Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Decaydance (way back)

chapter 6

by littlepunkrocker13 3 reviews

the boys take Gabe to the hospital

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Published: 2008-09-28 - Updated: 2008-09-29 - 720 words


We all got out of the car as fast as we could and Matt picked up Gabe bridal style and carried him in the building with all of us following close behind.
"Please, we need help. We found him alone in his house all bruised and covered in blood." Matt told the lady at the reception. She called some nurses and they brought a stretcher and took Gabe into a room for examining him, as we sat down in the waiting room impatient.
"We should call our moms and tell them where we are and what happened." Ry suggested. We all agreed and took turns using the pay phone that was in the room. Finally my turn came after everybody assured their moms that we were okay.
"Hi mommy."
"William! Oh god ,where are you? Are you okay?!"
"Yes I'm okay mommy,but Gabe isn't. When we got to his house no one was there, and everything was broken, and then we found Gabe all bloody and bruised, and then Jon called his big brother to drive us to the hospital, and now I am calling from the hospital." I explained quickly almost in the verge of tears.
"Oh honey, just tell me what hospital and I'll be right there." I told her the hospital and hung up.

We waited probably around one hour without any news on Gabe, an then our mothers started to come. By now all of our moms where here, even Sisky's. But no one had a clue where Gabe's parents where.

One hour and a half had passed already and there was no sign of a doctor willing to come and tell us what Gabe's condition was. Since there was no news, everyone started leave; the mothers had to be home to receive their husbands with a proper dinner. Only my mother remained, for she didn't have a husband to return to. I was willing to spend the night there. I just couldn't leave Gabe alone.
"Do you want something to eat sweetie?" My mom asked kindly, sipping some of her coffee.
"Can you get me a sandwich please?"
"Sure. I'll be right back." She left to the cafeteria and I was falling asleep in my seat, when I saw a doctor approach me.
"Are you here for Gabriel Saporta?" I nodded, immediatley getting nervous.
"How is he doctor?" My mom asked sitting next to me and handing me my sandwich.
"He is technically okay. He just has a lot of cuts and bruises, he was also stabbed with a knife but not very badly and luckily for him only one broken bone, as he was beaten very badly." The doctor explained.
I sighted in relief, he was going to be okay.
"Can I see him now?" I asked pleadingly.
"Sure. Room 104." The doctor said and I ran as fast as I could down the hall. I got to door 104 and opened the door. In was a bed with a sleeping Gabe there. I approached him silently, and sat down next to him on his bed carefully not to wake him. "Aww Gabe." His face had small cuts, and his arms where all bruised and cuts obviously made with a knife. He had a purple eye, and a busted lip. I stared at him looking for the 'broken bone' , and I noticed a cast on his left leg. Yeah, just one broken leg. He was lucky he didn't break more. I grabbed his hand and squeezed him tight. "Don't worry Gabe, I'll take care of you." I started looking around, and didn't notice he was awake. "Thank you. For everything. I don't know what I would do without you. You mean a lot to me." He said looking at me with a small smile, and I couldn't stop the tears coming down from my eyes.
"I'm so happy you are okay." I said and hugged him as I cried.

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I just have been very very busy with school,and I have never had as much work as I am having right now, so I am trying to balance my schedule. I know it is a very short chapter, but I promise I will try and update as fast as I can.

Review please!!!!

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