Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A story for the broken girl

Don't cry for me, I don't know you

by ocean_soul 1 review

As she lay sleeping...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2008-10-28 - Updated: 2008-11-16 - 711 words

Kelly lay asleep, she was dreaming of the past, her past, the past that she could not bring herself to remember, she dreamt of the future, what it would hold, all her dreams coming true, and as she lay sleeping, he stood watching, the only one the broken girl could remember, he just stood watching her.

He kept thinking of what would have happened to him if she had died, if what he and Simone had thought they had seen, actually became a reality. He wanted to ask her so many questions, about there future, about there past. He also wanted to ask her why? Why was he the only one she could remember. He kept imagining the look on her face when he told that he loved her, that he had always loved her. She smiled, the only thing that came out of that sentence was her perfect, beautiful smile, her eyes had suddenly lightened. But he had never got a reply from Kelly, because of the impact, he was looking right at her, he thought he had watched the last light roll out of her eyes.

A tear rolled down the side of his face as he realised the shear mortality of what he had just been involved in, Simone and himself where the only people to had walked out of the crash, Danny and Kelly's dad Bruce has died on impact and Danny himself was not at his best, he had broken limbs and was badly concussed, but Kelly...

They had been told that she will have permenant memory loss of the last 4 years, when she wakes up from the deep sleep that enclosed her, she will not be able to remember anything of New Jersey or of high school, it will all be lost, forever.

"How can she remember my name, Simone?" Gerard turned to face his beautiful best friend, who sat on a chair in the corner of the gloomy, dark hospital room, staring out of the unclean window and looking down on the dark streets below.
"I don't know, maybe its just the connection you have, she's always liked you more than me, I think she loves you more than she loves Dan" She said smiling sadly at him, trying to lighten the mood.

She remembered the crash to, she was sitting in the front next to Kelly's dad, the blood that stained the corset she was wearing was his. She had tried to save him, but she couldn't, she remembered the last thing that he had said to her, "You and Kelly, you've always been so close, you'll look after her for me if I ever need you to".
They were talking about the time that Simone had first been dragged home by Kelly in Grade 8. The sentence seemed now slightly ironic, how did he know? But Kelly couldn't remember her, she could only remember him.

"I saw him die Gerard" Simone suddenly burst into a river of tears.
"It's gonna be alright, just you wait and see." Gerard had leapt to his friends side and was holding her tightly.
"How are you going to do it, your going to sink back into your old ways, and now Kelly's not going to be here to save your ass." She lightly sobbed into Gerard's shoulder.

Gerard, who was staring intently at Kelly, lying perfectly still in her white bed, thought about this last reamark. "I know that Kelly's not gonna help me, but I'm going to get clean all the same, I'll do it for her Simone, and what about you, I can't leave you all alone out here in this scary world can I?"
He was still staring at Kelly's silent and still body. he gently raised himself out of his chair and walked over to the broken little girl that was now lying in front of him. "I need you Kelly, I can't lose you."
There was movement in Kelly's eyes and all in a moment she was awake, and staring right at him.
"Kelly?" he mouthed to her.
She shuffled uncomfortably in the bed before asking him the final question, "Who are you?"

Gerard face dropped, he had just lost everthing in that, final sentence, his hopes his dreams, everything was gone...
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