Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Hunters Guild

Operation: Hunter Hunting the Hunter

by Gunblade 2 reviews

Operation: Hunter Hunting the Hunter - Tyde searches for Reign.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2008-09-12 - Updated: 2008-09-12 - 3649 words

Hunters Guild

Chapter 6 Operation: Hunter Hunting the Hunter

“Hmm,” wondered Tyde with a frown running her fingers through the fringe of her snow-white hair. She stood in Diagon Alley looking around in wonder. “I wonder how I’ll be able to find Reign?” she asked herself in wonder, looking up at the darkening sky she sighed. “Its getting late,” she commented to herself, not noticing the strange looks she was getting for standing in the middle of the street talking to herself. “Bloody hell!” she growled making a few passersby jump giving her a nervous glance before hurrying away.

Tyde’s sparkling icy blue eyes scanned the darkening sky for any sign of her target: Best friend and partner, Reign Ryudo. She bet herself the gits probably nice and comfortable wherever he is, rather than outside in the setting sun of Diagon Alley. “Hmm… oh I know… maybe if I find that silly old man my brother kept moaning about, I bet he’ll no where I can find Reign… yup, sounds like a good plan,” she nodded in agreement to her own statement still blissfully unaware of all the weird looks the passing shoppers kept shooting her.

She thought for a moment, tapping her finger to the side of her head, screwing up her pretty face in concentration. “Augh!” she moaned. “What the bloody hell is his name again?” she demanded in frustration. “Uh, how many mega old farts can there be anyway?”

She looked down at the small black boots on her small feet, tapping her right foot in thought. She wore a scarlet rippled skirt, hanging above the knee on her right hand side and halfway down her shin on the left: A tight scarlet top accentuating her fair sized chest, and a small black leather jacket. Two black handguns, just hidden under her jacket and her wand in holster clipped to the right hand side of her skirt, her hair tied loosely in a triple plat with loose fringe, how she likes it, as well she was lightly wearing makeup on her face, slightly accentuation her features.

She started tapping the floor with the toes of her small right boot as she continued thinking, trying with all her might to think of a name to go with the silly old man so he can help her find Reign. “Hmm, isn’t he supposed to be famous or something?” she declared glaring at the floor, before lifting her icy blue gaze to look around. She was about to see if someone could help her remember, maybe the bookshop clerk when she remembered something. “Aha!” she squealed in delight, not noticing she startled some more shoppers, not that she noticed much anyway. “I remember… the old man works at a school.” She then frowned in thought, still not noticing the caution people took to give the insane girl plenty of space, in fact nobody came within ten metres of her while she stood in her bubble of ignorance and insanity.

“Hmm, but what school does he work at?” she asked herself frowning deep in thought again, tapping her right cheek with her right hand fingers while she folded her left arm under her chest, and standing on her left foot she used her right subconsciously to tap the ground behind her left foot, stubbing her boots, thinking hard. She should perhaps have paid more attention to her brother, Grey when he was moaning about his mission. “Where, where, where does the old man work?… hmm, aha, I know I know,” she skipped about in delight doing a little dance and waving her arms and hands in the air, overjoyed she remembers. “HOGWARTS!” she squealed excitedly making everyone nearby jump, and look at the odd girl as she continued her victory dance, this time adding words: Sing song, way off key. “Ohhh, off to Hogwarts I go – off to Hogwarts I go… I’ll find the old coot, he’ll tell me where to find Reeeiggggnnn!... then I’ll get laid!” she giggled, everyone listening face faulted as the girl just disappeared without a sound with a large blush just having noticed her small audience.

Tyde appeared soundlessly in Hogsmead village, a large frown graced her brow; it was fairly dark now, but that was not very weird it was the annoyingly loud noises. She could hear laughing and cheering along with screams and explosions. “For a small village they sure do like to make a racket, even my birthday party wasn’t this noisy,” she commented to herself shaking her head in wonder as she walked further into the village. She had not been to Hogsmead before so did not know where to find the gates to Hogwarts school. However, she heard there is a nice pub in the village: The Three Broomsticks. She thought that might be the best place to get directions to the school.

She sidestepped to her right as she walked, frowning as the ugly yellow spell flew through where she was walking moments before. “Wow, these villagers sure are stupid jerks just firing off random spells like that, they could hurt someone,” she growled out angrily. “I’m only looking for my partner,” she sighed, slumping her shoulders before shrugging, and continuing to look for the pub. She turned a corner towards all of the loud noise and blinked in surprise, coming to a halt. “Ah, that spell makes more sense now: death eaters,” she nodded in understanding as her eyes gazed the battle ensuing between light and dark wizards and witches. She wondered whether she should go and help or not, and was about to go beat up some bad-guys then ask an auror for directions when someone called out.

“HEY!” a woman’s voice: Tyde looked round and noticed the pub she was looking for before with a busty woman pocking her head out of the door staring at her worriedly. “Quickly, get in before you get hurt!” she called hurriedly.

Tyde shrugged and made her way over, the woman opening the door, letting her in before closing it and locking the door. Tyde noted quite a few people hiding in the nice pub: all looking scared out of their minds. Tyde turned to the woman who let her in and grinned, happy she could at least ask for directions now.

“Hi, I’m Tyde,” she introduced herself cheerfully. “Could you give me directions to Hogwarts please?… I’m looking for my partner, but I need to find this old man so he can tell me where to go.”

The woman along with everybody else hiding double took; unable to comprehend the girl only came in for directions. “B-but, um… didn’t you notice the battle outside?” she asked the girl worriedly.

Tyde shrugged with a beaming grin. “So, they’re only death eaters,” she shrugged again. “So, where do I go to get to Hogwarts?” she asked with sparkling hopeful eyes.

“Um, down the road that the fighting is on,” she answered unable to comprehend the strange girl.

“Yippee!” she squealed in delight, hoping up and down excitedly, from one foot to the other like a little schoolgirl. “I’ll definitely be able to find the old man now!” she giggled eagerly as she unlocked the door, flung it open and dashed out before anyone could stop her. To everyone’s horror two death eaters had gotten passed the aurors and stood just outside and sneered at Tyde. However, they all winced in unison as the girl dropped backwards, her hands landing flat on the ground behind her, and she swung her legs up, them both cracking between the two death eater’s legs: Lifting them off the ground, eyes widening through the holes in their masks, the force of her kick flinging them backwards where they crashed to the ground in the fettle position whimpering: Holding crutches. Tyde continued up into a hand stand, surprisingly her skirt, with magical properties did not fall up but stayed put just swaying in the breeze as she flipped back up onto her feet with a huge cute beaming smile.

Tyde just giggled and turned back to the awestruck witches and wizards, giving them a wink she turned back to the whimpering death eaters, walked over and everyone watching gasped in shock and horror as she just smashed her boots into their faces and they stopped: Unmoving: Dead.

Tyde then turned her gaze to the gawking people behind her, her expression now serious, her eyes cold and hard. “A dead enemy is one that can’t come back to haunt you,” she informed them as way of explaining her actions before she turned away, looking towards the battle she ran off toward the death eaters and aurors.

The white haired girl thought about fighting the death eaters again. However, since she now knew where to find the old man she is looking for decided to just run right passed them and only take those in her way down. However, just as she ran passed the shocked aurors and other assorted fighters her gaze caught sight of an old man fighting. She skidded to a halt, dodging with ease a couple of killers and grinned widely, the old man had white hair and beard with blue eyes, she remembered her brother mentioning that, and the half moon glasses, and she remembered laughing hard when Grey said the old mans robes suggest that he is gay. Yup, she had to agree, purple robes with gold stars and moons was something only a gay man could get away with.

Sidestepping another couple of spells, she made her way towards the old man, completely oblivious to all the incurious, startled staring she received. She made short time before she was standing next to the old man and watched him for a moment as he darted about firing spells, fighting his enemy.

“Excuse me old man!” she greeted loudly over the noise of the battle as she took a step closer avoiding another spell.

The old man startled, looking to the side he noticed a beaming young woman staring at him, his mouth opened agape for a moment before he shook his head clear. “Miss. You should move quickly, can’t you see its dangerous!?” he demanded as he continued fighting, trying to get closer.

“No…” she retorted sarcastically with a roll of her eyes and a giggle. “Well anyway, can you tell me where Reign is please?”

The old man startled again and looked back at her grinning face as she ducked a spell without even looking onto the battlefield; unfortunately, the curse hit the auror behind her taking him out. “You’re a Hunter,” the old man stated rather than asked, while she nodded sheepishly.

“Yeah,” she replied a bit annoyed the noise around them was becoming tiresome. “Hang on, I’ll be back in a minuet,” she said turning towards the battle, glaring as she moved nonchalant out of the path of a killer.

She then reached into her pocket and the old man watched as she pulled out something small, dodging another curse, she dropped it on the floor and in just enlarged into some kind of metal trunk. Tyde moved out of the path of two more spells and opened the trunk. It opened up, draws and compartments rising up and out like a ladies makeup kit. However, this trunk held no feminine products, but instead housed more weapons that the old man had ever seen in such a small box. She pulled off the inside of the lid a huge square weapon in military green with four holes in the front and a handle, she flung it on her shoulder, flipping switches she looked through a transparent green plastic visor, aiming it at the death eaters as she dodged another curse: A multi rocket launcher.

She pulled the triggers and four explosions ripped from her weapon, roaring towards her enemy, she slid back from the force several paces before steadying. Then four immense eruptions of fire and chaos hit the death eaters, tearing them to smithereens in and explosive death they screamed and cried as they died while the aurors and old man all stared at the destruction one small girl caused in horror, all making a mental note, never piss this weird girl off.

Tyde just grinned at a job well done, replacing her rocket launcher back into her weapons trunk, closed it, shrunk it and placed it back into her pocket before returning her gaze to the old man, looking all too cheerful about her easy victory. “So old man, where’s Reign?” she asked bouncing up and down excitedly.

He stared down at her shaking his head in shock. “Um, err, follow me and I’ll take you to him,” was all he could think to reply, leading the way passed all the destruction. Tyde just bounced along behind him excitedly. It did not take them long to reach the old mans office at Hogwarts, and Tyde was enthralled to see the inside on the school and even the headmasters office, the old man even has a phoenix: Fawkes.

Dumbledore then gave her the password to Potter Manor after he checked her ID, and she left by herself through his fire since he had paperwork he could not take her. She exited the fire in the dinning room and frowned. “Hmm, where is everybody?” she asked herself in wonder checking her watch for the time. “Huh? Eleven O’ Clock already, geese, I must have been searching for hours,” she sighed shaking her head she skipped off happily in search of someone to wake and tell her where Reign is.

She skipped up the stairs to the second floor and walked down the corridor for a moment when she sensed two rooms next to her have people in, therefore stopped with a huge grin. She then knocked once on the first door and just barged in. She saw two girls about her age in two separate beds, their eyes now wide with shock and a little fear staring at her. One girl with black hair, the cuter of the two she noted, and a busy haired girl, she just grinned at them.

“Hi,” she greeted with a cheery wave, bouncing up and down excitedly. “I’m Tyde, is Reign about?” she asked hopefully.

“Err, w-why?” asked the black haired girl confusedly.

“He’s my partner,” she said joyously.

The black haired girl looked a little nervous now. “Um… he’s next door but I don’t think he’ll unlock the door.”

Tyde eyed her suspiciously before groaning with a sad look. “He has a girl in there doesn’t he?”

She nodded nervously. “Um, so you’re a Hunter?” she asked to change the subject.

“Yup, that’s me,” replied Type cheerful again, bouncing up and down eagerly. “So who are you two?”

“Oh, I’m June and this is Hermione,” answered June with a small smile.

Tyde then grinned eagerly. “Oh, well if I can’t have Reign I’ll have to have his twin sister instead,” she giggled as she closed the door a hoped onto her bed blowing her a kiss.

June blushed brightly. “Err, um… I’m err,… he might answer the door if you try,” she said hopefully, not that Tyde is not hot because she is, but she was not sure it is ok to fool around with her brothers partner, she has already fooled around with Ginny, and in the same room as Hermione, which is quite perverted.

Tyde laughed at her amusedly. “He probably will since he has to make sure you’re not being killed,” she agreed, her icy blue eyes twinkling happily.

“So you came here just to sleep with my brother?” asked June interestedly, a little too much so as she sat up in bed, just leaving the covers around her waist, wearing a blue pyjama top.

Tyde nodded energetically, eyeing up the black haired girl more eagerly now she can see a bit more of the cute girl. “Yeah, Reign was my first…” she trailed off with a dreamy expression for a second. “Oh, hang on,” she laughed. “He’s the only boy I’ve been with actually,” she giggled amusedly. “He’s my best friend, we grew up together… he and my brother, Grey… are rivals.”

“Grey’s your brother,” interrupted Hermione feeling left out of the conversation, even if it is a bit dirty, she internally shrugged, leaning up on her elbow.

She nodded with a massive childish grin. “Yeah, but Reign’s the better Hunter I think. And he’s got a massive weapon,” she giggled while the other two girls looked confused, Tyde raised her eyebrows and their eyes widened in realisation before they giggled with huge blushes. “So who is with my partner?” she asked eagerly.

“Oh, um our best friend, Ginny,” answered June with a small smile.

“Oh oh oh,” she said with wide excited eyes, she remembered that name, she only listening to her brothers ramblings when something interesting or funny was mentioned. “My brother said her brother is a jealous wanker who jumped down his throat for saying hello to her,” she giggled excitedly. “Has her brother been pissing Reign off for talking with her?”

June just smirked evilly. “Reign threw him out for being a dangerous bastard, because Hermione finally dumped the asshole and he threw a hissy fit: Kept blaming Reign and went to hit Ginny. Reign scared the shit out of him, his eyes even flashed blood red, and it was awesome.”

“Haha,” laughed Tyde eagerly she tapped the side of her head with her finger thinking for a moment before shrugging. “I can do that too, watch,” she informed them, glaring her icy blue eyes flashed blood red for a second. “It’s because we use evil magic, but it doesn’t make us evil or anything.”

“Whoa, that’s cool,” laughed June excitedly. “So what can you tell me about my brother he wouldn’t ever tell me?”

“Well, he’s the nicest guy in the world,” she began, eager to dish out the dirt. “He’ll go out of his way to help anyone… his cool and cold attitude is a defence mechanism that drops too quickly when he is either too comfortable or too uncomfortable. When someone gives him reason to hate him or her they should stay well clear of him, otherwise they might not ever wake up after he is done with them. There way this Hunter two years ago, about forty years old that kept trying to persuade me to have sex with him,” she shivered at the thought, disgusted. “He tried to even imperialise me,” the two other girls gasped and Tyde nodded in disgust with a hint of anger. “It didn’t work, I fought it off right away, and Reign already hated him: Unfortunately, before I could fully register what just happened Reign had him on the ground, smashing his fists into his face repeatedly with such force and such furry his eyes were red constantly. Reign ended up with brains and blood all over him; that was his first ever kill.”

June shivered in disgust, looking appalled. “D-didn’t he get in trouble?”

“Nope,” she replied her cheerfulness returning full force. “After the security video was viewed, the Hunter Reign killed was classed as an assassination mission and the Guild even paid him for it. They can’t risk having filth like him in the Guild.”

June and Hermione nodded in understanding.

“Well anyway,” she continued with a huge grin, standing. “If neither of you are going to make love to me.” The two girls blushed brightly while she smirked. “I’ll go join Reign and Ginny if I can get in, if not, I’ll be back to share June’s huge bed and seduce you,” she grinned at her while her eyes widened and her cheeks went brick red, trying to stop those fantasies with little success.

With a cheery wave, Tyde exited the room closing the door behind her and stopped outside the next room.

She placed her right hand on the door giggling when she felt the same seals he uses with her, therefore reversed them a huge excited grin spreading her features hopping she catches them in the act. Tyde slowly opened the door enough to slide in; slowly closing it behind her, she reset the seals, looking up towards the bed now she can hear a girls enjoying moans.

She saw a gorgeous fit red haired girl naked, her legs wide around the naked form of her silver haired partners’ waist as he gently pumped in her. Ginny’s beautiful breasts heaved with her heavy breathing; her lips connected with Reign’s, her hands feeling the muscles on his back. Tyde grinned already turned on by this excellent scene, she just hopped the red head will not mind sharing. She thought Ginny’s small pink stiffened nipples would taste delicious.

Tyde quietly made her approach, suppressing her giggles as she stood beside them, that they had not noticed her. She reached down gently feeling Ginny’s soft skin, moving her hand up the un-realising girls’ stomach, to her right breast, and gave it a soft squeeze.

“Hey Reign!” she suddenly yelled giggling insanely.

Reign and Ginny stopped in shock, their lips parting fast to look at the intruder, Reign sighed in relief while Ginny burnt red, which only increased when she realised this girl was groping her right breast and had progressed to tweaking her nipple.

Tyde just grinned and winked at them, hardening Ginny’s nipple further with her thumb and forefinger, she was obviously turning the red haired girl on further. “Mission Complete…”

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