Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Episode 1: Robinson and Scarlet

Chapter 4

by sky01 2 reviews


Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2008-09-07 - Updated: 2008-09-08 - 529 words - Complete


Down Emmet went he plunged head first into the water making a humongous splash. Delilah then dove into the water, untying and rescuing her friend while Julius fought Robinson.

Julius: You know, Scarlet will never marry you.

In response to that Robinson punched Julius right in the gut making him fall hard on the ground in a lot of pain.

Delilah: Julius!!

Delilah then ran to her friend in need, while Scarlet ran to Emmet’s need, leaving Zoe and Nosey to fight Robinson.

Delilah: Julius are you okay???

Julius: My gut…. It hurts.

Delilah: Aww Julius. She said as she began to stroke his beautiful blonde hair.

Julius then clutched his gut in pain.

Delilah: Let me see it.

All Julius did was nod his head. Delilah then unrolled Julius blue long sleeve shirt up.

Delilah: On the plus side, your six pack looks better then ever.

Julius chuckled at this.

Julius: But this tiny bruise won’t stop us from defeating Robinson, will it?

Delilah: Of course not. She said with a bright smile on her face.

Julius: But you know what would make me feel better at this moment?

Delilah: No, what? She said giving a light chuckle

Julius: A kiss.

Delilah: Cheek or Lips.

Julius: Lips.

Delilah: Short or long?

Julius: Short, for now though.

Delilah: Let’s proceed, shall we?

Julius: We shall.

They then leaned in for a short passionate kiss.

Zoe and Nosey: Guys a little help here?!

Delilah and Julius: Oh… sorry about that.

The 2 then ran toward Robinson. Kicking, punching, tackling, kneeing until he couldn’t handle anymore.

Robinson: Okay I give!

Julius: Finally!

Delilah: But still why would you go through all this trouble just for Scarlet?

Robinson: Because I love her.

Scarlet: Well I’m sorry sugar, but we all knew that was never going to happen.

Robinson: I didn’t.

Emmet: That’s because you were blinded by love.

Zoe: Though love is a powerful thing.

Delilah and Julius both smiled at this.

Delilah & Julius: Why yes it is.

Robinson: Just lock me up, the last thing I want to see is these 2 love birds flirting with each other.

Julius: Jealous Robinson?

Robinson: No! Just disgusted.

Delilah: Nah it’s jealousy alright.

Robinson: Anyways Scarlet, wait for me.

Scarlet: I’ll be the judge of that sugar.

Robinson: So is that a maybe?

Scarlet: That would be a NEVER!

Robinson: Just lock me up.

Julius: Gladly.

(Back at the academy) (A week later)

Emmet & Nosey: Go! Go! Go! Yah! WOOT!!!

Julius: Women’s beach volleyball?

Emmet: Oh yah! Well I have to make up for last weeks lose.

Julius: True.

Nosey: Aren’t you going to join us?

Julius: Not today, for now I have some unfinished business with Delilah.

Emmet: Oh? I see. Well have fun.

Julius: Oh don’t worry we will.

(Delilah’s room)

Delilah: So where were we again?

Julius: Here.

Julius then tackled Delilah to the ground.

Delilah: Hey! No fair I was caught off guard.

Julius: That’s no excuse.

Delilah then wacked Julius with a pillow.

Delilah: How’s that for playing fair?

They both busted out laughing.

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