Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Ms.Camila

Chapter six..

by dtng101 1 review

sorry for the shortness

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-11-13 - Updated: 2008-11-14 - 780 words

a/n:so before I start this chapter might be short,since it popped out in my head lol.So bob and Ray will be coming out really soon.And I decided to keep every chapter different.Like for ex/one is going to be of Camila/Elianor/Frank.And the next one Caroline/Bob/Ray.But keep note to self that they'll meet face to face.Since Caroline,Bob and Ray are from Gerard's village.So this is back to Camila/Elianor/Frank's pov.

[*Camila's pov

We arrived at this small dinning place,near Gerard's village.Nothing I'am usually used to,to me it looks like a lot of crap,just looking at it from the outside looks like if someone died in there.But yet,again I'll keep my mouth shut,if I want him to fal head over heels for me.
"kmmmm,we're here,hello Camila you there,"
I snapped back to reality as I saw Gerard waving a hand in front of my face
'how rude'I though
"yes,sorry I was thinking of..uh stuff",I said my mind scanning for a answer.
"hmmm..stuff,well whatever it is I'am sure it'll turn out just fine"
Gerard helped me get out of the car,finally he's acting like a real gentelmen.
We walked in just as disgusting as I though,wooden tables with yellow covers on them.
Uhh and worst of all plastic on them.
I waited in the interance.
"Camila,over here"Gerard said
"Aren't we going to be esscorted to a table",I said cooky
"ha,your kidding right?"He said with a smirk
"As of matter in fact,I'am not"
"Oh,well we seat ourselfs here,"
He got me by the shoulder,to a near by table.There was already a women there already.
Waitress?I thought no,she's well dressed.
Maybe it's one of those waitresses that have to be dress formal.
Yeah that's it.
We walked closer to where she was.Gerard leaned in and kissed her on the lips.
"Camila,I want you to meet my girlfriend Katy,"Gerard said with a simile
she simled at me."Hi,you must be Camila,"she said
I see I'am going to have to get ride of her.
"yes,"I shook her hand
Frank's pov.
back at the forest.

I'am feeling more and more hopeless every day that goes by.I can't do anything for Elianor,all I could do is give her shelter and love like a father should do.
I got up,and gave Elianor a kiss on the forehead.I went out into the street,huu haven't seen the streets in a long time.In search of maybe a job around here.
I walked thru the streets,people shooting dirty looks as I passed them.
'must be the clothes'I though
I walked slowly with my head looking down to the floor,when suddenly I bumped into someone.
"Oh,I'am so sorry,"I said helping up the man I accidentally dropped.
He was actually quite handsome,tall very tall about 5'9 or so.Curly hair an afro,and amazing brown eyes.
'frank control yourself'I told myself
"Don't worry it's okay,"He said he looked at me up and down
"It looks like you need some work hu?He asked
Like if he had just read my mind.
"Yeah,actually that was what I was doing,but no luck"I said feeling my head drop
"Well my boss owns the village here,I'am sure Gerard won't mind having an extra help,"
"that's great"I lifted up my head
"He'll give you food ,shelter,clothes.He's the sweetest person you'll ever mean,come back tommorow at this address,and he'll see what he could do,"He said handing me a piece of paper with the address.
"But I have a kid of my own,"I said
"No worries,he loves kids he also likes a lot of company"
"It's like a miracle in all,finally finding a job ya now'
"Yeah,I know"
"well see you tommorow"
With that I walked home with a simile,not caring what people were staring at.
I got a job,a house,food and a very hot dude.
Everything Elianor needs,well except the hot guy.

He's mine.That reminds me I never got his name,I looked back to see if maybe I could reach him but he was far gone.
a/n:mwahhhaa I decided to turn 1/3 of this into a ranky.Wierd name hu lol.
Well comments are apperiated
A picture of Katy
and a picture finally of Camila
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