Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Ms.Camila

Chapter 3.

by dtng101 2 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-10-12 - Updated: 2008-10-13 - 485 words

auther's note-okay so here's an update.Hope you all enjoy-D
still flashback

Camila arrived at a small ranch,tweleve hours exactly were she had abanded her child.
She walked up to a huge house.It had cows,pigs,chicken and horses outside on the ranch.It was a small villeage in deed were she had just arrrived.Everyone knew each other,and their past lives.SO when everyone saw Camila arrive,they all gathered around to observe her,every moment.
back at the forest

"I need to find a new weapon,to hunt"called a man.
He went in search for his weapon around the forest,when suddenly he heard a child's cry.
He walked slowly following the child's cry.
He heard it getting closer.
He finally saw the small child crying her eyes out,she was the most beautiful child he had seen.She had nicely black hair just like him,and hazel eyes.She could exactly pass for his own.
The truth is that this man,was a homeless man.Ever since his parents abanded him in the streets he's been on his own.And he knows how the child might feel when she gets olderif he leaves her.
The man similed at the small child,as he carried her in his arms.
"Hi there,beauty,my name's Frank"He said
"Since I see you have no where to go,your coming with me,for now on I'am your new father sweetie".
"I've always wanted to have someone else to care for.I'am not the richest man in the world.Hey I'am not even rich.But I live just in a small cottage ten minutes away from here.I think I'am going to name you Elianor.Now let's get going before it get's dark"
He carried her in his arms and sang sweetly to her,it was such a miracle to have someone else,for company.He's always been lonely since he was only thridteen,so he had to hunt for his own food in the forest.
As in matter of fact he lives inside the forest.

Thriteen Years Later
Camila was know the richest woman in the village,she was the one with all the power.
Al the money she had turned her into a heart-less cold hearted women.She owned the whole village,she had servants,everything you name it!
But she loved one of her servants dearly very much,her name was Liberty.
SHe an old women,but that old women took care of Camila,when she berly came to the villeage if it wouldn't have been for Liberty Camila woudn't be the women she is today.
SO Camila treats her like if she was her own flesh and blood,her mother.
a/n:okay so I'll try to update soon,and btw Gerard well be coming out in the next chapter
Review please!
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