Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Ghost

Ghost and the Will

by Gunblade 4 reviews

Sirius's will reading.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-09-12 - Updated: 2008-09-13 - 3485 words


Chapter 2 Ghost and the Will

It had been a week since Harrys’ operation, and he was relatively happy living in the hospital, no longer having a scar, well kind of, he just needed to get hold of a skin regeneration potion and no one would ever know about the skin graft. His head was wrapped in bandages and he no longer had all of the tubes in him, with the exception of his heart monitors, he was feeling great.

Harry wondered what was taking Dumbledore so long to find him and wondered whether the old goat even knew he was missing. He had had a few more awoken memories during the week bringing the total to five; five times the old bastard stole an opportunity to escape his hell. Some of the torture he remembers the Dursleys’ put him through were giving him nightmares and making him sick, he would like nothing more than to kill them.

He wondered whether he should perhaps go evil and rather than trying to conquer the magical world, he could crush it. His parents must be turning in their graves.

Apparently when hit by those chemicals he died seven bloody times. He remembered the first, it was the weirdest he saw his own body, as if he was a ghost but not quite. Sighing he climbed out of bed, thankful Doctor Benton got him some pyjamas rather than those horrid hospital gowns and pulled off the heart monitor pads. He carefully walked into the bathroom, pulled out his hose and took a look refreshing pee, shaking off he put it away, stretching.

He smiled as he looked at his messed up face, he looked like someone had dragged him through hell and back. Turning the sink taps on he washed his hands, smiling still into the mirror he was thankful his scar was gone, it no longer caused any irritation or bother at all. He guessed it really was a cancer curse of some kind.

However, what he wanted to know is why he could see himself that first time he died, why was he wearing those weird clothes. He also noted for some strange reason he is not as skinny as he used to be and had a bit more muscle mass. That really confused him; okay, he is eating correctly now but is not exercising. He wondered what was going on as he turned the taps off and dried his hands.

He thumped the wall in frustration and was about to turn away when he gasped looking back at the mirror. A silver circle of light surrounded the centre of his body just above his waste. He watched in amazement as the circle split into two, one going up his body and the other down, one disbursed at his feet the other his hair. His eyes were now florescent glowing green, his hair as white as freshly fallen snow; he wore that same black outfit from when he died.

“What the hell?” he asked himself in shock as he took a step back, he still looked terrible, he slipped falling back with a yelp, and he closed his eyes. The strangest thing though, he did not hit the ground. Opening his eyes he stared in shock, he was floating above the floor; he smiled lightly. Thinking, he concentrated and floated higher, a huge grin split his face as he landed lightly on his feet. “Okay, now that was cool, so I have some kind of special power after all…” he laughed. “It doesn’t look like love to me,” he chuckled. “So, can I do anything else?” he asked himself.

As if to answer his question he suddenly disappeared, however did not leave the room. “Invisibility,” he laughed as he reappeared, and then disappeared again amusedly doing it several times before appearing with a huge grin. “Got to be ghost powers, the creepy glowing green eyes are a ‘dead’ giveaway,” he chuckled at his pun as he reached out hopefully and felt the wall, concentrating his hand and arm phased through before pulling it back.

“Brilliant,” he almost yelled. “I can walk through the girls bathroom while invisible,” he giggled evilly clenching his fists he started, florescent green orbs of energy surrounded his fists, he pointed his right fist to the floor in the corner and it fired gently, cracking the tile. He grinned as the glowing energy around his other fist faded away. “Now that is cool, I wonder what else I’ll be able to do?” he asked himself in wonder, thinking.

“Harry,” called Doctor Benton from outside the bathroom door spoiling his fun.

“Err, be right out!” he called flushing the chain, taking a deep breath he smirked as the silver light circles went up and down his body and he was once again barefoot in his pyjamas, his hair black and his eyes normal emerald green. He sighed as he walked out of the bathroom with a smile to see his doctor.

“Um, Harry,” she said pointing to two owls on his beds headboard.

Harry frowned. “I don’t think they’ve noticed I’m not there,” he said as he pulled the first letter off and read it as the owl flew away out the window. “It’s from Gringots wizarding bank about my godfathers will,” he said, surprised. He took the other letter and the owl just flew off. “And this ones from Dumbledore telling me it’s not safe to go to Gringots and to stay at home safe,” he frowned. “I think they haven’t noticed I’m gone,” he laughed amusedly.

“So what do you plan on doing?” she asked quite amused at how happy he is that they have not noticed him gone.

“Well, the will reading is today in a few hours, I don’t think I’ll ever hear the full thing unless I go,” he replied reasonably. “Can I be released today, I need to go.”

Doctor Benton nodded with a smile. “Go have a long shower, I’ll go see about getting you some respectable clothes, then I’ll re-bandage your head.”

Harry nodded with a smile. “Thanks Doc,” he chuckled as he headed back into the bathroom closing and locking the door. Doctor Benton chuckled amused, she was going to miss having him around, she prayed for him as she left the room, prayed some deity would give the kid a break.

Three hours later Harry; clean bandage around his head, looking, and feeling good. He wore black trousers and shoes with a white shirt and black tie with black jacket, and it actually all fit perfectly. A goblin escorted him into a large room with plenty of people he knew, a little surprised.

“If you’ll wait here Mr. Potter,” the goblin bowed and left the room. Harry shrugged as he looked around at everyone, noting his or her shock to see him. He noted Dumbledore, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Ron and Hermione, Ginny was sitting with her parents, and Lupin.

He grinned. “Hey guys,” he said waving at them all. “What are you lot doing here?”

“No the question is what are you doing here, Harry?” asked Dumbledore looking quite angry.

Harry shrugged. “Well, I got this letter telling me to come hear Sirius’s will reading.”

“Well Harry,” he replied standing. “I think it will be best to take you home where you’ll be safe.”

“I don’t, so sit down and don’t talk to me,” he replied with a glare.

“Harry?” asked Dumbledore frowning while the others gasped. “You are not…”

“Say what you like,” he interrupted grounding his teeth angrily. “I’m here to hear my godfathers will, you’re not my grandfather so stop disrespecting my family. I shall not return to those bastards and you can’t make me, ‘again’,” he spat the last word in disgust.

Dumbledore was about to replied when Hermione interrupted. “Harry what happened to your head?” she asked worriedly rushing over to check on him.

He shrugged. “Saved a little girl from getting hit by a truck, got hit myself. I’ve spent two weeks in a comma and another week in hospital recovering, not that any of you bothered visiting me.”

“You were in hospital,” gasped Remus looking horrified as he rushed over. “We didn’t know are you doing okay, should you have left so soon?”

“But what were you doing out of your home,” interrupted Dumbledore.

“I’m fifteen nearly sixteen for fucks sake, I’ll go out if I want, or do you expect me to elevate my boredom by hanging out with bastard people who hate me?” he retorted angrily.

“Mr. Potter there is no need for bad language,” the old man reprimanded.

Harry just glared and turned away ignoring him. “Remus I heard this lawyers good?” he asked. “The goblins even respect him, I thought he might have actually been a goblin but apparently he’s not, only the reader is.”

“I think he’s quite good,” the werewolf agreed nervously.

“Good, because I need a good one,” he replied as he just slumped down next to Ginny and her parents. “Hey, Gin, did you get a letter too?”

She shook her head nervously. “No, I was forced to come with mum and dad.”

“Err, why do, you need a lawyer, Harry?” interrupted Dumbledore nervously.

Harry just turned to him and glared. “I’m suing you,” was all he replied as everyone gasped, turning back to Ginnys’ shocked face he grinned. “So, Gin, err you don’t mind if I call you Gin do you Gin?” he asked, she just shock her head trying not to laugh. “Good, Gin, I wonder what gin tastes like?” he asked making her blush brightly. “I bet she could get me smashed,” he smirked amusedly and Ginny burst out laughing.

“Err, Mr. Potter why are you suing me?” asked the old man interrupting again.

Harry looked at him glaring again when a voice interrupted. “Mr. Potter I advice you not to answer that.” Looking at the door a man with dark red greying hair stood wearing black business robes with a goblin holding many papers. “We can speak after the hearing,” he said as he led the goblin forward and sat at the front while the goblin stood on a pedestal. Dumbledore, Hermione, and Remus reclaimed their seats. “Okay, my names Mark Styles, I am Mr. Blacks lawyer, and this is Goldback the reader of his will.” He nodded for the goblin to begin.

Goldback nodded and pulled some parchment before him. “I am the reader of the will,” he declared. “I shall read it as it is written… I Sirius Orion Black in sound mind do hereby say hi to everyone at the reading of my will, ‘hi’. Okay I know you lot don’t want to hear the normal boring crap so I’ll get straight to the point. To begin, I’m giving Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger one million Galleons each for being such good friends to Harry. I’m giving Remus Lupin five million Galleons because lets face it the old bastard could do with some clean clothes.

Remus blushed while Hermione and Ron sat wide-eyed as the goblin continued. “Okay, I’m leaving Arthur and Molly Weasley ten million Galleons for taking such good care of Harry.” The Weasley parents both looked beyond shocked to Harrys’ amusement.

“Now Harry,” he continued. “I know what you want Harry,” he said and the goblin then walked over to Harry and handed him some forms and a self inking quill, everyone watched curiously as he read, a huge smile on his lips as he signed the paper glowing white. The goblin smirked as he took a copy and returned to the podium. “Congrates Harry, mate you’re now emancipated, I’m laughing evilly as I write this, thinking of you Albus.”

Dumbledore stood up looking very angry. “I can’t allow this,” he declared.

“I’m afraid it’s too late now Mr. Dumbledore,” interrupted Mark smugly. “So I suggest you sit and listen to the rest of the will or I’ll have to ask you to leave.” Dumbledore grumbled and regained his seat.

“Well anyway,” the goblin continued. “Harry, I have a few words of wisdom before I tell you I leave the rest of my money, properties, and crap to you. I think you should perhaps go fuck a few hoties senseless, prank everyone and anyone any chance you get, and then fuck a few more hoties. Rule Hogwarts mate, and of course fuck a few more hoties… you’re famous remember, what hotty won’t want ‘the’ Harry Potter to fuck their brains out. Fuck em, fuck em, fuck em, fuck all the schools hoties.” The goblin paused because Harry, Ron, Remus, and Ginny had burst into tears of laughter; everyone else looked beyond embarrassed except the amused lawyer and goblin.

Harry glimpsed Ginny while laughing and noticed her look at him. “Don’t worry Gin,” he laughed. “You’re definitely a hotty.” That got Ron to stop laughing but Harry and Ginny laughed harder.

They soon calmed down and the goblin continued. “Well Harry, you get everything else, Grimauld Place included so it’s now your decision whether or not you want the Order to continue using it. In addition, since you’re a legal adult now you can use magic out of school and can claim the rest of your inheritance from your mum and dad, enjoy the rest of your life mate, and don’t forget to fuck all of those hoties.”

Harry smirked chuckling evilly he looked at Dumbledore and the old man gulped. “Grimauld Place belongs to me,” he commented amusedly.

“You’re not going to kick the Order out are you, Harry?” asked Hermione looking quite worried.

Harry shrugged. “I might do, unless the Order wants to start paying rent they can get out.”

“What, you can’t be serious, Harry,” panicked the old man.

“No, he’s gone and left me the house, but I do want rent,” he replied smirking.

“But where will the Order go?” asked a worried Molly.

“Dunno, don’t care,” he shrugged. “Maybe you’ll let all those losers use your house,” he suggested.

“I’m not letting them in my house,” she retorted defensively.

“But Harry,” interrupted Hermione. “We were hiding there,” she wined.

Harry looked thoughtful for a moment before smirking. “Well you and Ginny can come stay with me, you heard Sirius,” he giggled. “I have some hoties to fuck,” he laughed as Hermione and Ginny blushed brightly.

“Harry Potter,” reprimanded Mrs. Weasley. “You shall be doing no such thing, just because Sirius is a pervert does not mean you have to be!”

“Yeah,” agreed Ron angrily. “Stay away from my sister!”

Harry laughed shaking his head in amusement. “Chill out man, where’s ya funny ‘bone’ gone,” he snickered.

“Well Harry, h-how much rent do you want?” asked Dumbledore curiously.

“Hmm,” he thought about it. “Give me the head boy badge and dorm, all of the privileges with none of the responsibility and the house is yours to use until I finish school, then we can come to other arrangements.” Harry glanced the lawyer to see he was silently laughing.

“Harry he can’t do that,” interrupted Hermione.

“Okay, you’ve got yourself a deal,” agreed the old man ignoring the whiny girl.

“Good,” he smirked standing up. “Well, Mr Styles, I believe we have some business.”

Mark smirked. “In deed I believe we do Mr. Potter,” he agreed. “And please call me Mark.”

Harry nodded. “And just Harry will do,” he agreed as his new lawyer led him out of the room.

“Professor?” asked Hermione looking at Dumbledore. “Why would Harry want to sue you?”

Dumbledore started sweating as many answers started running pampered through his head. “I, err don’t know,” he lied.

Harry sat in Marks office at his desk, Mark the other side with quill and parchment for the ready. “Well Harry what charges do you wish to bring Mr. Dumbledore up on?”

“He kidnapped me from Godrics Hollow,” he began. “He had not taken me to a qualified medical professional after taking such a curse, and then he gave me to magic hating muggles. I was recently in an accident where I almost died saving a little girl and my accident broke many memory modifications preformed by Dumbledore because my uncle beat me into hospital and muggle social services were going to take me away from my aunt and uncles home. I’m guessing he also got them out of any kind of trouble. It was discovered recently by my doctor that the cursed scar that gave me a somewhat psychic connection to Voldemort was cancerous and would have ended up killing me in a few years.”

Mark looked horrified as he wrote. “And it isn’t now?” he asked, disgusted.

“No, the doctors at the hospital removed it,” he replied.

“Removed it?” he asked looking up. “You mean they cut it out?”

Harry chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, I’ll see if I can find a skin regeneration potion to fix my scaring.”

Mark smiled. “So you don’t have the scar anymore?”

“No, and I don’t have the connection either,” he agreed. “Do I have a case against Dumbledore?”

Mark nodded. “If you are willing to show these memories in court it will be easy, since you’re only sixteen and there are many memories they will be perfectly admissible. So, what do you want from him? Money? Because you have plenty of that.”

“No, I want to humiliate him,” he replied. “I want to show all those Dumbledore worshipers his true colours… I want to crush him.”

“Yes, I think that is a certainty,” he chuckled. “Do you want to go after anyone else while you’re at it?”

Harry thought for a moment before smirking, Mark really liked the kid he was going to get a lot of publicity from such a high profile case as Harry Potter vs. Albus Dumbledore and wondered who was next.

“Yes, Dolores Jane Umbridge, ex-defence teacher,” he said matter of factually. “She punished students at school by making them write lines using a blood quill.”

Marks’ eyes widened in horror and rage. “That bitch, I’ve wanted a crack at her for a while, anything else?”

Harry nodded. “She ran the school almost as if it’s a prisoner of war camp,” he agreed. “She had given bullies and death nibblers powers to do almost as much as teachers and made literally thousands of new laws or decrees to stop us doing anything fun. In fact, if more than three people were walking the corridors together she considered us a threat and we went into detention.”

Mark nodded scribbling angrily. “Who else?”

“Minister Fudge and the Daily Prophet for Slander,” he replied, Mark nodded remembering the horrid things the minister said to discredit Harry. “I want to own the daily prophet and I want Fudge broke; Fudge has only ever cared about money so I want him left without none and on the streets. He countersigned all of Umbridges laws and decrees, I don’t care whether we have to sue Fudge on behalf of others as well I just want him broke.”

“Anyone else,” agreed Mark nodded that he will get what he wants.

“One more,” Mark noted pure venom in his voice this time. “I am certain there are laws in the muggle world against murderers or terrorists working with children…”

“The magical world has the same laws,” he agreed, he could see what Harry wanted and did not blame him.

“Then I want Severus Snape fired and thrown out of Hogwarts forever,” he replied. “He’s a useless bastard who doesn’t teach us anything anyway, as far as I’m concerned he’s another free death eater, just because he supposedly switched sides does not mean he should go free and get praised with a job at a school.”

Mark nodded angrily. “I quite agreed with you there, I have studied muggle law as well as magic and the muggles would not have let him escape jail and would rather shoot him than let him teach children.”

“Well I think that’s everything for now,” said Harry standing while Mark nodded.

“Yes I believe so,” agreed Mark standing and offering his hand, Harry shook. “And thank you, I’m sure we’ll rattle a few assholes.”

Harry laughed. “I’m sure we will,” he agreed with a dark smirk before leaving to discuss a few things with the goblins.


A\N: I am not a lawyer or anything so just go with the flow, (it is a magical world thing.)
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