Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Raindrops On Roses

Party and E

by loveisdead22 1 review

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2008-10-11 - Updated: 2008-10-12 - 519 words - Complete

The rest of 10th grade went off for me with out a hitch. I lost all my old friends and Kimmy moved away but I had made new one Duke and I where voted Prom King and Queen. Ryan and I where sneaking around, and he would tell me about the band and everything else but when I was around my new friends I felt alone like I had no one the only time I felt whole was when I was with Ryan.

Duke and I arrived at a party it was a huge end of the school year bash and everyone was there the music was loud and the drinks where flowing. I had found a new friend in the liquor it took away the hurt I was feeling about Brendon.

"Rors come here" Duke said

I walked over holding my red cup

"Open your mouth"

I did as I was told and duke put something on my tongue I let it dissolve with in a few minutes I felt nothing like I had felt before, I looked at Duke who grabbed my hand and lead me upstairs as we where walking up. I noticed my old friends they stared at me and I stared back. Once Duke and I found an empty room he wasted no time in getting my clothes my off and fucking me. Once we where done we walked back down stairs I noticed that the music had stopped and Duke was standing there holding a mic.

"So everyone knows about 6 months ago I got the girl that every guy wants Rory Micheals, Rors come up here" He said
I walked up there
"Rory I love you and wanted all of our friends to be here to witness this I know I graduated this year and you still have 2 more years but I want you to have this its a promise ring and as soon as you graduate I want us to get married"
He took out a ring and took the one Brendon had givin me off and replaced it with his and put the other one in my pocket. I smiled but inside I felt sick. Everyone clapped and ran into the kitchen and started downing beers.

"Oh look its the drunk" Leslie said
"Shut the Fuck up" I said
"Make me"

I did exactly that I jump over the island and right on top of her and started punching the shit out of her. Soon I felt to very familar hands lift off her.
"Rory calm down" Ryan cooed into my ear
"What the hell" Brendon said
I looked up at him
"She asked for it" I scream
"Quit being such a bitch all time" Brendon said

I pushed Ryan off me and sung at Brendon hitting him square in the nose and knocking him on his ass. It felt so good I started laughing

"Damn Urie got your ass kicked by a girl" Riley said
"Come on babe" Duke said taking me away from the kitchen

We walked out the door and left I blacked out on the way home.
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