Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Jesus Of Disturbia

New Neighbours!

by lornabee19 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-08-24 - Updated: 2008-08-24 - 1623 words


Narrator’s POV

It’s four days into Gerard’s sentence. Without use of the phone or internet, he was finding himself running out of things to occupy him. He only had a small group of friends, and the only way he kept in touch with them was texting them or messaging them on AIM. They never came over to his house. Mikey was in most of the time, since school had finished and it was now officially summer vacation.

Mikey never was one for mornings, so Gerard usually didn’t see him until the afternoon. They had been playing video games the day before, but their mom came early home and caught Gerard. So no more video games.

Mrs Way worked during the day at a small café only a few miles away. Mr Way wasn’t around. He left when Gerard was 13 and Mikey was 11. The reason was still unknown to the brothers. Their mom took it hard, but always put on a brave face. Gerard respected his mother so much. He knew that she would do anything for her kids. That’s why Gerard never played video games (well only once) or used the internet or tried to steal back his cell phone while she was at work. He wanted her to know that she could trust him.

Gerard was sitting on his bed literally twiddling his thumbs. Mikey had gone out with some chick from school, leaving him alone in the house. Out of sheer boredom, he hauled himself up from his bed and made his way over to the window. He could see the whole street from his room. He had two windows on different walls you see. From the one above his desk he could see out into the front yard and the three houses directly across the street from him. Out of the other window he could see into the next door neighbour’s house (which was empty) and back yard, as well as down the avenue. It was a little suburban street. Not as pristine and perfect as Wisteria Lane, but not too shabby.

He looked out of the window above his drawing desk again. The house directly in front of the Way residence belonged to the Parkers. Mr Parker was just leaving, right after his SUV left the drive, another car pulled up. A younger man climbed out of the new car. Gerard recognised him as the window cleaner. He did most of the houses on the street. He didn’t usually come ’till Wednesday. It was only Monday. Gerard’s old pair of binoculars caught his eye from on top of his book shelf. He reached up for them and brought them to his face. Once he adjusted the focus, he searched for the Parker’s front room window. He gasped then laughed out loud at what he saw. Mrs Parker and the window cleaner sucking face.

Getting bored with the Parker’s house, he turned his attention to further down the sidewalk. Mr Henderson was walking his hell hound of a dog. Gerard recalled back when he was 10, he had a paper round in the mornings before school. Mr Henderson’s mutt always chased him out of the yard, barking and snarling. It was a big dog, looked a little like a husky, it’s name was Wolf or something like that. Shaking his head of the thought, he watched as the dog pulled old man Henderson along. It was like he was a frail rag doll being strung along. Gerard giggled to himself and sat down at his desk and flipped open his sketch pad.

2o minutes later, in front of him was a small cartoon sketch of a rotting, zombie like man holding on to a thick chain that was attached to the neck of a large werewolf. The creature was half standing. Trees of suburbia were blurs in the background. It wasn’t coloured in detail or anything, but he had added some odd splashes of colour here and there.

His attention was taken away from his ‘masterpiece’ by the sound of a loud engine. Louder than any of his neighbour’s cars. Looking out the window once again, he saw two U-Haul trucks outside. Just in front of them was another car. A large, red SUV. What is it with SUVs around here? It was parked in next door’s drive. New neighbours!

Gerard’s POV

New neighbours. I thought that house was going to lie empty forever. Really, the last family moved out just over three years ago. I looked down at the red car in front of the trucks. A tall man who looked to be in his forties stepped out from the driver’s side. He was wearing formal pants and a shirt. I thought it was a kinda weird clothing choice for moving house. Next out of the car was a slender woman, she was wearing white pants and a pink top. She looked like a Stepford Wife. I was getting bored with the new family and was just about to get back to the finishing touches of my drawing, when the woman suddenly shouted something. I couldn’t quite hear though.

“FRANK!” I heard it that time. One of the back doors opened. A boy around my age stepped out. Well, actually, he more kind of fell out. I guess that was Frank then. From where I was he looked quite short. He had dark hair and his skin was fairly tanned by the looks of it. Before I even had a good look at him, he disappeared inside.

No! I want to be the nosey neighbour. How can I do that if he just takes is ass inside right away?

Really, why do I care?

Shrugging, I sat back down at my desk, picked up my green sharpie and was about to get back to drawing the trees when the door bell rang. Sighing in frustration, I threw the pen at the wall and proceeded to make my way downstairs to the front door. As soon as I opened it I got an egg thrown right in my face. Now I don’t mean that metaphorical egg. No. I mean the really kind.

And it hurt.

Then more came hurtling towards me, most just hitting the wall on either side of me. I looked through the yolk on my face to witness Ellis Dawson and two other guys on bikes, with empty egg boxes in their hands.

I lost it.

I flew down the front lawn and on to the side walk then on to the road. Ellis and his followers high tailed it and started to pedal. I don’t know what I’m going to do when I catch them. But fuck, I really wanted to hurt one of them.

“Shit man!” One of them called out. Not expecting me to run after them.

“I thought he couldn’t leave his house!!” Another shouted to Ellis.

“I thought he couldn’t either!”


I was like one of those cartoons that stop running and it looks like smoke is coming from their feet.

I really didn’t think I could run this fast.

I was nearly there.

My bracelet was bleeping red. Not good! I sprinted so fast I swear coach Goodman would have been proud. I launched myself onto my front lawn. Sprawled out on the grass, praying for the light to change back to green. Just as it did, a squad car screeched to a halt in my drive. The passenger officer running out and pinning me to the ground. I had to twist my head to the side so that my face didn’t get broken by the cement I was currently nailed to by the officer sitting on my back.

As I did so, I noticed the boy from earlier on looking over from the front steps of his new home. His mouth opening then closing, making him look a little like a shocked fish. Although I honestly don’t have a clue what a shocked fish looks like. But I’m sure it would look something along those lines. I just smirked at him as I was hauled up from the ground and pushed in through my front door. My mom running in just after. Where the hell had she come from?

After half an hour of questions, they finally believed me that our house had been vandalised ( I thought the yellow yolk streaming down the wall would be evidence enough) and that I had simply forgotten about the GPS thing. I was let off with a warning. Whoop de fucking do.

Frank’s POV

Half an hour in this fucking neighbourhood and already the cops show up. I really hate this. I looked over to the house the police car had skidded into. There was a boy sprawled out on the lawn. Was he trying to break in or something? He twisted his head to look at me from where he was under the police officer. He was a good looking kid. I didn’t want to stare though. God knows who could see me. I just stood there with what was probably the most god awful look on my face. He smirked at me and then was pulled up and shoved forwards. A frantic woman chasing close behind.


Came the snip of my mother’s voice. I turned to look at her. She was pointing to the door. I swear, sometimes she treats me as though I am one of her ‘award winning’ mutts. I just bowed my head down miserably and lumbered back to my new hell hole… I mean house.

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