Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Wait, Brendon Urie, He's Adopting Me?

William Beckett gave me his autograph!

by panic_at_the_disco 0 reviews

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2008-08-21 - Updated: 2008-08-21 - 1410 words - Complete

"Leigh wake up!!!" Josie was sitting on top of me.

"I only got 5 hours of sleep leave me alone," I groaned.

"Ana Marie Leigh Boswell, you get your rump off this bed!!" Lily yelled. My sisters were the only ones who knew my entire, long very long name.

"Why?" I asked. It was 7 a.m. and I was sleepy.

"Because Brendon said we had to go somewhere," Brendon said barging into the room. I am assuming he likes talking in 3rd person.

"Where and how am I involved?" I asked. I really didn't want to be bothered.

"Lily and Josie are going to meet my parents and then you and I are going somewhere," Brendon said, giving me a wink.

"Ohh," I said. Yes, I'm going to see them practice!

"I'll get dressed the minute everyone leaves the room," I said smiling.

"Oh yeah sure," Brendon said.

Lily and Josie followed Brendon.

I walked into my huge closet, and looked through my clothes. It was August. It's very hot here in Nevada. I chose my short black shorts. Then I grabbed my green The Academy is shirt. My friend gave it to me after going to a Decaydance Concert last spring. I put on my black converses, and left to the bathroom. I took my eyeliner with me, and started putting it on.

"Damn, I look fine," I said to myself in the mirror.

"Conceited much?" Brendon said coming into the bathroom.

"Yeah," I said. I did love myself, and thought I was better than everyone.

"We are going to catch breakfast before we get to Jon's house; the twins are going to eat at my parents" Brendon said.

"Okay," I waved goodbye to signal I wanted him out of the bathroom.

"Gotcha," he replied to my hand movement.

After about 20 minutes of waiting for Brendon in the bathroom we were out the door.

The car ride was pretty silent. My sisters sat in the back seats of the car and I sat in the front. I was scared to see Brendon drive. He only received his license 2 years ago, and never drives because he had someone drive him during tours.

"We're here," Brendon shouted to us.

"So this is Summerlin," I guessed.

"Yea, its home," he said.

"Josie, Lily, and Leigh, these are my parents," Brendon said greeting his parents.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Urie," I said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you to Leigh," Mrs. Urie said.

"Ma, can you give Josie and Lily breakfast, Leigh and I are late for something," he said.

"Sure, and Leigh it's nice to meet you," she said shaking my hand.

"Likewise," I replied.

I shook Mr. Urie's hand, and we left the Urie residence.

"So where are we going," I asked. I still had no idea where we were going.

"First we're getting food, I'm starving, and then we're going to Jon's house for practice," he replied.

"Cool, I still haven't met the entire band," I answered.

"You're going to love them, and they are going to love you, or I'll make them!" he said.

"Where are we eating?" I asked. Last night I was too pissed to eat, and I didn't have lunch. My last meal was over 24 hours ago.

"Here," Brendon stopped at a diner. We got out of the car, and nothing. I saw no flashing lights, nothing. This is good.

"What can I get you Mr. Urie?" an old lady asked Brendon at the counter.

"Coffee and toast," he answered.

"And you miss?" she asked me.

"I'll have waffles," I said.

We sat at the counter. The lady gave us our food.

"Urie, is this your new girlfriend, she's pretty young," she whispered into his ear.
I spit out all my milk.

"No," Brendon said in a really loud and stern voice.

"She's a friend's sister, and she's 13," he said.

"Oh nice meeting you?" she said.

"Leigh," I answered her.

"Brendon this is weird can we leave?" I asked.

"Sure she's acting kind of creepy today, Let me just finish my coffee," he replied.

We were out of there before you can say Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

"So are you anxious to meet the band?" he asked me while driving to Jon's place.

"Yeah, I so want to meet the rest of Panic!" I said.

"There's also a surprise," he said.

"Really what?" I asked. Maybe it was a pony.

"You'll see when you get there," he said. Ugh he's so mean, now he's going to get me all hyper. But there was no time for tat because.

"We're here," Brendon said.

I got out of the car. Brendon locked the car door, and he knocked. He knocked again. Then he ding-donged on the door bell. Jon came to the door.

"Oh you must be Leigh, I'm Jon," Jon said welcoming me into his apartment.

"Hi, Leigh said another voice."

I walked in and I saw.

"Holy shit you mother fucking William Beckett!!!!!" I screamed.

"Actually it's just Will, and nice to meet you," he said. I shook his hand.

'I'm practically your number one fan!" I screamed.

"B-den here said you were and asked me to come and meet you," Will said.

"Can I have an autograph?" I asked.

"Yeah sure," he said. He pulled out a picture of himself and wrote. To Leigh, the girl who loves me, signed William Beckett.

"You must be equipped with those," I said.

"Yeah, well I brought one for you," he said.

"I love you're songs," I said.

"You don't ours," Ryan said.

"Yeah I do, but I like theirs more, sorry," I said, "And don't call me a 'brat' again, remember our little chat yesterday," I said.

"Don't remind me," he said shyly.

"So we just have to wait for Spencer and then we'll start, oh and Will you're sticking around right," Jon asked him.

"Yeah, I'll sit and watch you guys with Leigh," he replied.

"Hi guys, and wow Leigh?" Spencer said coming into the room.

"SPENCER JAMES SMITH I HATE YOU DON'T TALK TO ME!!!" I screamed at him. Spencer is my cousin and I haven't talked to him since I was 6. He apparently doesn't talk about his cousins.

"Wow what the fuck is going on here?" Will asked.

"That idiot is my mother fucking cousin who hasn't said a word to me since 1999!" I yelled sobbing into Brendon's arms.

"What?" Brendon asked.

"You heard me Spencer is my mom's sister's son, which makes him my cousin," I said.

"I didn't know you had family in Jersey," Ryan said.

"I don't speak of them," he murmured.

"Wait so why weren't you adopted by Spencer?" Jon asked.

"He didn't want to," I said. My eyeliner was smudging.

"Spencer no offence, but that's kind of selfish," Brendon said.

"Look Ana, I'm sorry," he said.

"You don't deserve to call me by my first name," I screamed.

"Leigh, can't you forgive me, I know I'm a sucky cousin, but now I can repay for what I've done," he said.

"How can I Spence, you didn't even go to my parent's funeral," I said.

"I couldn't, we had a concert," he said.

"Don't you think they'd be okay with it?" I asked pointing to the rest of the band.

"I've never talked about my family in Jersey and well it would be sudden," he said.

"Geez Spencer I think they are humane enough to cancel one show," I said.

"Look I'm sorry, just forgive me," he said.

"You're on probation considering yourself warned, Ryan can tell you the consequences," I said. He gulped, in fear.

"Okay," he said, "Are Josie and Lily here I haven't seen them since they were like one."

"No, you can see them later," Brendon said.

"I think we should start practicing," Ryan implied.

"Yeah me too, you guys can sort the rest out later," Jon said.

They started to play, one of their favorite songs Build God then we'll talk.

"So Leigh you like our music?" Jon asked me.

"Can you play something I haven't heard, Ryan and Brendon sung that for me last night," I said.

"Fine we're going to play our biggest single, I write sins not tragedies,"

They played the song, and damn it was good. It sounded familiar, but I didn't know it.

"You like it?" Brendon asked.

"Do I like it I love it!' I said.

"More than ours?" Will asked.

"No, not that much Will," I whispered.
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