Categories > Books > Peter Pan > Images of Broken Souls

An Island of Forgetting

by LightSpinner 0 reviews

The gang has reached Neverland, and there is one question that takes precedence over all others. How easily can a place that magical suck you back in?

Category: Peter Pan - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: John, Lost Boys, Peter, Tiger Lily, Tinker Bell - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-03-06 - Updated: 2006-03-07 - 1808 words

Images of Broken Souls
Chapter Four: An Island Of Forgetting

AN: Sorry for how long it's taken to post. I've just been super busy and thus slow on the writing and forgetful on the posting. Oops. Also, I don't think I mentioned, but please review. If you're posting anything you know what I mean. It's great to know that people are reading your story, but it's even better to know what they think of it.
Embrace the moment. In the end, that's all we have. Trouble will come in its own time, it always does. But that's tomorrow. Give me today, and I will be happy.
- Sheridan, Babylon 5 -

As soon as they landed Ian and Mandy were swept up in a round of confusion as six boys just about barreled over to greet Peter, Nicole, and Tinker Bell. To top it, those three, who were at the center of this mess, were perfectly fine. Ian clung onto his sister. And, truthfully, Mandy was half tempted to as well, but instead hovered, non-literally, on the outskirts of the group.

The oldest of the boys appeared to be a couple years older than Nicole and Mandy, and truthfully was. He was of African descent and named Walker. Bits, a nine year old, was extremely quiet, and seemed to care much more about 'Mother' being back than the fact his captain also was. There were also Red, Dokey, Pike, and Bubba scrambling for attention. Bubba was the only Lost Boy who hadn't met Nicole before, but he'd heard about her from the others when Peter was out. Goodness knew the Eternal Youth didn't like hearing about mothers. Even if they were 'Wendy.'

Nicole quickly made sure that, even in the chaos as they were, everyone was introduced. As everyone was talking loudly, Bits murmured something quietly to the air. Walker, being the closest to him, leaned down and asked him to repeat it. "I think we should have a welcome home party for Mother." Any excuse for a party was good enough for Walker who repeated it where it became a new adventure for Peter.

They had decided to have the party outside, and were discussing whether to inform the redskins immediately, when Ian noticed the trees with chutes in them. Letting go of Nicole's hand he wandered over to one.

"What is it," asked Red. He had noticed the boy who was only slightly younger than himself move away from the group, and had decided to see what had caught his interest.

"These trees. What are they for," Ian asked curiously.

Red laughed. "That's easy. They're to get into the underground camp. What else would they be for?"

"I don't know. That's why I asked. Why don't you just have a door? Or only one tree?"

"Anyone can get in that way," Walker answered, coming over. "Your sister wanted to know if you were alright, but is having some trouble getting over here." And indeed she was. Every time she seemed to get free to head over, someone stopped her for some reason or another. Eventually Mandy stopped laughing, grabbed Nicole by the arm to drag her over to the trio, telling everyone to "back off for a sec."

"Hey, what's going on," asked Nicole.

"They were telling me about the trees. Do you have one?" When she answered affirmative, and even pointed it out, Ian asked if he could too.

"I'll have to ask Peter, but I'm pretty sure he'll be fine with you, and Mandy as well, having trees," Nicole answered, knowing Peter would be more than okay with it. He'd be likely to take it as a sign that he might be able to get them to stay.

In the next few moments Ian saw a variety of things happen.

Nicole started over to ask Peter about the trees, and was intercepted by Walker. He whispered something in her ear. She nodded and thanked him, before continuing. Peter agreed with the idea and soon Ian and Mandy were being measured so that their trees would be ready before they went to bed.

Nicole then went downstairs to clean the place up a bit, with the help of Pike and Bits. Dokey and Bubba went off to find the tribe, and tell them of the party. And Walker had left to take care of something in regards to food, after shooting an odd glance at the lone, and peculiar looking, tree stump in the clearing.

Peter had started on making the two trees, with the assistance of Red. Mandy made a comment questioning how someone was supposed to get up a one of the chutes, which caused Tinker Bell to call 'you silly little girl.' Peter was the only one present that understood what Tink had said, and lightly chastised her for calling Wendy's friend that. This only confused Ian. After all, who was Wendy?

Underground Nicole was frozen, looking at the wreck the Lost Boys camp had become. "Oh my God."

"Your room's the same. Come see," Pike said, dragging Nicole over to the curtained off alcove. "No one's touched anything." And thankfully he was telling the truth. The only thing dirtying the alcove was dust.

/At least there will be somewhere to sleep tonight/, she thought, before starting to organize the mess that covered the floor, and every other flat surface, with the twos help. As Pike continued to gab, she wondered how she had gotten help from the loudest and the quietest of the Lost Boys. But at least they were helping, not making more of a mess.

When she saw the oven she groaned. Admittedly in Neverland you could make believe food, but only Peter could do it successfully. And just because other Wendys, and the Lost Boys themselves, were fine with going along because they didn't want to upset Pan's temper, didn't mean she was. She shuddered to think that the boys probably hadn't eaten real food in the entire three years she'd been gone. Peter wouldn't be able to understand that they knew make-believe wasn't really real, and thus couldn't make food that way.

Just after she'd finished scrubbing all the dirt off the oven, Walker was back with a brace of pheasants. The first thing he did was suggest Pike go aboveground, as Ian seemed bored and lost. The only reason Nicole didn't head straight back up was because she knew that Walker was only trying to get Pike out of the way. As a consequence of the boy's incessant chatter he could never hold a secret.

The reason there was need for secrecy was that this was one of the many things Peter would not understand. Nicole's tree needed to be adjusted. For while she could technically use it as it was, it wouldn't particularly comfortable. Walker had suggested that he could fix the chute without Peter finding out, something Nicole was thankful for. She wasn't nine, any longer.

After taking her measurements Walker got to work on Nicole's tree. And Bits helped mother as she worked on making dinner.

Meanwhile back in Detroit Lee was having a bit of trouble. He was trying to call Bell, so that he could explain what had happened. But there were over a dozen Carmichaels in the phone book, and he didn't remember her husband's name.

Then he had an epiphany. An epiphany that was so obvious he rolled his eyes. He turned to the staircase, and saw Janet coming down the stairs. She was holding a little lavender book. "I'm guessing you were about to go and look for this," she commented, seeing Lee's expression.

"Yeah, I was," he answered. It was Nicole's address book. "Thanks."

"Not a problem." She handed him the book. "They'll be fine. You know better than I do that they can handle Neverland, and the things that come with it."

Lee nodded. And the look in his eyes said that he hadn't just heard her, but listened to what she said. Quickly dialing Bell, the phone only rang twice before being picked up.

"Hello," a male voice greeted.

"Hi. Is Bell there? It's about Mandy."

"I'll get her. It should just take a sec."

And a moment later: "Hello, this is Bell. Did something to my niece? And why didn't you call her parents?"

"Because, quite frankly, I don't know if they'd understand. When was the last time you saw Peter Pan?"

"Excuse me."

"If you don't remember when, then I can tell you. It was six years ago."

Back in Neverland things were just getting underway. Apparently on the way back to camp Dokey and Bubba, along with the redskins that had decided to come, had run into an adventure. One that was so exciting that they couldn't wait to tell the others, and they didn't wait. The instant they were back they started to describe it. Making sure to capture the attention of the other Lost Boys, Mother, and her friends. Occasionally an Indian would add something, but even some of them seemed more interested in the two boys' version of the event than a more factual alternative.

When Nicole recognized a man in the now sizable crowd, she walked over to him. "Hello Michael," she said, giving the son of Tiger Lily and John Darling a hug.

"It is good to see you again, Nicole," the brave greeted, returning her gesture. "It's been a long time."

"It has definitely been that. How've you been?"

The two continued with small talk for a while. Included in it were some guesses as to where Peter had disappeared to, as he hadn't been present since before Nicole had even gotten back aboveground. "Speak of the devil," she whispered, as Peter landed nearby, "and he shall appear."

Informing Michael that she'd only be a minute, she went over to Peter. "Where were you?"

"It's your party," the Eternal Youth replied, "you should have a present." And with that he handed her an intricate, and by appearance delicate, bracelet. Then he went over to the Lost Boys to tell them of a great adventure. Though if you were wise you wouldn't be sure if it was true, or if he just thought it was.

Nicole headed back over to Michael, putting on the bracelet as she walked. "Peter got you that," Michael questioned. The girl only nodded. "It looks fairy-made. It would be very hard to get." Seeing Nicole's disbelieving look he amended, "It would be hard for anyone besides Peter."

"Well," she sighed in mock disappointment. "I guess we were wrong. He wasn't wrestling a grizzly bear." Michael laughed, before asking seriously how she felt about being back. "Neverland is Neverland, you know? It just sort of is. Not good or bad, just a sort of steady flow. But it is homey to be around the boys again."
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