Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Ms.Camila

Chapter 5...

by dtng101 2 reviews

New Character

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-11-07 - Updated: 2008-11-08 - 399 words

personality-Nice person to be with and talk to.People always take her for granted.She'll do anything she's told,but she has her limts.Lives with her mother in a small village owned by Gerard Arthur Way.Has a crush on Michael-James Way.Her and her mom aren't rich but they aren't so poor.
Apperance-Has long dark brown hair that goes down pass her shoulders,has bangs.Has brown eyes,and fair height'weight.
Normal Pov.

Caroline sat queitly at the table munching on her speacil K.Her mother came into the room,and sat down at the corner of the round table.
"Caroline,it's time for you to feed the chicken and milk the cows,"her mother said
"alright,"Caroline said as she got up and placed her dirty dish on the counter.She went upstairs to get dressed.She leaned over her window,and that's when she saw him......
The young boy she has dreamed with many times,and drowls over when seen.She saw his blonde hair shine on the bright sun,his hazel eyes sparkle.And that shy simile he always gave at people.
"huu,why can't you ever notcie me"she sigh.As she knew they probably could never be together,since he was rich and of course the brother of the owner of all the villeage Gerard.
She put her hand on her chin,and watched him as he talked with his father.
"Caroline,"called her mother
She went downstairs and went outside to feed the chicken.
"Oh,how much I wish I was one of you fellows you guys have nothing to worry about.You just eat and sleep,"she said as she threw pieces of bread to them.
She then went with her bucket to milk the cows,as she sat there milking the cows she saw Mikey only 20 feet away from her.
"huu,he's coming over here!!,"she paincked as she saw him approach
She got the bucket and started to walked back to her house,milk spilling as she walked fast.
She didn't see the log as she walked,she tripped hard on it and the bucket of milk fell all over her braided hair.
"kmm"she heard someone clear their throat.
"are you alright"she heard a voice
She looked up and couldn't find words to speak to him.
a/n:review please
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