Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > i scream into the night for you!

eighteen! [finale]

by vampiress_666 1 review

this is the final chapter for this story.... want a sequal?! then just review and tell me!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2008-09-26 - Updated: 2008-09-27 - 1187 words - Complete

I zipped up the last of my suitcase before heaving it off my bed and swinging it towards the door. I walked around my room. It was all so empty now.

The pictures, the posters, the ticket stubs, the concert announcements, the drawings, the memories were all taken off my walls and put into boxes. All the stuff in the dresser was now in suitcases. The letters in my nightstand were in my backpack. My closet was empty and the only thing hanging now was a lonely plain black shirt that had one too many holes in it.

I heard a soft knock on my door just as I was about to check if I had everything.

“come in” I said.

The door opened and in walked Niki. She was looking rather afraid and pale.

As soon as her eyes laid on me, her eyes drew to the small baby bump underneath my loose fitting tee. I had waited longer than I had planned. Instead of staying for 2 months, I waited three. You could really tell I was pregnant now.

“are you ready?” Niki asked as she looked away from my stomach and at my face.

“yeah. Can you help with my stuff?” I pointed at the boxes and cases next to my door.

She simply nodded before grabbing 3 suitcases and walked out the room silently.

I got 2 boxes and headed downstairs.

“Georg and Gustav are stalling Bill and Tom across the street. They still have no idea, huh?”

“no… they haven’t seen me like this. I haven’t seen Bill since I had walked out on him with Tom and I haven’t seen Tom since… well… a week after that.”

We set the stuff in front of the front door before heading back upstairs together.

“we better hurry. Do your parents know?”

“yes. I told them last week. They’re fine with my decision. They’ll come over when I’m almost due”

We got the last of the stuff which was just my backpack and another box before we went downstairs and outside into the midnight air.

It was cool and the sky was beautiful for my last time in Germany.

Niki decided to load the stuff in her Jeep for me so that I could savor the night.

I glanced across the street and in the Kaulitz’s front window, I could see Georg looking back at me. He quickly looked away and walked away from the window. Seconds later, a Gustav was trying to keep a Bill from peering out the window. Bill looked like he was getting aggressive before Georg came over and pulled him away from Gustav.

“hurry Niki.” I whispered as I turned around to see Niki putting a box in the back seat.

“im hurrying. Just one more suitcase” she ran back inside and at the same time she did, the door across the street opened.

It took only a second for me to figure out that it was Tom with Gustav running after him.

I panicked and did my best to stretch my shirt out a little.

“EMMA!” Tom called out to me and he collided with me and squeezed me tight. I felt myself being unable to breathe and my stomach hurt abit from the pressure Tom was putting on me.

“let go, please” I gasped.

He let go and studied me.

“whats wrong? Why do you look so pale?” he asked.

Gustav finally caught up and pulled Tom away from me. He grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me slightly.

“he knows, Emma! HE KNOWS!” he bellowed in my face.

“who knows?” three people asked at once; me, Tom, and Niki.

Niki stood besides me now with my last suitcase. Tom stood behind Gustav, looking confused.

“Bill.. He knows youre pregnant!” Gustav screeched out before collapsing at my feet. He curled himself into a ball and began weeping. “he knows you’re leaving also” he mumbled.

“YOU’RE WHAT?!” Tom yelled 5 feet away from me. It wasn’t anger… more like shock and confusion.

Before I had a chance to reply, Bill and Georg appeared on my lawn also. Bill was steaming. You could tell by his face.

“I tried to hold him off, Emma… he just got so mad, I couldn’t no more” Georg stuttered at me in disappointment.

Bill stalked over to me and looked down at my growing belly.

“why?” he asked. “why keep it when you don’t know who’s it is and who you truly love?”

Niki stepped between us and held him back.

“we have to go Bill or Emma is going to miss her…”

“flight?” Bill finished for her.

“Flight?” Tom asked. Tom stepped closer to Bill and I just stared at him. I felt so… unreal in this situation. I felt as if this were a scripted drama.

“yes, Tom. Flight. She’s leaving for the States. She’s running away” Bill said, his voice filled with hurt and sarcasm. Two tones I never knew could be mix together.

“you’re leaving?” Tom looked at me with teary eyes.

Niki began pulling me away.

“we have to go, Emma, there’s no time to explain…” she pulled on my arm as she carry my suitcase in the other hand.

I followed her and didn’t think to look back at two brothers, one crying, the other cursing under his breath, one best friend cuddled into a ball on the grass, and the other best friend trying to decide on what he should do next.

Niki put the stuff in her Jeep, took me to the passenger seat and closed the door for me when I was in and buckled up.

I stared out the window at the other side of the street. The side that wasn’t the front of my house, but the front of my neighbor’s house.

I didn’t even notice when Niki had started up the vehicle and pulled out the drive-way.

She stalled her Jeep in front of my house for awhile. She was talking to Georg. Telling him that the twins have to stay in Germany. That they cant go looking for me after this.

I wasn’t paying much attention though. I was just listening to everything but her’s and his voice.

I could hear Tom crying and that pained me. What if it was his baby I was carrying? Then I heard his voice. Bill. He was comforting Tom. He was singing to him. And that brought tears to my eyes.

“okay, Niki. Im going to go ahead and get Gustav home.” Georg told Niki.

“okay. See you in a few hours” Niki replied. She waited a few seconds for Georg to step away from her car before stepping on the gas.

Then I heard them.


Niki stopped the car 6 houses away from my own. She looked at me.

“should I keep going or…”

“no, im leaving.” I whispered when I heard my name again.

And that was the last thing I heard from them.

My name… being screamed into the night…
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