

“Who else is in this ‘Alliance’?”

“Our leader The Avatar, yes that is the same Avatar we were talking about earlier, all of the DA both Alumni and current members, minus the person who betrayed us last year, the younger generation of Weasley’s, Tonks, Fleur, Fleur’s parents, Colette, Viktor Krum, several more Ex-Hogwarts students and about three dozen people that Tonks, Fleur and Viktor were able to bring in and that’s just our human allies which are the tip of the iceberg.”

“And you want me to leave Dumbledore and join you?”

The look on Remus face definitely made Harry think that Remus could not take much more.

“Who said leave Dumbledore, we already have four members inside the Order; Bill, the twins and Tonks, the more people we have there, the easier it is to keep up to date as to what Dumbledore is up to.”

“We all know a war is coming,” stated Fleur “And I seriously doubt with both Adam and his brother involved that it will be a small one. It’s going to spread beyond Britain and as Anne once explained to us; the ‘big bads’ tend to go the Hellmouth to party.”

“True.” Dawn nodded.

“With us as allies you would have some serious back up if it all started going down in Sunnydale.” Tonks pointed out.

“Oh for peat sake,” exclaimed Spike, unable to take anymore “The answers going to be yes, this lot have just never been asked before.”

“As much as I hate to agree with Spike,” Continued Giles “I concur.”

“Me too,” nodded Dawn “About The Alliance thing, not the agreeing with Spike thing.”

“It’s agreed then.” Sighed Buffy.

“Allies is it.” Nodded Anne.

“Ok, ok. I’ll join.” Submitted Remus, he had managed to voice nearly as many objections to the whole idea as some of the Aurors had, not to mention the fact that they did not know The Avatar’s true intentions (which of course they did) “With the twins, Tonks and you all up near the top of this thing, someone needs to be there to get you lot out of trouble.”

Twenty minutes later Harry and the girls had rejoined the others downstairs.

“That was almost harder than the Aurors.” groaned Harry “How did the others react?”

“They were more than a little surprised by our numbers but they agreed,” explained Hermione “We gave them each those special silver rings with the onyx background and pearl insignia that Adam made and explained how they worked.”

“Good.” Harry nodded “We....”

He was cut off before he could continue when an owl flew in through the window and dropped a letter in his lap.

“Oh this can’t be good.” Groaned Tonks as she and the others leaved forward.

Opening the envelope Harry withdrew the small note inside, reading them to himself he sighed.

“It looks like I’m not finished for the day.” He groaned reluctantly.

“What is it?” asked Delphine.

“Dumbledore sent Kingsley and Moody to the Veela and Goblins as emissaries, wanting them to side with him. They refused obviously but both Kingsley and Moody passed on warnings about the ‘masked stranger’ and The Avatar’s return and how they might try to recruit them.”

“What are you going to do?” asked Hermione.

“I’m going to pay the Headmaster a visit.”

Dimension: 1375 – Earth
Date: 8th October 2001 AD
Country: Britain – Scotland
Location: Hogwarts – Headmasters Office
Time: Late Evening

Later that evening Dumbledore was sitting quietly behind his desk, after the revelation from his Veela staff that another powerful being with unknown allegiances was out there he had wasted no time in sending out envoys to the Veela, Goblins, Valkyrie and he himself has spoken to the Merpeople.

Unfortunately all the replies he got were bad. The Veela and the Goblins had refused to join them or even swear not to follow The Avatar, the Merpeople had shown indifference to the whole thing and the Valkyrie had not returned to their Volcano after it was attacked.

Closing his eyes for but a moment he was startled out of his thoughts by a large use of magic on the other side of the room.

Instantly standing he fired at the cloaked figure that he saw there who sidestepped his spell but made no move to retaliate.

“Forgive the intrusion,” said the figure calmly “But I wish for no one to know that I am here.”

“Name yourself and I may grant that forgiveness.” The Headmaster stated, bringing his power up into his voice, making it sound all the more commanding.

The figure had had his head lowered and now slowly raised it to reveal a mask covered face.

“You.” Dumbledore stated surprised, half lowering his wand.

“Yes, me.” The stranger replied.

“What is your business here?”

“I have three purposes,” the figure stated “The first is to name myself.”

“And what is your name?”

“I am known as The Avatar.”

Dumbledore’s eye brows rose slightly.

“You’re The Avatar?”

“I am.” He nodded “I am also he who saved the Grangers and a train load of Hogwarts residence, so that should give you some clue as to my leanings in this conflict.”

“I take it then that you are opposed to Voldemort.”

“Most definitely, almost all of those who fight with me would be prosecuted by him if he came to power.”

“What is your objective in this conflict?” asked the Headmaster, feeling more secure around this relatively unknown being but not enough to pocket his wand.

“To defeat Voldemort and those that follow him using almost whatever force is required.”

The last comment was the first thing since Dumbledore had lowered his wand that set him on edge, phrases like ‘whatever force is necessary’ were bad news, even with an ‘almost’ attached to it.

“Force needs to be regulated.” He stated.

“Yes it does,” nodded The Avatar “But what I know of your efforts, regulated means barely anything. My methods are much more affective.”

“I disagree,” countered Dumbledore “I have spent years making plans, building friendships and adding to our numbers.”

“And within three months I have made two successful defences of friendly targets, have become this nation’s hero, have become a beacon for hope against the darkness and I am internationally recognised.” The Avatar paused for breath “Even the young Harry Potter has been more effective than you have, just by doing what is right.... But I am not here to argue our respective methods, we are both on the same side and that brings me neatly to my second point.”

“Which is?”

“You contacting the Veela and telling them that they should beware of The Avatar and the unidentified being in the mask. While I agree that caution was called for, warning them away was not necessary when all the masked stranger had done was to protect innocents and as far as you were aware The Avatar could have been firmly on your side. Lastly I want to state now that the Veela already follow me and have done for some time, your Veela Professor’s did not lie to you about me, they were simply unable to answer and they will be unable to spy on me for you for the same reason. They are no threat to you so let them be, I shall not be pleased if you do anything to them because of it.”

“I do not know what you think you know of me,” returned Dumbledore after a moments pause “But I am not in the habit of threatening or biasing against people simple because they are either unable or unwilling to cooperate with me.”

“Really, is that why you tried to fire Mr Potter when his deception was uncovered? Either way it is irrelevant as I have said what I came to say and now I will take my leave.”

“Wait!!” called Dumbledore, but it was irrelevant as the being in front of him rapidly transformed into the dragon creature he had seen on the train, launched itself into the air and smashed its way out through one of the larger windows on the upper level.

By the time that the Headmaster reached the window it was virtually repaired and there was no sign of The Avatar.

AUTHORS NOTE 1: Sorry it took so long everyone, I have been on holiday for two weeks and it's been extremely hectic around that.

AUTHORS NOTE 2: Also guys, I know some spelling/grammar isn't good especially in the earlier chapters but my betas and I cannot find everything, mistakes happen
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