Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'd Walk Through Hell For You

Appetite or Gluttony?

by Foxtrot 3 reviews

Gluttony and Lilly battle, but what was that thing downstairs?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-09-13 - Updated: 2008-09-14 - 1202 words

Yay! Thanks for reviewing everyone! I'm so happy you all like the story! NEXT CHAPTAH!
- Love, Foxtrot

Lilly stepped back from Gluttony with a look of shock on her face. No one knew about her habits, not even her family. There would be days she would go without food, and when she did eat, she felt like a failure. She would be angry with herself for giving in to temptation. After wrestling with her conscious, she would usually find herself kneeling before the toilet and flushing away her “sin”. She looked at the man before her, and wondered about the suffering she had caused him, or more accurately, caused herself.

Gluttony took a drag off his cigarette in his left hand and continued to leer down at her. “Did you honestly think you needed to let me waste away?” he snapped. He took a drag of the cigarette in his right hand. “Did you think you could get rid of me?” he laughed, “Well FUCK YOU, I’m here to stay bitch, you can’t get rid of me. I am part of you.”

“Just like Pride was?” she sneered.

“Pride was a child. You don’t need Pride to function, but you need an appetite.” he said quickly. His arm flew from his side and grabbed a handful of her hair. She cried out and tried to escape but he held her hair firmly in his fist. He threw her up against the living room wall, and she could smell stale cigarettes on his breath.

“You’re nothing to me, you starved and abused me. You never gave into me, not ONCE! Sorry to disappoint you darling, but you need food to live you stupid little whore!” he spat

“I-I’m sorry, I never meant to hurt us…I just wanted to feel good..” she said quietly, tears running down her cheeks.

“Well did it feel good? DID IT?” he said to her, getting in her face and staring straight into her eyes.

“No…” she whispered and closed her eyes.

“Did you think you were big? Fat?” He sneered, he moved back and took another drag off his cigarette.


“How much did you weigh, you stupid girl?” he asked.

“One hundred and three pounds,” she said, choking back a sob. He let go of her hair and picked up his still burning cigarette off the floor. She ran from the living room into the kitchen and to the top of the steps leading down into the basement. She stepped onto the landing when a figure at the bottom caught her terrified eyes. It was a shadow slowly creeping into view and slowly…so slowly creeping up the steps.

She stood there, rooted to the spot where she stood. She felt cold for the first time. It slipped silently up the steps until it was so close she could reach out and touch it. A scream of pure horror ripped though her body as she ran back to where Gluttony was standing. He laughed harshly at her as she stood sobbing in the living room. “You can’t just leave. You have to come to terms with me, or he’ll come back and this time, I won’t call him off.”

Lilly looked at him, all the rage she had ever bottle away came loose and was coursing though her veins. Another scream, this one more feral and out of control came forth. She ran to a stunned Gluttony and ripped a cigarette out of his hand. Another scream filled the house as she pushed it into his left eye. She grabbed the familiar lamp that rested on the table near the door and brought it down hard on his face. She smiled as she heard the bone crunch beneath the lamp. She hit him again and again until she could no longer hold the lamp in her hands.

She looked down at his face. It was bruised and broken and for some reason, she felt very, very bad. She knelt down next to him and picked up his battered body. She cradled his head in her lap as she began to cry.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry oh god..” she choked. She had never been a violent person in life, and seeing what she had done scared her.

Gluttony reached up and touched her face. “We were beautiful you know…” he said quietly. She thought she saw him try and smile. “You didn’t have to starve us, we were so pretty…I don’t think you were able to see.” he said quietly.

“I wasn’t, I wasn’t able to see, I’m so sorry.” she cried, tears flowing freely from her eyes.

“I know. You can go now.” he said quietly. Gluttony breathed in deeply and slowly turned to sand in her hands. She gathered the sand in her hands as she cried for him. She walked to the steps and confidently went down. The shadow looked at her from the corner of the basement, she noticed but this time, she did not scream. “You don’t belong here anymore” she said quietly. The shadow seemed to nod and sunk back into the wall. She opened the back door and stepped outside.

Gerard had waited for her as he said he would. He watched her walk to the edge of the woods and stop. She piled the sand to one side and began digging a small hole next to it. She filled the hole with the sand and put a layer of dirt on top of it. “I’m so sorry” he heard her whisper to the small patch of ground.

Gerard slowly walked to her and put his hands on her shoulder. “Are you alright?” he asked, hic voice laced with concern. “Yes…” she said quietly. She stood by herself and looked off into the distance.

“Gerard!” she cried and threw her arms around his neck. She sobbed into his chest. “Gerard I’m so glad I found you, I thought you were..”

“Dead?” he asked. Kissing the top of her head.

“Yes, I’m so glad you are here, you’re okay now.” she said, wiping the tears from her eyes.

“There is something I need to tell you” he said softly, brushing away hair from her face.

“Yes Gerard? Oh god I’m so glad you are safe.”

“Lilly. We’re dead.”


Lilly shook her head slightly and looked at Gerard, narrowing her eyes. She tried to begin a sentence but shut her mouth instead.

“What is it, Sugar?” he asked.

“Nothing, I just…remember some stuff I guess.” she said quietly. She watched as her house turned to sand and blew away in a non existent wind.

“Good to hear,” he said and smiled at her. She looked up at him and smiled back. Had the been lovers in a past life? She did not want to ask, she wanted to wait to be able to remember it herself.

“Let’s go doll, we still have five more sins to cover.” he said, taking her hand and leading them away from the small grave she had built.
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