Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Decaydance (way back)

chapter 4

by littlepunkrocker13 0 reviews

Gabe hasn't been at school for three days. Something is wrong.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Published: 2008-07-06 - Updated: 2008-07-06 - 1319 words

We all came into my house with Jonathan behind us. My mom came and smiled at us, but her smile dropped when she saw Jonathan, who was shaking if possible more than before.
"Oh my god! What happened to you?" My mom exclaimed wrapping her arms around him. I answered for him. "He was lost mommy. We found him in the park."
"Oh sweetie, what's your name?" She asked still hugging him.
"Oh I know where you live! Your mommy is Mary Walker. She works in the newspaper with me." She said smiling at him. He gave her a little smile.
"Yes she works in the newspaper and her name is Mary."
"Okay, I'll tell you what we'll do. I will call your mommy and my son will lend you some warm clothes so you can be comfortable." She glanced at me when she said the last thing and I nodded.
"Come on Jonathan, I'll give you a towel so you can dry yourselves and lend you some clothes." I guided him upstairs and gave him a towel and some clothes, and he got in the bathroom to get changed. After some minutes he came out dry and he was not shaking anymore. We went downstairs and met with my mom in the kitchen.
"I talked to your mom and she said she will pick you up at eight because she is working. Meanwhile you can hang out with the other boys."
"Thank you miss...amm.."
"Beckett" She said with a smile and he nodded. "Billy, you boys be nice to him. Okay, I want you to play all together."
"Yes mommy." We went to the living room and saw that everyone was sitting on the floor watching t.v.
"Oh Jonathan, your dry now." Ryry said with a smile.
"You know Jonathan, there is one rule if you are going to hang out with us." Gabe turned to him and gave him a big grin. We all smiled because we knew what he was talking about. Jonathan nodded and sat down on the couch.
"You need a nickname." Gabe said smiling at him.
"That's the rule? Really?" He asked.
"Yeah, if that's okay with you."
"Sure! I've always thought Jonathan was too long."
"Then just call him Jon." Spence said turning to him.
"Yes! that's a good name. Thank you" Jon said sitting down next to Spencey and eating some cookies from the bag Spence had.
"And another one in the team!" Gabe yelled high-fiveing Jon.
"Do you boys want to go to the movies?" My mom asked coming into the living room and laughed at Spencer and Jon fighting for the last cookie. Bren took the cookie away from them, cut it in half, and retured each half to Spence and Jon. They looked at each other and spoke at the same time. "Thank you."
"So, do you want to go?" She asked again.
"Yes!" We all yelled.

The next Wednesday Gabe didn't show up for school. He had been absent for three days. I guess he got sick. It would be my first time around my friends without Gabe being there, but I was okay. I walked across the playground and looked up at the gray sky. I made it to the tree and sat under it.
"Bill! Billy! Guess who is having lunch with us today?" Bren came running towards me, dragging Jon behind him by the wrist. I smiled at Jon. I was happy he had decided to be our friend. They sat down besides me and then Spence and Ry came laughing.
"Is it okay if, I tell my friend to come and have lunch with us? He has none to sit with at lunch time." Jon said. We all agreed and Jon went to find his friend. After some minutes, Jon came back with another kid who was about tall as him.
"This is my friend Adam Siska, he is actually my neighbor. Adam, these are Bill, Spence, Ry, and Bren." We all said hi and Adam sat next to me.
"It's nickname time!" Bren yelled and Ry giggled. Adam looked at him confused.
"Well, usually Gabe comes up with the good nicknames." I was listening to Adam's conversation with Jon, when I heard Jon call Adam something else than his name.
"What did you call him, Jon?" I asked
"I called him Siska because that's his last name."
"Oh" I answered.
"Who wants my extra sandwich?!" Ry suddenly announced. Only Adam lifted his hand up.
"Okay, here you go Sisky." He said with a smile.
"What did you call me?" Sisky asked catching the sandwich that Ry threw at him.
"Sisky. I just kinda changed your last name." He answered with a shrug.
"Yes! Now he has a nickname!" Bren exclaimed high-fiving Ry and Sisky.

At the end of the day we all met up at the front of the school besides the flag post.
"Hey guys, I was just thinking, we should go to Gabe's house to see if he's okay."
We waited there for my mom to pick me up, and when she did I asked if she would take us to Gabe's house.
"Please, mommy. Gabe wasn't at school today, and we just want to check if he's okay." I tried the puppy eyes again, and everybody else did it too.
"Fine, but only for one hour, then I'll take all of you to your houses." A chorus of thank you's where heard and everybody started getting in the car. When Sisky was about to get in, my mom stared at him.
"So you got a new friend, boys?" She asked turning on the car. "What's your name?"
"His name is Sisky, miss Beckett, he is my neighbor. I hope you don't mind he comes." Jon said closing the door besides him.
"Of course not. Welcome to the club Sisky." She said with a smile, and dropped us off at Gabe's house. She left, and I immediately felt something wrong. There was no cars on the driveway, and the window from the first floor was broken, it looked like someone had smashed it. The little garden at the front of the house had been run over by a car. At first I thought none was home, since the whole house was dark, but after walking to the side of the house, I saw light coming from Gabe's room window.
"Bill, the front door is open. Let's go in." Bren said. We opened the door lightly, and saw that the living room was a mess. Things over the table had been knocked over and the lamps where thrown and broken.
"Hello?" Spencer said breaking the awkward silence. At that moment, I felt the most scary feeling I've had in my life till then. I was so scared, mainly for Gabe. I just hoped my best friend was okay. We checked the first floor of the house and none was there. We went upstairs, me at the front with everybody behind me. I checked the rest of the upper plant and there was none there. Finally, at the end of the hall was Gabe's door. It was closed. I reached for the door know with shaky hands, sweat covering my forehead, and my heart beating faster. I tried to open it, but I froze. I was just too scared. Ry put a reassuring hand on my shoulder, and I opened the door. We all gasped at what we saw inside the room, and my eyes flooded with tears.
"Gabe?" I managed to choke out.
"Oh my god!" One of the boys exclaimed, but I didn't pay attention. I just focusing on the bloody bruised, bloody body on the floor.
Cliffhanger. Haha. What will happen now?
I just wanna thank patdfan0702 for actually being the only person to review
thank you so much for reviewing:)
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