Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Hunters Guild

Hunter Ryudo

by Gunblade 1 review

Reign get asigned a new mission with the guild, one he does not like. Grey though is highly amused, while Tyde is annoyed her best friend is not going to be about for a while.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Humor,Sci-fi - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-09-12 - Updated: 2008-09-12 - 1407 words

A/N: a story I started because I could not get the idea out of my head a while ago. Chapter 1-5 are fairly short. However, chapter 6 onwards are normal, average chapter length.

Hunters Guild

Chapter 1: Hunter Ryudo

Reign Ryudo, seventeen-year-old Hunter for the Guild stood lazily leaning up against a white wall out side an office door, waiting. He stood barely six feet tall with dark silver hair down to his neck and over his forehead and ears in directional downward spikes, and sparkling emerald green eyes. The young man wore black cargo trousers, black padded tee shirt with black dragon hide boots with silver buckles, and a long flowing dark blood red thin dragon hide coat hanging down to his ankles with skin-tight dragon hide gloves. Under his coat on his waste behind him hidden by his coat in holsters two dark silver revolvers, and on his right hip a dark red metal want in holster with hand guard.

Reign a fairly muscular young man, but fast and lien build, yawned. He hated waiting around for a new mission; normally the easy ones were given straightaway and not by the Guild Master so guessed, he had his work cut out for him. Sighing he hoped it was not to troublesome, he hated troublesome missions, with all this crap with the death eaters running rampant and Voldemort once again on the loose Hunters have been hired mainly for either hunting down and Assassinating death eaters or as bodyguards for important people.

He shuddered at the thought of bodyguard detail that would suck; some of his fellow hunters have been tempted to kill off their clients themselves. One guard detail made him feel sick thinking about, ‘the Potters’; he quivered at the mere thought. His family, well ex-family, his two sisters, and brother, well he had never met his younger sister and brother before. It had been when he was four he was taken from the Potters’ where he would be taken care of and raised to be strong, whereas the his parents ignored him and treated him like dirt giving all of their love and time to his twin sister the-girl-who-lived.

He wondered though about his younger siblings, his brother was not long born when he left so should be a third year at school, his little sister born two years later so he guessed she starts school next month. The Hunter Dumbledore had hired for them had said his youngest sister is the nicest of the family and even his twins quite laid back and not as spoiled as he expected. However, apparently his brothers a cocky shit and a nightmare to spend too much time around. Apparently, Lily Potter his mother is not too bad, though James Potter his father is just like his youngest son, in other words an arrogant prick.

He sighed for a moment then a bright smile spread to his lips when a man a few years older than him with deep black hair and blue eyes, wearing blue trousers, tee shirt, and white trainers walked out of the office looking smug. “Hey Ryudo mate,” the young man grinned widely.

“Hey Grey,” he replied nervously. “Shouldn’t you be with the Potters?” he demanded, not that he cared. “You know making sure the idiots don’t die?”

Grey snorted. “Heck no, Ryudo, I quite that job,” he said quivering. “Your twin kept hitting on me, this twat Ron Weasley, boyfriend to one of her friends kept jumping down my throat like I was going to fuck his girlfriend out of his life. Two days ago I just said hello to his sister another of your twins friends and he jumped at me, I kinda knocked him out. You know I prefer blondes so your sister and his sister are out, and his girlfriend is quite pretty but a bit to much of a bookworm for me to go through any hassle of stealing anyway.” He sighed with another quiver. “And your dad and brother what asses, they have such big heads I’m surprised they can walk through the Hogwarts entrance hall doors.”

“I take it you got fired?” laughed Reign amusedly.

Grey rolled his eyes but grinned. “Yeah, I’m their third bodyguard. I didn’t mind hanging around your little sister, she’s nice or even your twin wasn’t too bad but everyone else were mostly jerks, and that bastard old man had me teach defence against the dark arts because nobody else wanted the job,” he sighed.

“You already moaned about that during the Christmas holidays,” reminded the younger Hunter with a smirk.

Grey shrugged. “Well the Guild Master said for me to send you in, good luck, mate,” he said amusedly as he exited the outer office with an evil glint to his eyes that sent a shiver down reigns’ spine.

Reign sighed nervously as he walked into the Guild Masters office and saw the greying older man sitting behind his desk with a cheeky grin. “Ah good morning Hunter Ryudo,” he greeted cheerfully as Reign reached his desk. “I have an important protection mission for you,” he said cheerfully sliding a folder across his desk towards the young man.

Reign gulped loosing some colour from his face he picked up the folder, opened it, read, and then closed it. “Uh, are you joking, sir?” he asked hopefully.

“Nope,” he replied smugly. “Your mission is Potter Watch,” he laughed menacingly. Reign groaned and just walked out of the office resigned to his terrible fate.

Exiting Reign was not surprised to find Grey waiting for him, though he just walked passed down the corridor. “What’s the matter Ryudo?” he asked mockingly as he jogged to catch up. Reign just glared at him. “Well you were mocking me about the job,” he laughed unaffected by the glare.

“Do you want to loose your nuts?” he retorted clenching his right fist, it bursting into blue flames.

“Whoa, easy boy,” surrendered Grey waving his hands in defence. “It isn’t that hard, the main target is your twin so you won’t have to worry about your dad or brother much, just follow her around,” he chuckled cheekily. “Everybody knows you’re the calmest Hunter around, they shouldn’t be too troublesome for you.”

Reign sighed as the flame disbursed from his fist. “Well you mentioned someone’s red haired sister and a bookworm girl?” he asked with a devil will cry smirk.

Grey laughed. “Good luck with that, just watch out for your twin sister, you don’t want to do her by mistake,” he mocked smirking.

Reign growled and shoved Grey into the wall before disappearing in a swish of wind. “Ouch,” said Grey rubbing his shoulder. “Well there was no need to be violet.”

“Yes there was big brother,” giggled a female voice from behind. He spun round to see his seventeen-year-old sister grinning at him. Her snow-white hair pulled back into a triple plat down to the small of her back with several spiky strands over hanging her forehead and ears, with sparkling icy blue eyes. She wore a black rippled shirt that hung a few inches above her right knee running down at an angle halfway down her left shin, and a form hugging black sleeveless tee shirt, with small black slip on boots on her feet. Her two black handguns on her back around her waste, and on her right hip her blue metal wand with hand guard.

Grey groaned. “Tyde,” he moaned. “Ryudo attacked, unprovoked.”

“No, he didn’t,” she mocked sticking her tongue out. “You were being horrible to Reign, teasing him about his new mission.” She sighed sadly. “Now what will I do?” she asked herself in wonder looking at her small fingers on her right hand then smiled slightly. “I guess my fingers will have to do till I next see him,” she giggled as she skipped passed her horrified looking brother.

“Augh, TYDE!” he yelled after her. “I do not need to know what you and Ryudo get up to so I don’t need to know what you do with your fingers!”

She just giggled as she skipped out of sight, fantasies of her best friend Reign pleasuring her in many different ways running through her imaginative young mind, barely able to wait until she sees him next, even though he just left.

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