Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Deadly Chemical Life (Sequel to My Simple Chemical Life)

The Questioning

by Moonshyne 7 reviews

The kids are questioned by Holloway.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar - Published: 2008-09-15 - Updated: 2008-09-15 - 1633 words - Complete

Holloway’s POV

We landed in Boston at around ten a.m. Rachel was nice enough to wait for me as she got out first. We made our way to the rent-a-car place barely speaking to each other. I hated when this happened. As I drove I saw the Hilton on the tip of the island, “Someday I’ll take you there sweetie.”

“If we have to stay the night we can stay there my treat. And if you’re a good boy I’ll get a room with a single bed.”

“I’m always a good boy,” I smirked.

We jumped on the road that led to the tunnel that eventually headed north. Within an hour we were at the Mass State Police Station in Danvers, where they were holding the kids. We walked in and I introduced Rachel as their attorney. See no one knows we’re married it just makes life easier that way. People can’t think we can be unbiased while working together. Untrue. Rachel and I have worked on sending more criminals to jail then not.

I was led to a smallish sterile looking room with a two way mirror and a table on one end. The table had a tape recorder and was surrounded by five metal chairs, three on one side of the table, one on the other and another on the side. I placed my briefcase on the table opened it and took out a pad of paper and a pen. As I closed it and put it on the floor, I heard the door click and it opened. In walked the three that are being charged.

I have to admit I like this format of questioning I learn who the weakest is and when I conduct the separate interviews I’ll who to target.

The first to sit down was a girl with short light brown hair and hazel eyes, next was a boy with long dark brown hair and brown eyes, last was a real beauty she had long black hair with striking blue eyes. This girl could definitely be a model. The door was about to shut but in walked my wife with her briefcase, as I had previously done she took out a pad of paper and pen. It was all business now.

I turned on the tape recorder and folded my hands on the table. I stared at each on them one by one. Then I started to talk to the tape recorder “Sunday, June 1st 2007, the interrogation of one Miss Elisabeth Trenton, Mr. Derek Lazzara and Miss Natasha Levesque.” I turned to the trio “Do you know how much trouble you three are in aiding a felon and obstruction of justice is a decent amount of jail time.

“How exactly did we obstruct justice?” asked the beauty. She must be Madison’s sister. It made sense they both seemed to have gotten some beauty gene. If I was twenty years younger and not married to the most incredible woman in the world I probably could go for her. I looked over at my wife and she mouthed, “She’s over eighteen.” I swear the woman has a direct connection to my brain.

“By not cooperating with the police.”

“We merely exercised our Constitutional right to have an attorney present while being questioned.”

“She’s here, now spill.”

“What do you want to know?”

“Did you aid Mr. Bryar and Mrs. Gadsen?”

“Detective Holloway at this juncture you are only to speak of Mr. Bryar as you had not charged Mrs. Gadsen yet,” said my wife.

I looked at her coldly and then went back to Elisabeth, “Did you aid Mr. Bryar?”

“If you call trying to help them find the real murderer, which your not doing, and proving that the rape charge is a phony than yes we aided Mr. Bryar.”

“The rape charge isn’t phony,” I said. “We have solid evidence.”

“I know about your evidence and it’s a crock of shit,” said Elisabeth leaning into with her hand folded properly on the table. “Natasha will you do the honors?”

“Of course Lizzie. Maddie was convinced that the video was a fake and asked me to prove it. I found a disc with Bob and Maddie getting it on
and compared it to the disc of the ‘rape’”, she held her arms slightly and did the quotation mark thing. “I noticed how similar they were when I watched side by side simultaneously they were exact frame by frame. Next I came across a slight miscalculation in the editing it was enough for me to start pulling apart was superimposed. If the evidence was left behind and the crime unit is smart here they’ll see the third disc I made of what was originally filmed.” She turned to Rachel, “Madison was going to send it to you but we know what happened.”

I turned to the boy “And your part in all this?”

“I cracked the code to get into Gadsen’s computer. Where we found evidence of blackmail, theft, destruction of people’s well being and…” he looked at Elisabeth then looked down and whispered “murder.”

“Why don’t we start with blackmail?” I asked.

“He blackmailed this guy Chris into giving Maddie a date rape drug and her roommate took it instead. He told Chris if he ever told anyone he would harm his sister, Chris felt bad about the whole thing and was about to tell the police but Mark got him back in line by slicing the girls face. She was on her way to becoming a top model when it happened she eventually killed herself feeling her life was over.”

Rachel and I looked at each other and probably had the same thought, what an ass.

“Why would he want Chris to give Mrs. Gadsen a date rape drug?”

“The way the drug works it makes the taker lose all inhibitions he just needed Maddie to make out with him so there could be a picture in the paper and Bob and Maddie would split up.”

“They ended up splitting anyway.”

“Because Gadsen blackmailed Maddie into marriage, if she didn’t then the video you have there of the rape would have went out to the public.”

“Why didn’t she tell anyone?” I asked.

“Because,” spoke Elisabeth “the two time she tried Mark went after me. The first time she tried to tell Dad and Natasha and I were attacked, the second time she tried to tell Bob and soon after I got in a car accident. The brake line was cut. Your friends here should have the report.”

“Did he blackmail any one else?”

“Not that I know of, there some stuff really imbedded with lots of firewalls there could be something there.”

“How did he destroy people’s lives?”

“There was supposed to be some business deal between a Japanese and an English company that Mr. Trenton was working on that would have saved to businesses from closing. When Mark took over after Mr. Trenton passed away he broke up the deal destroying both companies. The Japanese son who brokered the deal, interestingly enough blew his brains out twenty miles outside of Kenilworth.”

Rachel and I looked at each other I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. “Who knew the cases were connected.” I said to no one in particular. “Anything else?”

“He was skimming money off the top letting the finacials show that Trenton Enterprises wasn’t making as much as it really is. That’s in an account hidden somewhere. Probably those files I was talking about.”

“Did he steal the money?”

“I don’t know the transfers seemed to happen around the same time as you guys are saying the time of death. I will tell you the accounts are in fact in Madison’s name.”

I looked smugly at Rachel, “See she needed the money to run away with Bob.”

Suddenly there was a booming laugh, “My sister this time next week will have a two hundred and fifty million dollar trust fund handed to her from her mother. Believe me my sister didn’t need that money besides it was something her and father worked on together she would never steal from it.”

“Things have to be signed.”

“It seems Mark had a forger on his bank roll. I don’t even think Mark knew who the guy was.”

“So tell me about murder.”

I watched as he looked at Elisabeth, “On the laptop was the schematics of a 747, blue prints of the renovations done to the Trenton plane and Mr. Trenton schedule. All under the file name of Good-bye.”

“So he kills dad, divorces Maddie and gets a quarter of the fortune, not a bad gig.”

“He didn’t want a quarter he wanted it all. He was trying to get a contract out on Maddie and Lizzie until it fell through. The man he tried to hire was Paul Demarci, Chris’s uncle.”

“So where are they now?” I finally asked.

“Going after the remaining suspects I imagine,” said Elisabeth.

I questioned them each individually and always came up with the same answer. They didn’t know where they were heading that the answer was probably in the computer.

Across the pond in England

Narrator’s POV

Bob and Madison caught a cab after just having to get through customs. They were thankful that Kelsey took the money and was going to put it into one of her father’s banks, and then send them a debit card. Madison finally looked at Bob whom she hadn’t talked to all day and said, “I hope everything’s okay at home.”

Bob held her hand and squeezed it, “Me too.”
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