Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Untitled Story - Year 5

Term Starts

by matt311 0 reviews

Harry starts his 5th year - AU, eventual H/Hr. MildlyPowerful!Harry, Smart!Harry, TakesInitiative!Harry. See chapter one for more detailed summary.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-08-21 - Updated: 2008-08-22 - 3116 words - Complete

Chapter Three – Term Starts
Friday, 1 September, 1995
King’s Cross Station
Platform 9 ¾

In an unusual display of being ready, the Weasleys and Harry appeared at Kings Cross with more than a few minutes to spare. Harry, Ron, and Hermione quickly made their way to their usual compartment on the train, and waited for 11:00, while watching the platform slowly fill with parents, students, and families.

As the train pulled out of the station, the three started discussing the coming year.

“We still don’t know who the Defence professor will be. That textbook is the usual one for OWL year.” said Harry, frowning slightly.

“As long as it’s not Snape, although I wouldn’t mind someone else teaching potions. He’s been after the defence position for years.”

“I’d take Snape over another Lockhart any day. With Snape I’d at least have the possibility to learn something.” said Harry.

“We’ll just have to wait and see at the feast, as usual.” said Hermione.

After discussing that for a few minutes, the three pulled out books and started reading (A defence book from Hermione for his birthday for Harry, A book on Arithmancy for Hermione, and a Quidditch book for Ron).

They read in peace for a few hours, before being interrupted by their bi-annual visit from a certain Slytherin.

Harry looked up from his book and saw Malfoy framed in the door. He rolled his eyes and the compartment door slid shut again before Malfoy could do more than open his mouth. When it immediately opened again, he put the book down and frowned at Malfoy.

“I’d have thought even a pureblood such as yourself would have been taught basic manners. Is there something you need, Malfoy? Or did you just some here to gloat about something your father did.”

His train of thought thoroughly derailed, Malfoy closed his mouth and glared at Harry, before walking off. Harry closed the door again, and went back to reading.

As darkness started to fall, Harry put his book down and stretched.

“No Dementors this trip. No blasted Tournament. Anyone want to take bets on what will ruin this year or be involved in the Fifth Annual Moldishorts Parade?” asked Harry.

“Moldishorts?” asked Hermione with a grin.

“Well, people don’t like saying Voldemort, and saying He-Who’s-Name-Must-Be-Hyphenated just increases the fear associated with him. I figured that calling him something that people found amusing would take away some of that power.”

“That’s a good idea.”

“I thought so.”

As the train pulled into Hogsmeade station, the Trio made sure they had all their shrunken belongings in their pockets, and made their way off the train. When they reached the ‘horseless’ carriages, Harry stopped.

“Well, that explains how they move.”

“How what moves, Harry?” asked Hermione.

“The carriages. They’re pulled by Thestrals. I saw Cedric get killed, which explains why I can see them, but you two can’t. Also explains why that second year fell on his arse last year. Hard to walk around something you can’t see. Come on, lets get in a carriage before we have to wait for one.” said Harry, moving toward one of the empty carriages.

Once they were seated in the Great Hall, the first years sorted, and everyone quite hungry, Dumbledore said his usual piece (this year’s ‘few words’ were “Wankel Rotary Engine”, and food appeared on the tables.

Looking at the staff table, Harry frowned.

“Great. That’s wonderful.”

“Whams grrmht, -glump- Harry?” said Ron, through a mouthful of potatoes.

“I believe he said “What’s great, Harry””, said Hermione, shaking her head.

“I think I know who our new Defence professor is. I believe that woman in the pink is Delores Umbridge. If I remember right, she’s quite outspoken against so-called dark creatures, and, to quote her, “Dangerous Half Breeds”. Looks like a toad. I’d be bitter toward anything with part-human ancestry if one of mine was a toad, too.”

Ron, mouth now empty again, remembered something he had heard his father say.

“She’s the Senior Undersecretary to Fudge. Looks like she’s a ‘Toady’ in more than one sense.” said Ron.

They were treated to a spit-take from Neville, who had been listening.

After the desserts had been cleared away, Dumbledore stood and silence fell.

“For those of you joining us for the first time, Welcome. For those returning once again, welcome back. As always, the Forbidde–” started Dumbledore, before being interrupted by Umbridge clearing her throat. The hall was suddenly filled with whispers. Nobody had ever interrupted Dumbledore’s speech before.

As Umbridge gave her speech, both Harry and Hermione began to frown. When Umbridge had finished her speech, Dumbledore continued.

“Thank you, Professor Umbridge, for that… insightful speech. Now, as always the Forbidden Forest is off limits to all students, and the list of banned items is, as usual, posted in Mr. Filch’s office.”

“Well, this year ought to be interesting.” said Hermione, looking thoughtful, tuning out the rest of Dumbledore’s canned speech.

“Why?” asked Ron, looking confused.

“If you listened carefully, Ron, you’d know that the ministry is trying to interfere at Hogwarts. No doubt to curb the talk that Dumbledore is spreading about Voldemort being back.” said Harry.

As the students left the hall and made their way to their dormitories, Harry had the distinct feeling that Umbridge would be a painful thorn in the school’s side.
Monday, 4 September 1995
Great Hall
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Harry, Ron, and Hermione had finished eating and were looking over their schedules. All three had History of Magic first thing with the Hufflepuffs, followed by potions. Ron had Divination after Lunch, while Harry and Hermione had Ancient Runes. All three had Defence last.

Making their way to the History of Magic classroom, they took seats and prepared for another battle to stay awake.

As the three of them made their way to Defence, they, along with the rest of the students were somewhat apprehensive. They took seats near the front and took out their books and wands. When class started, Professor Umbridge entered the room wearing a shade of pink that was disgusting, and a black bow on the top of her head. Harry thought it looked like a fly perched on a toad.

“Wands away, books out.” said a smiling Professor Umbridge in a sickeningly sweet voice. Reaching the front of the classroom, she turned to the class.

“Good evening, class.”

She receives a few half-hearted good evenings and some grunts in return.

“Now, that won’t do at all. When I say “Good evening, class”, you say “Good evening Professor Umbridge”. Now, let’s try again. Good evening, class.”

“Good evening, Professor Umbridge” the class chanted back at her.

“That’s much better.” She waved her wand and a list appeared on the blackboard. “These are the objectives for this course. Copy them down and open your books and read chapter one. There will be no need to talk.”

As the class copied down the information, Hermione frowned. After the class had started to read, Hermione raised a hand. Umbridge ignored her. Gradually, the class started to watch Hermione, having found the first chapter to be quite dry. After about two thirds of the class was watching Hermione, Umbridge called on her.

“Yes, Miss…”

“Granger, Professor.”

“You had a question about the chapter?”

“No, about the course goals.”

“I find them quite understandable, Miss Granger.”

“I don’t see anything about practising defensive magic.”

“That is not part of this class. I know in the past, you have been subjected to a widely varying curriculum, and exposed to dangerous half breeds. This year’s course is designed to be safe and is Ministry Approved.” said Umbridge, and Harry thought you could almost hear the trademark on that phrase.

“Isn’t there a practical portion in the defence OWL?”

“Yes, but with a proper understanding of the theory involved, there is no reason you shouldn’t do well on the OWL.”

“So the first time we use anything in this class will be on the exam?” asked a now frowning Dean Thomas.

“So we aren’t being taught how to use defensive magic at all?” asked a stunned Harry.

“Mr. Potter, why ever would you need to use defensive magic?” asked Umbridge in a sickly sweet voice.

“Oh, I don’t know… Voldemort, maybe?”

“Mr. Potter, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is dead! He is not a threat! I repeat there is no danger!” said Umbridge, losing her temper slightly.

“Oh? So, what you’re saying is that Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord?”

“Mr. Diggory’s death was a tragic accident. There is nothing to be worried about.”

“And Barty Crouch Jr.’s scheme to get me to Little Hangleton was all a figment of my imagination?”

“Mr Potter, Detention! The Ministry says that-” started Umbridge, but was cut off.

“Even without You-Know-Who, what about the crazed nuts that randomly fire reductor curses into a crowd? I suppose they aren’t a threat either?” said Seamus Finnigan.

“Mr. Finnigan, you have nothing to worry about. The Ministry has Aurors to protect the public from dangerous criminals.”

The class went back to reading. Well, except Harry and Hermione.

After a further 15 minutes of Hermione’s hand being up, Harry raised his.

“Yes, Mr. Potter?”

“I already read the first chapter.”

“Then you can read the second one.”

“I already read it as well. I’ve finished the book.”

“Oh? What did Slinkhard say about Jinxes in Chapter 15?”

“He says that jinxes are just hexes that people want to sound more acceptable.” replied Harry, looking slightly bored.

“Very well, you may do work from another class.” said Umbridge.

Harry shrugged, and conjured a medium-sized sphere in front of him. He was slowly adding details to it, and colouring it using magic while rotating it in mid-air in front of him, when Umbridge noticed.

“Mr. Potter, what are you doing?”

“Making a globe.”

“What class is that for?”

“It’s not for a class. I didn’t have any work for other classes that I could work on, so I decided to make a globe.”

“Mr. Potter, I did not say you could use wands in this classroom. Put it away and find something else to do.”

“I’m not using a wand, Ma’am. I haven’t actually needed one since first year.” said Harry, wondering what her reaction to that would be. He was surprised when she drew her wand.

“Mr. Potter, you need to come with me. I’m taking you into ministry custody for using dark rituals.”

Harry, along with the rest of the class, simply stared at Umbridge. “Dark rituals? I haven’t done any rituals, to my knowledge, dark or light.”

“Mr. Potter, that is impossible. Only very powerful wizards can do wandless magic, and you are too young to have that power naturally.” stated Umbridge with conviction.

“Sorry to contradict you, but it has little to nothing to do with power. It’s more related to your strength of will.”

“That’s a lie. The Ministry says that–” but was cut off by an irritated Harry.

“So that they can track magic usage, since they are incapable of tracing wandless-magic. I am not being put in ministry custody for using dark rituals, having performed none. I’m sure you can verify that with Veritaserum.”

“Mr. Potter you will come with me! Users of dark magic must be punished with the full force of the law!”

“And, Professor Umbridge, that same law requires PROOF before you can even detain me, let alone serve any punishment. Now, since I have nothing to do in this class, I am leaving. I will be at detention.” said a thoroughly irritated Harry Potter, before taking his things and leaving the room, his cloak billowing, proving that Professor Snape did not have a monopoly on that effect.
The trio was eating dinner when Professor McGonagall approached them.

“Mr. Potter, I would like to see you in my office after dinner.”

As McGonagall walked away, Harry grimaced. “I’ll bet that’s about Defence. See you in the common room.”
Arriving outside McGonagall’s office, he knocked and was told to enter.

“Please, take a seat, Mr. Potter. Have a biscuit.”


“Have a biscuit.” repeated Professor McGonagall.

Taking a biscuit, Harry sat down, and started eating.

“Mr. Potter, Professor Umbridge came to me today complaining about you spreading lies and saying you used dark rituals to boost your power. If by lies she is referring to Voldemort returning, I suggest you keep your head down. I told her she was quite wrong about the dark rituals, but she still seems insistent on that. That may come back to haunt you. Remember, she works for Fudge. Just keep your head down and don’t stir up trouble. Now, she said to tell you that your detention was tomorrow after dinner.” said McGonagall.

Harry made his way back to the common room.
Thursday, 7 September 1995
Outside Potions
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

“So, Potter, I hear you didn’t think you were powerful enough, so you used some dark rituals to give yourself a boost.”

“I’m afraid you heard wrong, Malfoy. I have no need to increase my magical power, having no need to make myself feel superior. I also haevn’t performed any rituals, light OR dark, since I have no desire to resemble a cross between a snake and a human, unlike that thing your father bows to. On that note, you might tell him that he may do better if he had something to offer besides NOT Crucio-ing you.”

Draco, unable to say anything that might reveal something, just sneered and entered the classroom.

After another session of favouritism and verbal abuse by Snape, the trio headed to the common room until dinner. After Harry finished his meal, he rose.

“Well, I’m off to detention with Umbridge. If you hear a large explosion from that part of the castle, either the Twins got to her or I had enough and blew out a wall or something.”
Entering Umbridge’s office, he was forced to repress the urge to return his dinner to the world partially digested. The office was covered in kittens. Well, pictures of them. On plates, cups, paintings, mobiles, and the wallpaper. It was also covered in pink.

“Please take a seat Mr. Potter. You will be doing lines.”

He was starting to get out his quill, ink, and parchment, when he was stopped by Umbridge.

“You’ll only need parchment, Mr. Potter. You’ll be using this.” Umbridge said, holding out an odd looking quill.

“What will I be writing?” asked Harry.

“I must not tell lies.”

“How many times?”

“Oh, until the message sinks in.” said Umbridge in sweetly.

Lovely, thought Harry, looking over the quill. A Blood Quill. What I would do for a pensive. Well, better disable that little feature for the moment…

Harry started scratching at the paper with the quill. After about 2 minutes, he stopped.

“Professor, I think your quill is defective. No matter what I do, it won’t write.”

Professor Umbridge came over, and tested the quill. A hiss told him it worked fine for her. Taking it when she handed it back to him, he wandlessly negated the magic in the quill again, and tried writing. Umbridge, being the bigot she was, didn’t know of any way to prevent a blood quill from working, and so thought there was none.

“Mr. Potter, put the quill on the desk and place your hands next to it.”

Suspecting she was going to scan for any spells or alteration, he removed the effects from the quill. When her scans showed that everything was normal, she started talking to herself. After a few minutes, and hearing the direction the talk was moving, Harry put up an invisible shield. Sure enough, Umbridge attempted to wipe his memory of the detention, failing because of Harry’s shield. Thinking she had covered her bases, she sent Harry on his way.

Arriving in the common room, Harry found Ron and Hermione sitting at a table near the back, studying, or in Ron’s case, staring at the pages blankly. When he sat down across from them, they looked up.

“Well?” asked Ron.

“I hope for Fudge’s sake he is unaware of what she is doing.”

“Why’s that?” asked Hermione.

“Well, she tried to make me use a Blood Quill to do lines. She got frustrated when it wouldn’t work for me, and tried to erase my memory of the detention. I’m not going to report it though. Not yet, anyway. From my legilimency scans, she is only trying to silence me. As I can disable or shield myself from most anything she does, I’ll just wait for it to be to my advantage before I report it.”

“But Blood Quills are illegal to use for anything other than signing legal documents!” protested Hermione.

“Yes, and if she destroys the quill, who would believe me? Even using Veritaserum, Fudge’s Mouthpiece would make me out to be lying to get attention. I’ll wait until it benefits me to turn her in. By then, I should have quite a laundry list against her. Maybe I’ll get lucky and be able to take Fudge down with her.”

Hermione looked sceptical, and Ron looked hopeful.

“Anyway, I’m going to be starting to work out some. No sense in having a staff if I can’t use it properly, either because I don’t know how, or because I don’t have the strength to use it effectively. You two want to join me?”

“Definitely. I’ve never understood what it is the magical world has against physical activity, not to mention the food.” said Hermione. “I imagine the already long lifespan would increase dramatically if they didn’t eat so much junk and took care of their bodies.”

At the mention of food, Ron looked up.

“What food should we be eating then?” he asked.

“For starters, more fruit and less puddings.” said Hermione.

“Well, why don’t we get up early tomorrow, and we can go out to the pitch and do some exercises before breakfast. I found a book about the relationship between physical strength and magical strength. Apparently, you don’t tire as easily in duels if you’re fit. I’ll ask the elves what they can do for healthier food.” said Harry.
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