Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Would You Be There Should I Stumble And Fall?

Chapter 1 - They can't save us now

by x-The-Black-Parade-x 1 review

In a world that doesn't seem to care, who would you turn to?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-08-28 - Updated: 2008-08-28 - 975 words

A/N: hey guys, I posted this story a while ago, but then I didn't like where it was going so I deleted it... but now I've changed it a bit so I thought I'd repost it, see what you guys think, so can you review it please? thankkkksss =]

Chapter 1 - They can't save us now

Why was my life like this? Nothing could ever just go right. It always has to be corrupt in some way or another.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door,

"Yeah?" I called out, slightly annoyed with the person that had interupted my thoughts

"Don't you fucking talk to me like that!!" came the angry reply

Great, I didn't realise my step-father was home, he shouldn't be home for at least another hour I thought as he slammed open my bedroom door and at the same time managing to crack the wall behind it slightly. I knew I was in for it, and if I tried to escape, it would only make things worse, anyway I didn’t have much time to move as he stormed across the room I knew what was going to happen next and the worst part was, knowing that I couldn't do anything to stop it.
My real dad, died in a car-crash two years ago, when I was thirteen, he was pissed because he had just found out that his wife, my mother, had been having an affair with I feel so guilty; I should have been in the car with him, I should have left mum like he had done, and had wanted me to. This, thing, that my mother had now asked to move in with us, had never liked me although I would never have thought that he would resolve to this, but now I was used to it... If you could call it that, everyday without fail he would come home, drunk from a day at the pub and beat me until I was border-line unconscious.

"Get out you dirty fucking whore!" He screamed as he continued to pound his fist into my stomach over and over again.

I quickly grabbed my black and white spotted vans from the bottom of my bed and ran out the door, and I didn’t stop, I was running for my life. I finally ended up at my boyfriend, Bob’s house. I knocked on the door as I felt the blood pouring from a cut just above my right eye.
"Holy fuck!" he said as he wrapped his arms around me and lead me into the safety of his home, I used to feel this way, when it was me, mum and real dad the one who didn’t hit me, the one who loved me, and would do anything to make sure I was ok, and I was happy. Bob looked at me with sympathetic eyes, I could tell what he was thinking, this had gone far enough. He didn't have to ask who done this to me, because he already knew. Luckily Bob's parents were still out at work and I wasn’t ready, yet to tell anyone what had happened. I followed Bob into the bathroom and he cleaned up my cuts and put bandages around places that needed it most. When he had finished he lead me into his living room, and let me fall asleep in his arms.

I woke up, to the sound of Bob talking to his mum in the kitchen. I looked down, and realized that a cushion was supporting my head, with a blanket wrapped over my shivering body, I glanced at my phone which was sitting on the coffee table in front of me, it read 6:00 wait, I left my phone in my bedroom when I was ordered to get out... I only got my vans... I looked around, nothing else was here, then I noticed, my all time favourite teddy-bear in my arms that I’ve had ever since I’ve been born.


"ahh, you’re awake" he smiled as he walked into the living room, crouching down in front of me he explained "Listen, I went to your house, after you fell asleep, 'cause I figured that you'd be asleep for a bit, and you couldn't really go back and I got some of your stuff, that I thought you might need, cause mum says you can stay for a couple days"

"But... But ..." I said, nearly bursting into tears, he was so sweet; I really didn’t deserve anyone like him.

"Sssh, it's okay, your safe here" I guess he could sense the worry in my voice, what if he came looking for me? What would happen after a couple of days when I had to go back home? It would just make things worse, and this time he would have an excuse to hit me. All these thoughts ran across my mind.

I smiled at him; I really do love him I thought. I got up and went into the kitchen to talk to his mum, and say thank-you.

"Amy? What happened to you hun?" oh crap, I forgot to put make-up over my cuts.

"Umm..." I said trying to think of how to say it, I couldn't lie to her; she's been like a mum to me over the past few years, a lot damn better than mine. My eyes welled up with tears even just thinking of all the torture and abuse I’ve gotten over the past two years. Just as I was about to explain, Bob came in, he had obviously been listening in, he took my hand, and looked me in the eyes and I nodded, as to say yes you can tell her, he told her everything as his mum bursts into tears.
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