Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Ms.Camila

Chapter 4..

by dtng101 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-11-02 - Updated: 2008-11-03 - 648 words

a/n:sorry for the long wait,I'm still working on the next chapter for the babysitter.If anyone cares.Well anywayz here it is
present time
note-Camila is 29 and her daughter is 14

Back to her daughter
normal pov.

Serval years have passed and Camila's daughter had turned into a beautiful young lady.Frank had named her Elianor,after the only person who understood him and accepted him for who he was.His grandmother.But she passed away when he was exactly thridteen.
The age that brought him so much misery to his self.
No one accepted him ....well at least several of the ones who knew.
You see when Frank was around the age of eleven and twelve,the pre-teen years the ones you go thru puberty.Frank started to find out that,his eyes caught the attention of men.
Yes,he found out he was gay,it wasn't like he chose to be gay.It was something that he was just born with,and he wasn't ashamed of being what he was.
When he turned exactly thridteen,he though that maybe he could open up to his parents that he was gay.
He though that they would be open minded and accepte him for who he was,so he wouldn't hide his 'secret' anymore.
But he was so wrong....that it happen to brought him to the streets.
The day he told his parents,they got furious and kicked him out.They though it was a great shame and disguest to have 'one of them'near him.That's what he named them.
Frank first regreted that he told him,but learned to accepte that there was no crime in being gay what so ever.
His parents were just closed minded and ignorate.
Frank had just finished hunting and got bakc to his cottage,to find Elianor already dressed in the clothes he made her from banna leaves.
"Good morning"he said as he entered
"Frank morning good"she said sweetly.
You see Frank hasn't had exactly time to teach her how to speak properly,so she speaks very badly since she never went to school.
And since Frank only went up to eight grade,he didn't learn much either.
They both ate as Frank told her a little about what school was.
"What school?"she asked
"Well,you see it;s this place where you go five days a week and learn important stuff you'll need to know later on in life."he explained
"sound boring"she said blankly
"yeah,it was tust me"he laughed
"but you learn stuff you'll need later on"
Back at Camila's house
"Camila,today the man from the other village is coming to meet you,to see who's the owner"said Liberty
"Okay women"that was one of the nick names Camila called her by.
Camila dressed up in some black leather pants and a white blouse with buttons on it.She briaded her hair and put on her cowgirl hat.
She went outside as she saw a big truck coming by.
'It must be him'she though as the truck got closer
She walked towards the truck you could hear her heavy boots as she cames.A handsome man came out in sight.He had amazimg raven shoulder hair,most amazing hazel eyes that you could stare for hours and a killer simile.
"Hey.there you must be Camila"He grinned
"Oh you know me already"
"Who doesn't"he smirked
"And you might you be"
"Gerard.Gerard Way.The owner of the other village"
"Hmm nice to meet you,shall we"she pointed to his truck
"after you"
'He is so mine'she though to herself as she sat next to him.
a/n:I wroted this chapter in a rush so it might have miss spell words and all that shit.So spare me if you find any mistakes
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