Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Decaydance (way back)

chapter 2

by littlepunkrocker13 1 review

More new friends.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Published: 2008-06-25 - Updated: 2008-06-25 - 1374 words


I was sitting on my desk in the corner, (again) next to the brown-haired boy. I glanced to the other side of the class room, at the second desk where Gabe was sitting. He was reading a book. I looked to my right to see what the boy was doing, and he was drawing (again) this time a tree.
"I like your drawing." I told him trying to start a conversation. I felt bad for him because it seemed like he didn't have friends. He was always by himself drawing. Whenever I talked to him he didn't answer. I think he was just too shy. Today was not different. He just stared at his drawing and didn't say anything. Finally the bell for recess rang. I grabbed my lunch box and met up with Gabe at the door of the classroom, then we went to sit under the tree we always sat. It was now officially three months after we became friends, and he was still my only friend, and I was his only friend. We sat down and when I was about to take my sandwich out, Gabe grabbed it, stood up and started running.
"Hey! Give it back!" I yelled. He just started laughing.
"If you want it, catch me!" I started laughing and chased him around the playground. He was too far from me. He kept running and turned to look at me. At that moment, he crashed into a kid. I noticed it was a second grader.
"Gabe! Are you okay?" I asked running up to him, helping him up.
"Hey! are you okay Brendon?" A boy came running and helped the kid Gabe ran into. I noticed that the boy helping him up was the boy that sat next to me. When the other boy was up, Gabe apologized.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you okay?" Gabe said giving him a sad look.
"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm Brendon." He said holding out his hand to Gabe.
"I'm Gabe, and this is my best friend Bill." Gabe shook Brendon's hand. I said hi, but kept looking at the boy that sat next to me. He was standing behind Brendon, like if he wanted to hide, but it didn't really work since he was taller than Brendon.
"Oh, this is my best friend, Ryan. He is too shy though." Brendon said pointing at the brown haired boy behind him. Then I remembered something.
"Gabe, where is my sandwich?" Gabe looked around, like trying to search for it.
"Oh I'm really sorry Bill. When I fell I kind of smashed it. But Ryan has an extra sandwich. Right Ryan?" Brendon said, and we all turned to him. Ryan just nodded and took a sandwich out of his lunch box, and gabe it to me.
"Thanks Ryan." He just smiled and nodded.
"Do you have any other friends?" I asked Brendon and Ryan.
"No. It's only me and Ryan. But most of the day I am alone because Ry is one year older than me. He is in third grade and me in second."
"Yeah he sits next to me in class." I told him.
"Do you two want to sit with us for lunch today? We always sit under the big tree over there." I asked, knowing that Gabe was thinking the same thing.
Brendon looked at Ryan, and Ryan's face lit up.
"Do you really want to be our friends?" It was the first time I ever heard Ryan talk.
"Yeah. We don't talk to anyone so..." Gabe answered.
"Yeah!" Ryan and Brendon exclaimed at the same time.

The four of us sat under the tree and talked about cartoons and comics. Ryan was actually talking to us and laughing. I was happy to know that he did have a friend after all. When recess ended Gabe and me exchanged phone numbers with Brendon and Ryan.

Gabe's mom picked Gabe and me up from school and dropped us off at our house. We went up to my room and talked while we did our homework.
"They are nice boys. I am happy we became friends with them." Gabe said while sharpening his pencil.
"You know, I sit besides Ryan. He never talked and he was always drawing. When I told him something he just ignored me." I told him.
"Well, Brendon said he is very shy. But look, he ended up talking to us." He said with a smile.
"What if I invite them over for dinner?" I said. Gabe nodded and we went to the kitchen to ask my mom.
"Hey kids, how was school today?" She asked while adding tomato sauce to the spaghetti she was cooking.
"We made two new friends." Gabe said while jumping to try to see what my mom was cooking.
"Can they come over for dinner?" I asked with a pleading look.
"Please?" Gabe asked giving her puppy eyes. Mom laughed and nodded.
"Sure. I'm happy you two are making friends." Gabe and I smiled to each other and ran for the phone. I first dialed Brendon's number. It rang twice and then he answered.
"Hi Brendon, it's Bill."
"Oh hi Bill. Wait. Ryan says hi."
"Gabe and me also say hi."
"Do you and Ryan want to come to my house for dinner? Gabe is here."
"Let me ask Ryan. Wait."
We waited, and I could hear Ryan's voice it the background.
"He said yes, and my mom too." I gave Gabe the thumbs up and handed the phone to my mom so she could talk to Brendon's mom.

After ten minutes the doorbell rang. Gabe and me fought over the doorknob and finally managed to open it. There stood Brendon and Ryan with super smiles on their faces. We let them in and mom came to greet them. Then we all came up to my room.
"When me and Bill met, we gave each other nicknames. So now me and Bill will give you new nicknames." Gabe turned to look at me and I nodded.
"You mean those are not your real names?" Ryan asked curiously.
"My real name is William, Gabe calls me Bill for short." I explained.
"And my real name is Gabriel, but Bill calls me Gabe." Both boys nodded and said it was okay to give them nicknames.
"Brendon, now I'll call you Bren." Gabe said satisfied with the name he created. Bren nodded excited. I thought about how to call Ryan and then thought of something.
"And now you'll be Ry-ry" I said and started to laugh. Ryan started to laugh too and said he liked it.

The next morning I came in the classroom and Gabe was not there jet. He was always late. Only Ryry was sitting on his desk. I came and sat besides him.
"Hi Ryry!" Ryan turned to me and smiled.
"Hi Bill!"
"Wow, it's the first time you talk to me in the morning." I said a little surprised.
"Because I didn't know you. I was just too shy. Brendon has always been my only friend since I was four years old. But I'm happy we are friends now."
"Hey guys!" Gabe greeted us sitting on the empty desk in front of me. We kept talking about videogames for a while, and then everybody started to come in.
"Gabriel, go back to your seat." The teacher said. He went back to his seat and Ryry and me waved at him and said bye.
"Now, class, we have a new student today. This is Spencer Smith." A blonde, tall boy came in. I saw that there was drumsticks pocking out of his backpack, and I found it funny. I told Ryry about it and he found it funny too.
"Spencer, you can sit on the desk in front of William Beckett over there."
Why is it that the new ones always sit in front of me?
I looked at Gabe and he gave me a weird look. Well, at least if he was a real drummer it would be fun to talk to him.
"Now I know where I now that boy from." Ry said. "He is my neighbor, but I never talk to him.
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