Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A story for the broken girl

The past... gone forever?

by ocean_soul 0 reviews

The gig... Car crash, death misery... love

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-10-28 - Updated: 2008-11-16 - 498 words

"The show... I don't know I can't remember"
Flashing lights. The cheap 4x4, rolling down the embankment, blood spilt. Everything was just a blur in Kelly's head.
"Please remain calm, Miss Marks" Smiled a caring nurse, dressed in a soft blue cotten that seemed to make her eyes water, or were they tears, she couldn't tell her mind was a mess.
"Were am I? is everything OK? i just can't remember." Kelly stuttered trying to grip on to some sort of conversation.
The nurse, reamined silent for a few seconds, not sure of what to say, "We're trying our very best Miss Marks".
What does that mean? Who was she with? Was Kelly the only survivor of the car crash of which she had no recollection? Was she alone now? Permenantly?

She was trying with all of her might to remember what went on at the show, she couldn't remember how, she couldn't remember where, but something had happened, something had been said, but what she couldn't remember, was she even at a show. "Kelly, Oh my Gosh, are you okay?"
Someone had ran into the room, it was a girls voice, with long red flowing hair and a bloodstained red corset, she was beautiful, the most perfect girl in the world, she knew who she was but... she couldn't, she had no idea who this girl was.
"Kelly speak to me are you Okay?" Spoke the girl softly.
"What?... Who are you? Were am I?" Kelly spoke and as she did so she wrestled to get free from the bed that was keeping her bound.
"You must leave." Shouted the nurse at the girl, "She's not in the right frame of mind for this, please you must get out."
Was Kelly insane? Was she in a mental institute? Why could she know who this girl was, but couldn't quite grab it in her head?
"But she's my best friend, please I thought she was dead, let me see her."
Kelly mind was confused, she was still wrestling against the bed, but she was being restrained by two male nurses, Kelly was screaming although she didn't realise it, she was screaming, "Let me go, get off me, tell me were I am..."
Over all the confusion Kelly heard a sentence that changed the way ahe was acting.
"She can't remember you, she doesn't know who you are, she doesn't even know that her father is dead..."
And then she felt something sharp jabbing into her arm, and a sudden tiredness overcame her, and then she saw him, the only one she could remember, the mid-length black hair. Then she remembered what had been said to her just before the crash, "I love you."
Her eyes widened as the needle was pulled out of her arm, "Gerard" She said.
The doctors looked at her in a state of shock, how could she remember his name? Her head drooped to one side as she fell into a deep dreamless sleep.
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