Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Untold Paradox

All about Jamia

by Dondon1827 2 reviews

Flashbacks and Secrets

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-08-20 - Updated: 2008-08-20 - 1455 words

Sorry its so late, My internet has been giving me problems. I will write a new chap tonight and post it early in the morning because I have to get up and go collect my GCSE results from school =S
Enjoy the chapter :)

Everyone was still in Jamia's almost an hour later, "So seen as Jamia is feeling okay now we should go out" said Lyn-Z, but Jamia declined the offer. "I dont want to risk getting sick again before Frank comes home, you guys go on without me" she said. This was sort of true, she obviously didnt want to be sick for Frank coming home, but this wasnt the reason she wasnt going out. When the rest of the girls had left, Jamia made her way over to Gerard and Mikeys house, she was going to see Donna. Getting out of her car she made sure nobody saw her and scurried to the front door. Donna answered and greeted her with a hug "What a nice suprise, come on in" she took Jamia's coat and they went into the kitchen. Donna made them some coffee while Jamia sat at the kitchen breakfast bar. "So, what brings you here Miss.Iero?" Jamia laughed, even though her and Frank werent married Donna always calls her by his second name. "Well I was hoping for some advice, its about the new neighbour, Cassie" Donna nodded, "Mikey told me about her, seems a nice girl apparently"
"Well, thats the thing, I dont think she is, I think its all an act to cover up what she is really like" Donna sat down and gave Jamia her coffee, "What do you mean?" she asked, taking a sip and so Jamia told her a hearing her on the phone and why she was sucpicious of her. "I say you have every right to be concerned Jamia, sounds dodgy to me"
"Finally, somebody who see's my side of it, the others think Im being paranoid" just then Jamia's phone rang, it was Frank. She shook her head smiling "Always interrupts some thing this one" she said as she answered it. Donna waited for Jamia to come off the phone, she saw her facial expression change and when she came off the phone she sighed and ran her hands through her hair. "Bad news?" said Donna, Jamia didnt respond, she was just staring into space. Donna reached out and touched her hand "You there Jamia?" she suddenly looked up as if she had snapped out of a trance "Sorry, its just, oh nothing, just Frank telling me a friend of his Tony has invited us out for a drink", "Well your obviously not happy about it, I can only help if you tell me why" Jamia shook her head "Its a long story, and I have never told anybody this before, I dont know if Im ready to." Donna nodded understanding, "Its okay, Im all ears for when you are ready" Jamia took a long sip of her coffee and started to tell her, she knew she could trust Donna. "Remember about a year ago, when I got pregnant" Donna nodded, Frank was over the moon he was going to be a father, "Well I didnt loose the baby, I had an abortion" this shocked Donna, why would Jamia do that? "Oh Jamia why, you and Frank seemed so happy you were going to have a baby." She sighed "I had an abortion because, it wasnt Frank's baby" Donna couldnt believe what she was hearing, Jamia cheated on Frank? "Why havent you ever told him this" she asked sternly. "Because he would blame himself" Donna didnt quite understand so Jamia decided to start from the begining.

"But Frank, we were going to go out for a meal and then you were going to go for a drink the next night, not the other way around" said Jamia. "I know baby, but Tony is only in town for one night and he was going to come with us, let me go Mia" he pleaded, "Ohhh go on then, go have fun" she said. He pulled her in for a kiss "Thanks baby, Love you" he shouted as he hopped off the bus "Love you too", its not that Jamia wanted to spoil his fun its just that when she was on tour with him she hated not spending time with him, she also hated being on the bus alone at night. She settled down in Franks bunk to watch a movie but fell asleep, she was awoken by a noise coming from the front of the bus and she just assumed it was Frank coming in early. When she got out of the bunk and headed towards the front of the bus it was really dark and she could just make out a figure coming through the door, after adjusting her eyes to the dark she studied the person in front of her, it was a man but it wasnt Frank. Jamia thought it maybe somebody from another band who were drunk and got on the wrong bus. She was half right, they were drunk but they werent a lost band member, it was Tony. "What are you doing here Tony. Why arent you with Frank?" he lunged towards her and pushed her down onto the seat, his stale breath on her lips "Because, I came for you" she tried to push him off but he held her firm and straddled her hips. For being drunk he was suprisingly strong. "You know Jamia, I have always been jealous of Frank being with you" his speech was slurred and he stroked his hand over her cheek, then moved down to her thigh. She winced and tried to wriggle free of him "Tony please get off me, Frank will be back soon" but he held her tighter. He unzipped his pants and lifted her skirt up. She tried to think of anything other than what was happening. Her legs started aching from the heavy body on top of her, Tony was grunting fast but it was eventually over. He got up, fastened his trousers and staggered to the bus door "Tell Frank and I will kill you" he turned and left, leaving Jamia sore and crying on the sofa.
End Flashback

Donna had not been expecting this at all. The whole time Jamia was telling the story she was just staring at the floor, as if she was ashamed. Donna pulled her into a hug while Jamia sobbed into her shoulder. "Its okay sweetie, its not your fault, but its not Franks either you really should tell him" Jamia nodded her head through tears "I know I should, but I cant I dont know what it would do to him, he will know I have lied all this time. I told him I had a miscarrige and he was crushed, I cant tell him the baby wasnt even his, I will have to face Tony, for Franks sake." Donna took Jamia by the shoulders and looked her in the eye "None of it is anybodys fault but Tonys, when the boys get home you need to tell Frank then go to the police" Jamia knew she was right. "You dont have to carry on if you dont want to, but what happened when Frank got back?" Donna asked curiously.

Frank left the pub and walked back to the bus, expecting to find Jamia asleep in his bunk but she was curled up on the sofa. He went over and lay next to her, putting his arms around her and brushing the hair out of her face. As he stroked her cheek, which he noticed was slightly damp with tears, she stirred and slowly opened her eyes, he smiled at her "Have you been crying Mia?" he asked sitting her up in his arms. "Just at the movie" she lied, "How come your in so late Frank" she said trying not to cry again. "We waited for Tony, but he never showed up" she flinched slightly at the sound of his name and held Frank close to her. "You want to go to bed?" he asked grinning at her, she knew what he meant but after what just happened she couldnt "Not tonight Frankie, Im too tired" she kissed him and fell back to sleep in his amrs, the only arms she felt safe in at that moment.
End Flashback

When Jamia was done, she and Donna talked and talked for hours. When they were done all Jamia wanted to do was go home, sleep and wake up so she could be one more day closer to Frank, and thats what she did.
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