Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Decaydance (way back)

chapter 5

by littlepunkrocker13 1 review

The car ride to the hospital.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Published: 2008-07-21 - Updated: 2008-07-22 - 664 words

I'm sorry for not uploading in a long time, but I have been very busy this past weeks. Also, know that this chapter is very very short but I have a lot of pressure right now and I am feeling depressed due to my crappy week, so I 'll update as fast as I can but I can't guaranty this happening soon. Review please.

I stood there staring at him filled with fright, until I saw him open his eyes slowly. He was lying down with blood coming out of his nose and his forehead, his arms had huge purple bruises.
"Bill? Wh-what are you..doing here?" His voice was slow and soft, he sounded scared.
"We came for you. We came to see if you're okay." I walked to him and helped him sit down, and he leaned his body on me. I sat there hugging him while he cried.
"Thank you so much Bill, you're a great friend." He said between sobs.
"Bill, we have to get him out of here. He needs to go to the hospital." Bren said approaching us. He kneeled in front of us and hugged Gabe.
"But how do we get to the hospital?" Spence asked.
"My big brother can drive us. I live two blocks away from here and I am sure he is home doing nothing. He is just fifteen, but he can drive." Jon said picking up the phone that was lying on the floor.
"Okay" Gabe and me said, and everybody else nodded.

After calling his brother and asking him to pick us up Jon stood outside the house waiting while the boys and me helped Gabe clean the blood on his face and his arms.
"He's here!" Jon yelled entering the room, followed by a teenager that looked a lot like Jon.
"Matt, we need to drive him to the hospital." Jon told his brother pointing at Gabe.
"Oh my god what happened to him?" Matt said picking up Gabe and carrying him to the car.
"We don't know." Ry said. Matt put Gabe in the passenger's seat and we squeezed in the back, except for Ry who didn't fit and had to sit in the front with Gabe. Ry wrapped his arms around him and Gabe relaxed into Ryan leaning his head on Ry's chest.
"Bill? Bill!" Gabe called me extending his hand to me.
"I'm right here Gabe." I grabbed his hand and he squeezed mine tight.
For the rest of the ride we remained quiet. It was approximately a 40 minute ride to the hospital and after 10 minutes the only ones awake where Sisky, Ryan, me and obviously Matt.
"He's asleep." Ry told me. Although he was already asleep he kept a tight hold of my hand.
"What do you think happened to him?" Sisky asked speaking for the first time.
"I don't know. Although now that I think about it, he did act a little weird sometimes when I asked about his family." I said remembering the times when I had asked Gabe about his parents.
"What do you mean?" Ry asked shifting in his seat trying not to wake up Gabe.
"Whenever I asked where his dad worked we would change the subject, and when his dad picked him up from school he was very mean to him, and Gabe didn't do anything, so his dad would get really angry at him for no reason. Also, when I asked if I could go to his house he seemed nervous and always said no. Now that I think about it, every time we talked about his dad...I guess...his dad is not e very nice person." I said understanding everything now. His dad probably did this to him.
"So you think his dad..." Sisky started before I interrupted him.
"I don't know, but the evidence kind of points to him." I said, and the boys nodded.
"We're here." Matt said, and Sisky and me began waking everybody up.
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