Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forbidden
(#) lacerationgravityxxx 2008-10-07
oh good stuff!
how easy it is to misinterpret!
i love this story so much! so bloody much!
cheers! and more as soon as is humanly possible!!
thank you!Forbidden
(#) cutegirl12356 2008-10-07
OMFG....Alica...wrong girl...haha...she cracks me up....and Maybe Chey belongs with someone sweet like Frankie....Gerard is being a jackass....MORE...I love it....I'm on TEAM CHEY!...haha...and TEAM FRANKIE!....GO FRANK AND CHEY!Forbidden
(#) marcialj83 2008-10-07
Oh my what is going to happen? No!!! Misundertandings are so wrong. no no no. This is all wrong.Forbidden
(#) AstroZombiee 2008-10-07
Haha Alicia's shit.
Frank and Chey would totally go together, but not as good as Mia and Frank.
Gerard and Chey, eh...
But, I don't get one thing.
What's Lyn going to do if she gets Gerard? She can't really pretend forever... Or can she? Or will she slowly turn him back to his old ways...
Loving it, update soon!
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