Categories > Books > Peter Pan > Images of Broken Souls

Gay, Innocent And Heartless

by LightSpinner 0 reviews

A story that questions the meaning of Lost Boys, Peter, and all else on Neverland as Nicole, the latest 'Wendy', returns to the island she wished to forget. A place that causes those who touch it t...

Category: Peter Pan - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: John, Lost Boys, Peter, Tiger Lily, Tinker Bell - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2005-08-30 - Updated: 2005-08-31 - 2326 words

Images of Broken Souls
Chapter Three: Gay, Innocent And Heartless

The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is the fear of the unknown.
- H.P. Lovecraft -

You are probably wondering why Peter Pan would have been visiting Detroit when it is so obvious that London is his connection to this world. But haven't you wondered why that is? Well, it is known that Peter was found by the fairies in Kensington Gardens, and that the Lost Boys, and Wendys, back then were English, but why is that? Why wasn't there a French Lost Boy? True, there would have been a language barrier, but it still doesn't explain why.

Here is the reason. In all complexity the situation may appear to hold it is actually very simple. During the Victorian era more of the English believed in Neverland than anywhere else in the world. Nowadays the idea of fairies is so scattered that you can find people who believe in Neverland nearly everywhere, but only a few in each place.

When Peter and Tink were trying to find Bell after all those years they had been drawn to Detroit, where she had moved. After finding out she had grown up, and did not have a daughter, they had, somewhat accidentally, found the nearest young girl who truly believed. That had been Nicole.

And now, after three years of not seeing either of them, they were back.

Searching the room for the girl who they'd met in it was Tinker Bell, wearing an exquisite gown made of a flower petal, though she still wore ones made of skeleton leaves when she was tinkering. And Peter Pan, a cocky boy of eternal youth who still had his first teeth and was clad in skeleton leaves.

"What's taking you so long," Mandy asked walking over to Nicole, who was still in the doorway. Hearing the noise, both residents of Neverland turned just in time to see Mandy bump into Nicole. "Holy shit."

That caused Nicole to snap out of her daze. Turning to Mandy, "language."

"What's going on," the blonde girl asked.

"I'd tell you, but, even if I had all the facts, you wouldn't believe me."

/ When did Wendy start growing up/, Peter wondered. Meanwhile Tinker Bell rushed over to the brunette, 'Wendy', with a cry of, in fairy language, 'Nicole.' And Peter, for the moment, promptly forgot that he thought her name was Wendy.

Then Ian, the perfect age for a Lost Boy, came in wondering what was going on. Realizing what a commotion was about to breakout, Nicole swiftly ushered both her best friend and her little brother into her room, and closed the door.

There was silence for what felt like forever, but was actually only a matter of seconds. Eventually Tinker Bell broke it.

"Thank you, for earlier," she said to Nicole in fairy speech.

Remembering what had transpired that afternoon the brunette smirked. "Mandy, I'd like you to meet Tinker Bell."

The blonde turned to the two wide-eyed. "You mean...what my aunt-" Nicole nodded. "Oh boy," Mandy looked at the fairy. "I'm sorry."

Tinker Bell only stuck her nose in the air.

Now that the dam of silence was broken both young girls and both young boys started talking over each other. Desperately trying to figure out some important detail or another. Tink just sat down on the doorframe, with a good view of the drama, as she already knew the answers to most of the questions.

"Enough," Nicole finally shouted over everyone. An unnerving experience, because all knew she was not temperamental. "Okay, Mandy, all of what your aunt told you is true. Neverland's real. Fairies are real. I met them.

"And the last time I saw them was three years ago. So, Peter, it's been a long time, though I'm pretty sure that considering you're here you didn't know. I've aged, obviously. If you need a new mother, I'm not sure where you should look, but good luck.

Then, taking a deep breath, she crouched down to her brother's level. "Ian. Are you all right? I know it's a lot to take in, but remember the stories of Neverland? Well, they're some of the few true 'fantasy' stories you've heard."

He looked at her wide-eyed. "Neverland's real?" At her nod, his face broke out in a grin. "Can we go?" Her eyes flashed with horror, but Ian was only a child and couldn't see it.

Nicole was caught in despair. True, she dreamed about going back, but what about their parents? What if Ian preferred Neverland to home? If she went would she ever get over the place? Or more importantly, its inhabitants? If she said no, Peter would just convince Ian to go anyway. The Pan had too much charisma for the good of anyone, but himself.

If she said no Ian could get hurt. She couldn't do that to her little brother. At the same time, could she handle the damage going back would do to herself?

Luckily, she didn't have to answer the question quite that soon. For their parents were calling up the stairs to say that they were leaving, and she left to wish them a goodnight.

Seeing how pale his daughter was, Mr. Rictor questioned her on whether she'd be all right. Especially considering what week it was. Nicole tried to assure him that she'd be fine. Especially with Mandy and Ian present to keep her company. It didn't work. For, as far as he knew, they didn't know about Neverland.

Mrs. Rictor stepped in. Telling Nicole to have fun, and her husband that they needed to go. As the couple headed to one of their cars, Lee reaffirmed his doubts. Janet's response: "They need to handle this. It won't do any good to interfere."

Meanwhile, Nicole was heading back upstairs. When she reentered her room she found Ian flying enthusiastically and Mandy hovering cautiously. Her choice had been removed. But then again, it hadn't much existed in the first place.

Peter spotted her upon entry and flew over. Landing next to Nicole, he looked her in the eyes. She always had been a bit short. "Nicole," he lured. He remembered her name. /Wonder how long that's going to last/, she thought cynically. "We really need a mother, and Ian so wants to go visit."

Nicole knew Peter was trying to manipulate her. He manipulated everyone. She had originally wondered if it wasn't subconscious, but had fast realized it was. She also knew he'd succeed. He had a voice no woman could resist, and very few ever succeeded at even minimal jading against it. Nicole hoped she had that minimal amount for later. But knew that, considering Ian's current flight situation, it was in good interest to, currently, submit.

"All right, we'll go. Just let me and Mandy grab a couple things, and we can leave. It'll just take a few minutes," Nicole answered, grabbing the other girl, and her schoolbag before leaving the room. Peter frowned at the idea of needing to pack for Neverland, but he'd soon forget that it wasn't common for her to.

"Okay, why would we need to pack to go to Neverland," questioned Mandy as they went downstairs.

"It's only a week in Earth time, but Neverland's time is different, and its weather sporadic. We have no clue what we'll be dealing with, and you probably going to want to wash your hair at the least," Nicole answered, getting all three of the American's jackets and putting them in the bag. "You probably don't have clothes you wouldn't mind being torn here, do you?"

"Not the stuff I packed to spend the night, and not the stuff I bought earlier," the blonde agreed.

"Can you get some of the clothes I don't wear much anymore out of my dresser? Grab a couple changes for me, and for yourself if anything looks like it'll fit," said Nicole. She pulled the few school supplies she'd brought home out of her bag and handed them to Mandy. "Put these in my room. I'll get some stuff from the bathroom. Okay?"

"Yeah. I'll be down in a few."

The two girls went their ways. Aside from female essentials, Nicole also packed a variety of things, including cleaning products. After all, Mandy & Ian may be going for Neverland, but she was going for spring cleaning.

Knowing everyone else was upstairs she quickly jotted down a note to her parents, explaining the situation, and taped it on the television. Nicole then turned off all the lights, and went back upstairs, to ensure that no one, especially Peter, found out what she'd done.

"I thought you said you'd be down in a few minutes," Nicole asked Mandy, as she entered her room.

"I did. But Ian's been trying to read your journal, which I've been protecting." Mandy was, indeed, holding the journal tightly shut. And considering she'd never try to read it around other people, or when they were in this sort of situation, it was easy to believe her.

"Thanks," replied Nicole, taking the journal and placing it at the bottom of a desk drawer. She shot a glare at her brother, who pouted. "I need to get a lock for it." As soon as Nicole finished loading the clothes Mandy had picked for them both into her bag, Tinker Bell covered her in fairy dust.

Peter stuck his head out the window. After a brief conversation with the stars, he came back in. "It's all clear. We should go now." So Nicole turned off the light, Mandy grabbed her purse, and they all left.

Now quickly note that Nicole's having turned off absolutely all the lights in the house is important. There was always, even if the Rictors went on vacation, at least one light on in their house. Even if it was only a lamp in the living room, somewhere in the house there was a light shining. And now there wasn't. While the lights all being off would not alarm any of those with whom she was leaving, it would alarm her parents. And so Nicole had made sure that all of them were off, as a warning that something was terribly wrong.

Most of the trip to Neverland Nicole watched to make sure Mandy & Ian didn't go to sleep and fall. She may have learned how to keep flying in her sleep, but she wasn't sure she could teach it. The days passed with games as they kept heading toward the island. Everyday Peter asked Nicole if she wanted him to carry her schoolbag, probably forgetting he had the day before, so she could have a break. Each day she kept it.

When Tink got tired she went to rest on one of either Peter's or Nicole's shoulders. The two were busy trying to keep Ian and Mandy safe from a variety of things, skyscrapers, sharks, eagles, or clouds. Well, Nicole was anyway. Peter frequently disappeared for hours on end.

The eagles were a thing of interest to Ian. The first night out Peter had taught him how to snatch food from one of their mouths, and Ian was getting quite good at it. But that was of little importance. The thing that interested Ian was where, out over the ocean as they were, were the birds finding food. When Nicole was awake she constantly watching him to make sure he didn't go chasing after the birds rather than stay with the group.

That irked Peter. He was used to being the center of attention without any effort, and even when he tried to get Wendy to notice him she paid no mind. He didn't realize he was lucky that Ian hadn't heard him talking with his sister. The little boy wouldn't have understood, and would have questioned, why Peter was calling Nikki Wendy.

Mandy, once she'd gotten the hang of flying, was having a field day everyday. That first night out she'd admitted to Nicole her happy thought, which was not falling. Now she was doing cartwheels and a variety of stunts. And regardless of what Peter thought of Nicole's attention, it hadn't escaped her notice how well he got along with the blonde.

The trip to the island, which could be perceived to last nearly a week on its own by those who traveled it, was finally coming to a close. They were about to land in Neverland.

Regardless of days having passed on the trip to Neverland, only hours had passed in Detroit, where Mr. and Mrs. Rictor were just turning onto their street. As soon as the car was parked they noticed the lights were all off and rushed into the house. Lee ran upstairs to Nicole's bedroom while Janet noticed the note on the TV. Taking it down, she sat on the couch and read it. For, while she'd known something would happen that night involving her children, she hadn't known quite what it would be. Or what it would entail.

Hearing her husband coming down the stairs, she said loudly, "You're not going to find Nicole. She's gone, and so is Ian."

"What," he asked sounding lost. She handed him the note.

Mom & Dad,

I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I wasn't sure what to say. Peter and Tink came back. They're upstairs with Mandy + Ian right now. So you can understand why I have to keep this short.

Ian's going, I don't think there is anything I could do that'd stop it from happening. And I can't not go with him. If I don't go I'm not sure he'll come back, and then you'd only have one kid. 'Spring cleaning' should end with you having both of us back.

I don't have a clue how you can cover for Mandy, but remember Bell. I told you about her, Dad.

See you later,

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