Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Summer Romance

My Summer Romance Part 9

by McrRcks5 0 reviews

Dum dum dum!!!! the morning after the kiss!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-10-07 - Updated: 2008-10-07 - 909 words

I woke up in the early hours of the morning. I looked at the alarm clock flashing digits at me. 2:10 AM. Red and blinking at me to let me know that I still had several more hours wrapped in these arms. I snuggled further down in the duvet and turned over to face Gerard. He was still fast asleep, breathing lightly with his face slightly squashed on one side by the pillow. He stirred and pulled me closer. I was tempted to wake him but I didn’t want to disturb such a peaceful sleep. I traced my finger along his arm and watched his eyes flicker open. “Arm cramp” he groaned wearily. “Morning.” I whispered. He blinked several times but never opened his bleary eyes fully. “Morning?” he repeated in another groan. I smiled at his just-woken confusion. I laughed to myself still whispered and announced with a slight volume, “Well... early morning.” Gerard buried his head into the pillow and slapped his hand over my eyes. “Oh ack oo eep” came the muffled voice of Gerard. “What?” I giggled. Gerard twisted his head back to one side and repeated more clearly. “Go back to sleep.” He removed his hand and turned over. I left the exhuasted guy alone while he caught up on his beauty sleep. Only a few hours before we could be fully awake and snuggly. Well that’s what I thought anyway. When I next woke up, the small beam of sunlight that was peeking through the gap in the curtains glared in my eyes. I sat up with the duvet wrapped tightly around me and rubbed my eyes. Gerard was gone. The bed sheets were creased where he had been and it reminded me so much of the morning I woke up alone after thinking we had been together. I started walking around the room and picking up items of clothing.

Once I had made a decision that I was fed up with him not being there when he was supposed to be I started getting dressed and finally walked out of the room. Ray was picking at something at his plate. He smiled and waved. I did the same but Ray had swallowed the food in his mouth. “You leaving?” he asked me. I nodded and asked him to let Gerard know that I was sick of his absences and that if he didn’t want to spend time with me to just let me know instead of disappointing me all the time. “You can tell him yourself.” Ray commented as the Gerard walked throuhg the door. “Tell me what?” he asked as he put a bag of shopping in the kitchen counter. “Well-” I started but he interrupted by lifting up an item from the bag. “Bagels?” I nodded in reply and sat down. I fiddled with the cuff of my sweater as he cut the bagels in half. Ray spoke up, saying that he was going to shower but I knew he meant that he was leaving me and Gerard alone. I mean these guys were rock and roll and male so a couple of times they had proudly announced that they were lacking with the hygiene. I went to tackle my subject but Gerard spoke up again. “You know last night...”


“I don’t think it should have happened-”

“What? How can you treat me like this. You say you’re going to meet me then you never turn up and now you spend the night with me and say you regret it.” This man was unbelievable! He looked at my slightly angered face with his own contrasting confused one and finished his sentence, leaving me shocked and equally embarressed. “ soon.” I looked down at the counter and stayed that way for a while. I still didn’t understand though. Why not now? What was wrong with now? He did the whole mind reading thing that lately people seemed to be doing with me and continued.

“I’m not regretting it at all Nic. I guess I’m just a bit of a gentleman. It seems we’ve gone from barely knowing each other to spending the night together. It wasn’t in that friendly way like before either it wasn’t a Disney film it was more like a light-hearted X-rated movie. I just feel as though we could have waited a little longer. Now I’ve gone from that kindergarten phase to being a virginal teenage girl telling her jock boyfriend that she’s not ready to lose it... Oh wait that wasn’t my first time it was just an example but now I’m ranting so please feel free to speak up at any oppertune moment...” It was silent apart from Ray singing in the shower. “This would be the oppertune moment.” Gerard commented quietly. I stood up and wrapped my arms around him. “I really don’t regret anything either and if you don’t want to do that again apart from when you think is the right time then we won’t. It will be pretty nice to be romantically linked to a gentleman. I’ll keep you’re cool and mysterious image known though.” He kissed the top of my head and repeated the words that I always heard from him recently. “I’ll see you at the bar tonight.” He kissed my head again and I walked back home.
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