Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Raindrops On Roses

Pete Wentz

by loveisdead22 1 review

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2008-10-11 - Updated: 2008-10-12 - 689 words - Complete

3 months later

Jayden is now 3 months old and it is the times for the boys to start their senior. Yeah you can say I am a little jealous. Brendon and I are planning on get married when we are 20 so that gives the boys a chance to do the music thing.
I was downstair making coffee talking to Jon about nothing important when Brendon came in.
"Baby if you need I have my cell phone I need to get to school Ryan come on" Brendon said
Ryan came down looking tired and like he didn't want to go
"Coffee" I said handing a cup
"Yeah" he said walking out the door with Brendon
"Bren did you forget something" I asked
"I don't think so" He said
"What about a kiss and a goodbye" I said
"Oh yeah" he said kissing me quickly on lips and rushing out the door.
"Rory I have to get to work are you going to go up to the college today" Jon said
"If Jayden's in a good mood she was crying alot last night I think she is teething" I said yawning
"Well she is still sleeping so go back to bed" Jon said
"Yeah I think I will" I said
"Don't forget to meet us a Spencer at 3:30" He said
"Yeah I'll be there" I said as I walked up stairs. I peeked my head in on Jayden and she was sound asleep I went into my room and fell back to sleep.
I woke up to Jayden crying about 2 hours later. I went and got her and feed her and put her on the floor for some tummy time.
The rest of the day went by really slowly and I was so tired.
I hear the door open
"Bren" I said
"No Rory its me Brendon had something to do after school so hes going to meet us at Spencers" Ryan said
"Wh" I said as Ryans lips came crashing into mine. He picked up Jayden and put her with a bottle in her crib and dragged me into his bed room he throw me on the bed. I looked at the time and quickly put on my jeans and shirt and looked at Ryan.
"I'll meet you there" I said running into jaydens room gettindg her and walking out the door I got to Spencers at 3:25 Brendon was already there.
"Why didn't you come home after school" I asked
"I had to see about dropping my morning classes so I can help you with Jayden at night she had you up and down about 12 times last time" Brendon said
"I love you" I said
"You know I love you" He said
"So why am I meeting you guys for band pratice today" I said
"We wanted your opioion on some stuff" Spencer said
"Rory go take Jayden up stairs to my grandma" Spencer said
I did as I was told. I came back down and Ryan was there.
"Hey Ry" I said
"Hey Rors" he said
I sat there and watched the boys play they where getting really good.
"Wow I am impressed" I said
"Really" Brendon said
"Yeah but I might be bias" I said
"So I was thinking of sending our purevolume to Pete Wentz" Ryan said
"PETE WENTZ" I shrecked
"Yeah" Ryan said
"You guys should" I said
"Its a long shot" Ryan said
"Whats the worst that could happen you don't hear back from him" I said
"True" Ryan said
"Baby go get Jayden and we will head home" Brendon said
I went upstairs and got Jayden and took her downstairs
"Theres daddy's little angel" Brendon said taking her from me
"Ready" I said
"Yep" He said as we walked out
"See you at home" I said putting Jayden into her car seat.
I drove home and got into the house before Brendon Jayden was asleep so I took her out and to her room and went and laid down.
"Rors" Brendon said walking into the our room
"I am so tired" I said
Brendon took me into his arms and I fell fast asleep.
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