Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Ms.Camila

Chapter 2

by dtng101 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-09-21 - Updated: 2008-09-22 - 535 words

a/n:mcr well come out in the next chapter.
still flashback
many years ago.

camila's pov.
I was about to give birth to my baby.It was going to be a girl,a small little girl.
I wasn't looking forward to that 'thing' I was going to have at all.
I have my reasons.
One I'am only sixteen,and much to young to have a child at my age.
Two I don't even know who the fuckin father is.
And three she was concevied,by me getting raped and my parents dieing.
I sat down at my abanded small house.
Yes I lived by myself.SInce my parents death,I was young and off on my own.I looked down at my stomatch I was due very soon.
I started to feel hard pains in my stomatch,almost like hard cramps but much painful in deed.
I looked down since I was starting to feel wet.
My water had just broken.
"Don't panick,everything will be okay."I assured myself.
I got up,and went to nearest doctor,that was only a block away.Since I lived in a small town,and there was only a doctor that came to your house when you were ill.
The pain grew more painful than it was before.
"you've got to hold on,it's not time least"I said
As I touched my stomatch.
I was finally at the steps of the doctor's house.
He came rushing outside.
"Camila what's wrong"he said worried
"IT'S TIME!"I screamed as the pain was harder.
"oh,god,we got to get you inside"he said as he came and helped me.
He took me inside and put me on a white bed,and got ready for the deliverly.
[/"push"he said
I pushed as hard as I could
"one more time push,with all your might"he said
Time lapse
I held in my hands a beautiful baby girl.She had hazel eyes,with dark brown hair.
SHe weigh a ton,and was a tall baby for her average height.
"I'am sorry but I can't keep you."I said as if she were listening
I looked at her,and a tear slipped off my eye.
"I'm sorry for being me"
"I hope you never grow up nad abanded your child,like I'am going to do."
three days laters
I got up from the bed and left,the doctor's house.I grabbed my baby,that I hadn't named since I wasn't going to keep her.
I walked to the nearest woods that were by my house.
There was only one small cottage in the woods,that apperantly looked like if someone lived in there.I took one last look at her,and put her on the door step.
"Bye,forever my dear child"
I kissed her forehead and left,never looking back.
I grabbed my stuff from my house,and left.
I was planning to leave this small town,and hopefully make it big somewhere else.
This town just brought too much pain to me.
I was going to a small ranch that was only like tweleve hours away from here.
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