Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > From Dusk 'Till Dawn

Chapter 19

by arquero333 3 reviews

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Horror,Romance - Published: 2008-09-24 - Updated: 2008-09-25 - 1031 words

Okay, heres the next part. Its pretty exciting! lol

William was a very good dancer. He knew how to waltz, tango, and every other dance that was called up during the evening. Of course, I didn't, so together we looked like we couldn't dance at all.

We were in the middle of some dance I didn't know the name to, but it had William twirling me a lot. I could barely see straight and suddenly we stopped. I looked over at William to see that someone had stopped him from dancing and was talking to him. William had a panicked expression on his face. Whats going on?

~~William's POV~~
"Um, sir. We have a problem." Fredric whispered.
"What?" I snapped. I was a little mad that my date had been interrupted.
"Well, some of the newborns got out and-"
"Can't you handle that yourselves?"
"They're on the very edge of our territory. Every time we try, they cross the border."
"How far?"
"Only a few blocks away. But thats not the worst of it-"
"Whats going on, William?" Cali asked as she walked over to where we were standing.
"Nothing sweetie." Sweetie?! Where did that come from? "Just some business."
"Oh, you don't look happy." She pointed out.
"Yes, I'm afraid we'll have to take a rain check on the dancing." I sighed.
"Oh, ok." She smiled. She didn't seem all that disappointed. Probably all the spinning.
"Would you mind going with Fredric?" I asked. I didn't think she'd like it, but I had to get down to the others fast. There was no way I was about to let her come with me.
"Um, I guess." She trailed off.
"Look, you know I'd take you home if I could."
"Yeah, I know. I just-" She stopped and sighed.
"What?" I asked after she didn't continue.
"I was having such a good time. I didn't want it to end so soon."
"I know." I pulled her into a hug. "I know."
"Um, Sir?" Fredric interrupted. I pulled away from the hug.
"I'll see you back home, okay?" I asked her.
"Okay." She smiled at me before leaning forward and kissing me quickly before walking off with Fredric.
I walked out of the building until I was far enough no one would notice if I just disappeared... and I did.

I transported myself to where Fredric had told me the newborns were causing havoc. There was about five of them and there was a bunch of the leaders trying to persuade them to stop acting up. Brendon, I noticed was there. I also saw some vampires from the other clan, The Gangrels, on their side of the border, just waiting for us to slip up and cross. They weren't going after the newborns though. They were waiting for one of us to cross. I walked up behind Brendon.
"Whats going on?" I asked.
"William! We've got this under control! Its okay. Go back to your date." He urged.
"Too late. Whats going on?" I asked again.
"A few of the newborns got out of the mansion. When their leader told them to get back in, they started causing havoc and they ran to the border. Now we're here trying to get them back without going past the border." He explained. I nodded.
"Have you tried to get them over here?"
"I tried. I can't get a lock on their minds. They're too sporadic." Damn newborns... I sighed to myself and stepped forward towards the border. One of the newborns stopped and motioned for the others to look. They all stopped to look at me. My fangs were descended by now.
"What are you doing?" I commanded in a tone that clearly said that I was the Clan Leader and they would do well to listen.
"Just having some fun." One of them mumbled.
"I suggest you come to this side of the border, immediately." It wasn't at all another suggestion. It was a command. Two of the five walked over and as soon as they did, two transporters grabbed them and brought them back to the mansion.
"What about you others?" I asked.
"We're staying here. What are you going to do about it?" One laughed. He was clearly their little 'leader' or sorts.
"Well..." I laughed and I glared at him. He was suddenly writhing on the ground in pain. Being the Clan Leader, I could easily manipulate the bodies of my clan. Especially the newborns. I was just making him feel as if he was in pain. The other two watched him in fear. One of them ran over to the border while the other disappeared. I broke the gaze and he stopped writhing. He looked up at me and smirked. He disappeared as fast as the other one did. I whipped around to look at the others.
"Did you know they were transporters?" I yelled, walking away from the border.
"No Sir! We didn't!" One of the leaders yelled from behind me. I assumed he was the leader of these newborns.
"Well, I suggest you go find them!" I yelled. I saw some vampires disappear, some run into the distance, some fly and other just jogged in different directions from not having any useful transportation as a power. Brendon jogged towards me.
"Now what?" he asked
"Well. We find the two newborns, get them back to the mansion. Punish all five including their leader-"
"It wasn't Grant's fault. This was his first batch-"
"So? No one else messed up with their first batch. And if they did, they didn't live for very long once I found out." Brendon sighed, he knew I was right. All of a sudden, his head snapped up.
"They're downtown."
"Fuck." I grabbed his arm and transported downtown.

Ohh. Does anyone else see where this is going now? I mean, I do, but thats because I wrote it aha. I'm writing, like, Chapter 22 or something i think, so don't worry about not having any updates forever. Of course, I'll make you guys wait a few days for the next one. Remember, reviews make me happy and I post more when I'm happy.
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