Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > When It Rains It Pours

Chapter I

by ItRainsInWonderland 0 reviews

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Inuyasha,Kagome,Sesshoumaru - Published: 2008-08-09 - Updated: 2008-09-06 - 648 words

The wind whipped around me. I was cold, but I could never seem to get warm. Today didn’t feel right. My stomach ached, my head hurt, and I started to shake. I couldn’t control myself. The shaking got worse and soon I was unconscious. I had a seizure. I was epileptic and I knew that. This had happened many times before, but this time I didn’t wake up in the same place. I didn’t even wake up at home or in the hospital. I had my seizure just outside of my school and woke up in Feudal Japan. At first, I didn’t know where I was. I had just woken up in a field of grass. I thought I was dreaming, but when I saw the villagers standing around me I knew I wasn’t dreaming.

“Is it a demon?” One of them asked.

“She looks human.” Another one said. They all gasped and backed away when I sat up.

“What happened?” I asked, to no one in specific. A woman stepped forward.

“There was a ball of light in our field and then when it was gone, you were here.” I was so confused. Everything was so different. And just as the woman was helping me up I saw a school girl. She looked just as confused as I was. There was a funny looking man with her. He had long, white hair and dog ears and when everyone else noticed, they panicked. They shouted, calling him a demon and in the confusion I found my way to the girl.

“Girl, what is your name?” I asked her.

“My name is Kagome.” She answered.

“I am Rain. Can you tell me how I got here?” She looked worried.

“You shouldn’t be here. Do you know where we are?”

“No.” She bit her lip before she replied.

“We’re in Feudal Japan.” My body seemed to stop. Everything just stopped. My heart, my stomach, my brain. It all stopped. But everything else kept moving.

“H-How did we end up in Feudal Japan?!” I screamed.

“Well, I don’t know how you got here.” The commotion started to settle, as Kagome’s other companions convinced the villagers that the man with dog ears would not harm them.

“Come. We need to get you fed.” The old woman demanded. I hesitated, wanting more answers from Kagome.

“I can help her. It’s ok. She’ll be traveling with us now.” Kagome insisted. The woman looked hesitant, but let me stay anyways.

Kagome introduced me to her companions and they asked me many questions. I answered their questions and also asked some of my own. They told me about how Kagome could go back to her time whenever she pleased, but not everyone could. I told them about what the woman had said about when I arrived and how I had a seizure when I came here. No one but Kagome seemed to understand what that meant and she asked if I would be needing medication.

“I don’t know. I’m thinking that maybe if I have another seizure, I can go home that way. If not, then I will eventually need more medication. Right now I’m ok. I carry my life with me in my bag.” I held my bag close and she giggled. I had a brush, toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouth wash, extra clothes, hand sanitizer, shampoo, conditioner, a pocket knife, this list goes on.

“Just stick with us. We’ll help you figure this out.” Everyone seemed happy with the new addition especially Miroku, but Inuyasha didn’t seem too pleased. He wasn’t very pleasant to be around and no matter how much Kagome defended him, I found that I liked him less and less every second. “Let’s all get some rest now. It’s been a busy day.”
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