Categories > Books > Peter Pan > Images of Broken Souls

A Change In Time

by LightSpinner 0 reviews

The gang has reached Neverland, and there is one question that takes precedence over all others. How easily can a place that magical suck you back in?

Category: Peter Pan - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: John, Lost Boys, Peter, Tiger Lily, Tinker Bell - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-03-06 - Updated: 2006-03-07 - 1551 words

Images of Broken Souls
Chapter Five: A Change In Time

There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.
- Nelson Mandela -

Later that evening Nicole noticed the lone stump. Frowning, she walked over to it. It looked as if-

"Hey," Mandy said, heading over.

"Hi." Spying the blonde's flushed face. "How was your dance?"

"Five dances in a row, actually."

"All with Walker," Nicole smiled. "One could wonder."

"That's not the only thing someone could wonder about. One could also wonder about why Peter gave you that bracelet."

"That's simple. He wants us to stay, and he knows I can make sure that we don't," replied Nicole succinctly.

"A pessimistic outlook. Where's a lighter note to continue on," Mandy frowned. Then smiling, she continued on. "I had this just sorta random thought earlier. Okay, Peter's got dirty blonde hair, but it's lighter than mine." The brunette nodded. "And I can't help wondering if its color is actually dirty blonde, or if his hair is blonde and got a whole lot of dirt in it."

Nicole laughed. "It's a good question. But I doubt we will ever know the answer." Though still troubled by the stump, the party continued, and eventually finished, on a lighthearted note.

However the night would not keep that tone, as Neverland always looked darker and more threatening come bedtime. And bedtime it was, with Peter not being the only person who had disappeared. Walker was also missing.

As Nicole was tucking the Lost Boys in Dokey had an epiphany of sorts. "Ian isn't your son. He's your brother, right?"

"Right. Why were you wondering about that," replied Nicole.

"'Cause that mean that he's our uncle." Nicole's nod confirmed the assumption, as well as encouraged Dokey to continue. "And instead of him being Peter's brother-in-arms, he's Peter's brother-in-law."

The brunette froze. Over on Nicole's bed Mandy burst out laughing, and Ian's face developed a very confused look. "No, my brother and Peter aren't brother-in-laws."

"But," Red piped up, "you and Peter are Mother and Father."

"Yes. But just because Peter's your father and I'm your mother, doesn't make us husband and wife." Seeing a couple pairs of eyes turning toward her wrist, she continued, "And neither does the bracelet. Marriage is very complicated, and not something that is likely for Peter and I to ever have together. That isn't a bad thing. Getting married isn't something you should or shouldn't due. It's... circumstantial. Now, why don't you all get some sleep?" And within a couple minutes she had them all tucked in, and asleep, with a chorus of goodnights.

Nicole went into her nook, and put Ian to bed. After that she and Mandy talked quietly for a while, before the blonde decided to get some sleep. "What about you?"

"I'm going to wait up for Walker," was the answer, even though Nicole was pretty tired herself.

"Are you sure? I can stay up, and keep you company, if you want," Mandy questioned. Nicole declined the offer and went aboveground by herself.

Once up she went over and studied the stump again. On top of being the only stump in the vicinity, it was odd because it had wooden boards nailed inside the top of it. Peering down between a couple of the boards Nicole saw what looked to be a chute. Not knowing quite what to think, she went and sat by one of the trees.

She wasn't the only person in Neverland wondering on things. As Walker wandered aimlessly, he also wondered on a variety of issues. John and Tiger Lily were absorbing what Michael had told them. Quite honestly, they were having a hard time believing Peter Pan had brought back Nicole, considering she was apparently now twelve. In Detroit, Lee and Bell were still on the phone, discussing when would be the soonest that they could meet and talk.

Meanwhile Tink was in fairy court. They were tinkling about a variety of issues in Neverland. Apparently a few, though not many, braves were worried about the possibility of 'the whiteskin' becoming chief, since Tiger Lily's father was getting rather far along in his years.

The fairies were also discussing moving to a new home, as it was said that the pirates were currently looking for them. The new captain supposedly knew the power of fairy dust. He may be new, only having been captain for about a year, but he was quickly filling the shoes of past captains. He was fierce, and the last pirate to have such hatred with Pan was Hook. But Tink had heard little of the captain that could be proven as more than hearsay, besides his and Peter's animosity, and had to wonder if his bite was near as bad as the bark gossip gave for him. She had her reasons in hoping it wasn't.

Let this be explained. Fairy royal court is essentially a gossip party. Rarely is there any real business that needs attending to, so now that Tinker Bell had information that she truly did have to tell the king and queen it seemed impossible to get a word in. She may have to go evil to succeed.

Now understand if she does end up doing so it could turn out very badly. Fairies can only feel one emotion at a time; this impairment is caused by their size. But while this does mean that on occasion Tinker Bell may be wholly good, it also means that if she goes bad she is completely wicked. Worse yet if her attitude is caused by fury.

Luckily for us, or more truthfully the other fairies present, Queen Eolande, closely related to Queen Mab of Kensington Gardens, noticed the girl's anxious expression, and called her over to tell of recent news. Tink quickly informed them of not only Nicole's return, but also Ian and Mandy's arrival.

"Does it appear as if this will alter Neverland? I speak in reference to both present and long term changes we may face," asked King Sindri.

"I don't know," Tink answered. "It might, or it might not. No one foresaw the affect Wendy had on our island. It would be a lie to pretend to know what changes Nicole might unintentionally cause. What happens will happen. It may be nothing, but, considering all aspects of Neverland at present, it could definitely be something."

On the Jolly Roger Lang was informing the captain they should be back at Neverland within a week's time. Most of the ship's crew was from there, and it was strenuous to be away from the cursed island for long. They say that it could even be painful after a certain length of time, and the captain wasn't taking that risk. It would be of no benefit if the crew started to fall over, howling in pain as the story suggests.

Make no mistake; there were ways you could leave. However, the easiest of them is death. I fear that few, if any, of the stories known in the 'real world' truly depict the difficulties presented in the effort to be released from Neverland. There are many rules dictating a person's ability to survive away from the island, and often binding you in ways that would prevent you from achieving the means necessary to leave for good. But, that is not the point. The point is the pirate's were heading back to the island. Though it is debatable who will be in the most danger upon their arrival.

Tink, Walker, and Bits were all troubled that night. They were the only ones truly involved that could really predict what might occur. Though one could hope that the pirates would not return during Nicole's stay it would be in vain. Walker kept tabs on the Jolly Roger's presence, and knew they'd return all too soon.

Peter was troubled by a couple of issues as well. Walker was growing up. Peter knew only subconsciously what that meant he'd have to do. And while it may bother him now, he knew he would do it, and soon after forget it.

It is sometimes hard to believe that he'd done this so many times. And harder to handle that he couldn't even remember the most recent of them, regardless of it not being yet two years in the past. A thing only Tinker Bell had ever noticed is that having to do this to a Lost Boy tended to trouble Peter, even if he didn't consciously understand why he was troubled. To the others he was as he was to himself, and that was Eternal Youth. And that meant he was as heartless as any child could be.

The other issue bothering Peter was that this was the first time there were two girls at camp. Well, as long as you didn't count Tink, which he didn't. Obviously one of them wasn't Wendy, she was Mandy. And Mandy was a friend of Nicole, who also isn't Wendy. But the girls currently residing in the house under the ground were Wendy, Mandy, and Tink. There was no Nicole. This was just confusing. And as Peter ran into another adventure that evening, he forgot both of his worries. Worries are annoying things, aren't they?
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