Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Untold Paradox

Broken Friends

by Dondon1827 2 reviews

Oh dear, things arent looking good

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-08-30 - Updated: 2008-08-31 - 1197 words

The next day Frank and Jamia were taken up to Evergreen health Care Unit in one of the hospitals private cars, they would be there for about 2 hours, then would be driven back and free to leave and go home. The ride up there was boring and quiet, Jamia slept with her head on Frank's shoulder and he just stared out of the car window most of the time.
"Were here" said the driver from the front seat. Jamia stirred and opened her eyes yawning "Lets get this over with" she said getting out of the car. "Thanks for the ride man, see you in a few" Frank said to the driver through the side window. They walked into the hospital hand in hand, not prepared at all for the sight that was about to greet them.

"Alicia, Mikey?"

They both turned around, shocked with the face that greeted them. "Jamia? What the fuck?" Mikey exclaimed going into panic mode. She half laughed "Nice to see you too"
Alicia, who had said nothing yet, was starting to panic too. She and Mikey didnt handle on the spot pressure well, she knew she would give away why they were there so she quickly formed a little plan in her head. "So what are you doing all the way up here Jamia?" she asked, leading them all over to a group of chairs in the waiting room. "I have came up here for my last test, then I can go home" she squealed, Alicia smiled "That's great news Jamia, I missed you" she said hugging her for the first time in ages. "So what are you both doing here?" Jamia asked breaking off the hug. Alicia and Mikey exchanged worried glances. "I knew you were going to be here, so we came up here to suprise you" she said nervously. "But didnt you just ask why we were here?" Frank added. "Yeah, but I had to play along didnt I?" she lied. They bought it though, Mikey and Frank went off to find some coffee. Jamia turned to Alicia "So why are you really here Alicia? Do you have an appointment or something? Is it about you self harming again?" Jamia asked, in a low whisper. "Jamia you know Mikey doesnt know about that so why would I bring him here if it was about that?" she said, getting worried Mikey would walk back any second. "So you dont have an appointment?" Jamia asked her. She shook her head "No Jamia, I dont", but she wasnt convinced "Alicia, you know you can tell me if you do." This was making Alicia really nervous, she was trying to avoid lying to Jamia but it looked like she was going to have to eventually. "Would I lie to you?" Alicia asked Jamia, hoping she would say no. She was about to answer when a smartly dressed lady stepped into the waiting room and started looking around.

"Miss.Simmons, they doctor will see you now" she said before briskly walking away again. Jamia looked at Alicia who bit her lip. "Obviously you would" she said before getting up and walking in the opposite direction.

Alicia ignored the fact she had been called in by the doctor "Jamia, wait up, let me explain" she called running after her. She grabbed her arm but Jamia just pulled away "Dont touch me Alicia" she said through gritted teeth. Mikey and Frank walked around the corner, coffee in hand. "Woah, what's going on here" Frank asked, suprised the two girls were arguing. "Well you could ask Alicia, but Im guessing she woud just lie to you" Jamia spat. Mikey sighed "So she found out about the baby?" he said. Alicia's whole body stiffened. "Baby? What baby?" Jamia said looking back and forth from Mikey to Alicia. "Shit" Mikey mumbled under his breath. "I said what fucking baby?" Jamia said, raising her voice this time. Alicia sighed "I think you shoud sit down, both of you" she said, trying to take Jamia's hand. She pulled away in disgust "I also said dont touch me. Just tell me what the fuck is going on" she cried. Mikey looked at Frank as if to say 'lets get out the way of all this' he caught on and they both turned to leave. "Stay were you are, both of you" Jamia said not taking her eyes off Alicia. They stopped and walked back to where they were. "I will say it once more, what fucking baby?" Jamia said in an angry whisper. Alicia sighed, she knew she couldnt keep it a secret from them both. "Me and Mikey are going to have a baby" she said. Jamia gasped "So your here for a scan or something?" Alicia shook her head. "Im here for an abortion, we just dont feel ready for a baby" she told them. "So why keep it from me?" Jamia wondered. Alicia looked at Mikey for some help and he stepped in, "Because when we found out you couldnt have kids, we thought it may hurt your feelings to find out Alicia was having an abortion" he told her. She shook her head "The truth is all I want from my friends" she said, still sounding angry. "You really worried me All, I thought you were here because you were cutting again, Im just pleased its not something that bad" as soon as the words left her mouth she realised what she had done. Mikey drew in a sharp breath "You-you what?" he said sounding hurt. Jamia shook her head as she clamped her hand over her mouth "Im so sorry, I didnt mean to say that." Alicia took it totally the wrong way "Fuck you Jamia" she shouted. Jamia looked shocked "Excuse me?" she said in disbelief.
"So I lie to you to try and spare your feelings then you go and 'accidentally' tell my boyfriend something I didnt want him to know" Alicia cried waving her hands in the air. Jamia hadn't even thought of it like that "Alicia, I didnt mean it in that way at all, Im sorry" she said, meaning every word of it. But Alicia wasnt having it she just waved her hand in the air, "Whatever, C'mon Mikey, I got called before, lets go" she said walking in the direction of the doctor's room. "Im not going anywhere with you" he said. She turned around "What?"
"I said Im not going anywhere with you, do I have to spell it out?" he stated plain as ever. Tears stung at Alicia's eyes, but she swallowed her pride and fought them back. "Thanks so much Jamia, some fucking best friend you are" she said before turning on her heel nad dissapearing into the doctors office. Mikey just sat there, stunned by what he had just heard. This was going to take him a long time to get over.

Sorry about the shortness, I have a really good idea and while Im out tomorow selling some sturrrf I will organise it in a chapter. Then I shall post it tomorow later on. Yes two chapter, cause Im feeling nice ^_^

Love to you all!
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