Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Bucket List


by Dondon1827 1 review

Kari meets the band again

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-09-17 - Updated: 2008-09-17 - 709 words

By the time Kari got home her mom and Ross were already in bed. She went into her room and thought about the decision she had made about her life, and how she was going to tell her mom. How could she tell her she was dropping out of school?

Morning came way to quickly and before long Kari's mom was shouting her downstairs.

"Come on, you will be late for school" she called up.

Kari smiled to herself, she wasnt going to school. Not today, not ever. She had decided that she wasnt going to be there to graduate, so why bother staying when she could be out having fun.
She dragged herself downstairs and sat at the table.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?" her mom asked.

"Because mom, Im not going to school" she said

Her mom came over and started checking her temperature, "What are you feeling unwell?"

Kari swatted her away, "No mom, Im not going back. Im dropping out" she cringed, waiting for her mom to go ballistic.

"Oh, okay then" was all she got from her mom. Kari was shocked, she was expecting an explosion.

"So you dont mind?" she asked her hesitantly.

"Well I thought this day would come sooner than now, so I sort of expected it" her mom said.

Kari was suprised yet relieved at the same time. She went back upstairs and climbed back into bed under her covers. A sudden text made her eyes spring open. She was expecting it to be Dana or Ella wondering were she was.

We have a free morning
Meet us at starbucks now

Kari's head started spinning. She had a text from Frank Iero, not just any text, but a text telling her too meet them to go out. She was sort of suprised, but they all got on so well yesterday it was like she had known them forever.

Over at Starbucks

"Just fucking leave it, please. It would only end badly okay?" said Gerard to the rest of the guys.

They had all agreed that Gerard just had a crush on Kari, and given her situation it wouldn't be fair to either of them so they were going to leave it.

"Hey guys, I would of been quicker but I just had a talk with my mom telling her Im dropping out of school" she said, cringing at the thought her mom was fine with it.

"What?! Why are you doing that?" Frank cried. Kari giggled, she hadnt told them everything.

"Well I wont be there to graduate, so why bother wasting my time when I can just have fun instead?" she told them.

"Why wont you be there..." Gerard trailed off realsing what she meant. The others silently understood as well.

"You are allowed to talk about it you know, I have accpeted the fact that in 6 and a half months I wont be here anymore" she told them, suprisingly happy. A sharp pain shot through Kari's stomach. It had been happening the past few days but she put it down to period pain. She slipped off her jacket as she excused herself from the table.

"She dropped this" said Frank picking up a worn piece of paper. It was her list, her bucket list.

When she returned the guys were huddled round looking at it. "What you reading?" she asked them.

They all returned to their seats quickly pretending they had done nothing. "Reading? We werent reading, I cant even read" Frank cringed as he realised what he just said.

Kari laughed and grabbed the paper, then blushed realising what it was. "Oh...that, its nothing really I was gunna throw it away" she babbled.

Gerard cleared his throat and Kari looked at him, "Its not a stupid idea, I think its a good thing to do" he told her. She smiled through the pain in her stomach that this time made her double over.

"Woah are you okay?" Mikey asked, running round to her side. She forced a smile, "Just cramp. Im fine honestly" she said. Although she knew she was lying.

A/N- Heyyy people of earth. You guys want another chapter tonight? Review and your wish is my command. I pinky swear.

Dondon xo.
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