Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Decaydance (way back)

chapter 3

by littlepunkrocker13 1 review

Meeting Spencer and the boys go to the ice cream store

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Crossover - Published: 2008-06-27 - Updated: 2008-06-27 - 1136 words

Spencer came and sat in front of me. I was going to ask him about his drumsticks but the teacher stared with the class. It was math, which I was really not interested in, so Ryry and me talked the whole class, and we even played tick-tack-toe. We had just been friends one day and we where already acting like if we knew each other for a really long time. Some time in our conversation I said something funny and Ry and me started laughing a lot, but silently. I noticed Spencer kept glancing back at us every time we giggled. Recess came and I stood out in the hall waiting for my friends.
"Hey Bill I have to go to the office. I think I am in trouble for not doing any homework. Anyway, you go to the tree with Ryry and I'll meet you there." Gabe said a quick bye and ran into the principal's office. Then Ry came and stood next to me.
"Amm...Bill I have to go to the bathroom." He said blushing a little. "I'll meet you at the tree." He said and ran into the bathroom. I laughed at him and started walking towards the tree, noticing that Spencer was following me. I sat under the tree and waited for everyone. Spencer stood two meters away from me looking at me, then decided to come and sit besides me.
"Hi" He said shyly. "I am new and I don't have friends, amm...can I sit here with you? I heard your conversation in class, and you seem like someone fun to be around." He said with a shy smile.
"Yeah sure. My name is" I was interrupted by Brendon sitting at the other side of me.
"Hi Bill! Oh, who is he?" He asked looking at Spencer.
"I...I am Spencer Smith." He said looking down at his shoes. Suddenly Bren was tackled by a hyper Ryan and they were wrestling on the ground.
"Ryry, get off Bren please, I don't want my new friend sent to the hospital." Gabe said sitting where Bren was originally seated. Ry got off Bren and they sat besides Spencer.
"Hey guys, Spencer here doesn't have friends, so he wants to be our new friend." I told everybody.
"Yes! Another one in the group! But one thing." Gabe said, looking at Spencer, who seemed nervous at what Gabe was going to tell him.
"If you are going to be our need a nickname." Gabe said with a grin. Spencer just looked at him and nodded, anxious to hear his new name.
"Spency!" Bren yelled pointing at Spencer with a huge smile. Spencer looked at him and smiled.
"I like it." He said high-fiving Brendon.
"What are your names?" Spencer asked.
"I'm Bill. The boy with the purple hoodie is Gabe, the one next to you is Bren, and the one jumping up and down is Ryry." Spence nodded and we took out our lunches. We put our food in the center so we could share. That was something me and Gabe had been doing for a long time.
"Spencey, do you play drums?" I asked curiously.
"Yeah. My uncle is teaching me. I kind of have a hard time at it because I'm too small, but I really like it."
"Me and Ry are going to guitar lessons after school." Bren said taking a bite of his (actually my) sandwich.
"I want to come!" I exclaimed

A week had passed and now it was Saturday. I came running down the stairs to find my mom setting the table for breakfast.
"Mommy, is it okay if I go with my friends to the ice cream shop?" I asked her giving her the puppy eyes.
"Who is going?" She asked
"Gabe, Bren, Ryry, and our new friend Spencer."
"And how old is Spencer?" She asked putting a pile of pancakes on a plate.
"He is 10 years old. Only one year older than me, but he is in my class." I answered putting a piece of my pancake in my mouth.
"Okay you can go. But come back fast and take your jacket. It looks like it is going to rain."
"Thanks mommy!" I kissed her cheek, grabbed my blue hoodie and left.
I ran to the park where I was meeting my friends and found Gabe and Ryan sitting on the swings with Brendon and Spencer pushing them.
"Bill is here!" Ryan yelled jumping from the swings and tackling me to the ground. He always did that when he ate a lot of candy.
"Okay Ryry, let him breathe now, let;s go. To the ice cream store!" Bren yelled pulling me up and grabbing me by the wrist and running towards the ice cream shop. I guess Ryry was not the only hyper one today.

We finished our ice cream inside the store and hurried back home. They where all spending the night at my house. We walked into the park because we had to cross it to get back home. It had already started to rain. I pulled my hood up as did everyone else. We had almost reached the end of the park when we saw a boy sitting cross-legged on a bench, his short brown hair wet and his clothes completely soaked. He looked like he had been crying.
"That boy goes in my class." Brendon said. "I haven't spoken to him. I think his name is Jonathan."
We approached the bench and the boy lifted his gaze slowly and stared at us with blood-shot eyes.
"Are you okay?" Ryry asked him.
"I'm lost. I don't know how. I just went out to the store cause my daddy was asleep, and I don't know where I am." He started shaking, I guess because he was cold. He didn't even had a jacket on, just a red short sleeve shirt.
"Are you Jonathan? You are in my class right?" Brendon asked him sitting next to him, and putting a friendly arm around him.
"Yes. Jonathan Walker." He started shaking more.
"Well, we are all going back to my house now. why don't you come with us and maybe my mommy can help you get home." I told him giving him a sad look.
He nodded. "O-kay." We introduced ourselves and he stood up to follow us.
I took my hoodie off and put it over Jonathan giving him a warm smile.
"Thank you." He said returning a smile and hugging the hoodie closer to his body.
"You're welcome."


Wow, I can't believe how fast I updated. I am really enjoying writting this fic.
Thaks to the person that has been reviewing, it helps to know someone likes it.
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