Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Bite Me

01. Meeting the Dandies

by WaYcEsTisLoVe 0 reviews

Only one thing was going through my mind: *Could this BE any more cliche?*

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Horror,Romance - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2008-09-04 - Updated: 2008-09-11 - 867 words - Complete

This time seems as good as any to tell you some things about vampires you might not know.
1. The more powerful vampires each have the ability to project any given feeling onto a person or persons of their choice.
2. Other vampires can sense the feeling, but it doesn't affect them.
3. Vampires have super strength, can read minds, can teleport, and heal faster than humans.
4. Each vampire clan has a power all their own. The Dandies can hypnotize humans and make them do their bidding, The Goths can change their appearance at will, The Punks have X-ray vision, and The Thugs have a super-refined sense of hearing.

The alleyway before me was eerily silent.

I walked slowly, knowing even with my silent footsteps my presence was known. Through all the careful movements and cautiousness, however, only one thing was going through my mind.

Could this be any more cliche?

I mean, come on.

Innocent female victim?


Creepy, dark, one-exit alleyway?


Vampires charging at me with their fangs bared?

Oh shit!

I moved quickly and reached for the stake hidden beneath my black leather trench coat. Grasping the wooden object, I threw it at the closest vampire, smirking when I heard the familiar sound of a body turning to ash.

The three remaining vampires stopped and looked at me warily. I used this pause in attack to take in their appearences.

The one at the front of the group was wearing a dark blue suit jacket with dark brown dress pants and a cream coloured bowler hat. He had dark hair and I could tell he had tan skin before he was turned. He was surrounded by a strong aura of authority. I had done enough research into the Dandies to know almost immediately that this was Beckett's second-in-command, Brendon Urie.

The vampire standing to his back right was only slightly taller than Brendon. He had dark brown hair that was mostly concealed under a black bowler's hat. The aforementioned hat clashed terribly with the vampire's brown suit. He stood in very close proximity to Brendon, revealing their close relationship; ergo he could be none other than Ryan Ross.

To Brendon's left was a vampire very different in appearence. His stringy black hair fell to just above his shoulders. Pale, almost white skin covered his face, much different from either Brendon or Ryan. The crisp white gloves on his hands showed he didn't hunt often, immediately identifying him as Mike Carden, Beckett's personal "yes" man.

My comments were all directed at Brendon, knowing Ryan was too timid to reply, and Mike just didn't seem all that interested in what was happening.

"You must be the Dandies I've heard so much about." I stated obviously. I came to Chicago to rid the city of them and the other three vampire clans that infested it.

"That would be us, yes. What's a pretty girl like you doing all alone in a dark alley at this time of night?"

Don't you just LOVE when an annoying vampire patronizes you?

Yeah. . . me niether.

"What kind of vampire doesn't immediately attack one in such a predicament, Brendon?"

Ryan and Mike looked impressed to say the least.

"So it's true." Mike whispered. "She is an-" He was interrupted by a powerful presence filling the alley. Brendon sighed deeply before looking at me.

"Until next time. And there WILL be a next time." The three of them disappeared leaving me with the source of the overwhelming fear filling the alley. (Although I already had a pretty good idea as to who it was.)

"Anck Su Namun." (Pronounced A-knock-soo-nah-moon.) A soft but powerful whisper filled the alley.

Before I could register what was happening, I was up against the brick wall with my arms pinned above my head.

I struggled against his super-human hold, but it was no use.

He was cloaked in darkness, adding to the fear I already felt.

"Who are you?"

Despite me being afraid, my voice was filled with venom. He leaned closer to me so he was bathed in the dull light coming from a street lamp.

I was right in my assumptions.

Standing there, right in front of me, was William Beckett, leader of the Dandies. His light brown hair fell just above his shoulders. My estimations put him at about six foot and he was very thin. The tan suit clothing him reminded me of the one Ryan was wearing.

What captivated me most, however, were his eyes. They were a light brown with just a hint of green. Something in them held my attention and I couldn't look away. I was drawn to him by some invisible force.

Had I not been oogling him, my common sense would have kicked in, and he wouldn't have been able to enthrall me.

The trance I was in broke when the alley was filled with a presence cloaked in anger and hatred.

"Put the girl down, Beckett." The voice spat his name as if it left a bad taste in his mouth.

William looked away from me toward the newcomer. His eyes lit up in delight as he saw who it was.

"How nice of you to join us, Peter."
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