Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Deadly Chemical Life (Sequel to My Simple Chemical Life)

Long Trip to the Caymans

by Moonshyne 3 reviews

Bob thinks things over.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2008-10-28 - Updated: 2008-10-29 - 691 words - Complete

Madison’s POV

Bob was quiet on the five hour trip down. I knew I shouldn’t have told him. Now he really hates me.

Bob’s POV

I hate that we’re this close to finding out who shot Mark. I hate it because I already know. I saw them drive by me, but luckily they didn’t notice me or maybe they did and didn’t care. I had to protect her didn’t I? She is my wife after all. The woman who up until the last week I thought was the mother of my son. Hearing how painful it was for Maddie to grow up without her mother I knew I couldn’t do that to Bobby. He would always have Jim and me, but it’s just not the same. How do I tell the person that I have been asking to be honest that I’ve been lying to her. Besides it’s him I want. Him I wanted since Maddie told me what he did to her. I just want to know how the hell my wife knows Senator Bradley Johnson.

I look over to Maddie and I see a tear rolling down her cheek, it was then I realized we were descending. It was also when I realized I hadn’t talked to her the whole flight. Fuck she’s going through so much right now too. It must be killing her to have that fucker’s baby inside her. It’s killing me even in the end Mark is having the last laugh. But fuck you Mark this spawn of yours is going to die just like you.

Before I knew it the plane was at the gate and we were checking out at customs. When we got out of the airport she hailed a cab and gave an address. It was still silent between the two of us. I’m fucking up big time here. We got to this secluded large house that had a gated driveway she put in the code for the driver and the doors opened. He drove up the long drive way until we came to a circular driveway at the entrance. She paid the man and gave him a very handsome tip and told him he never saw us. He released the trunk and we got out I went to grab her things and just like the airport she grabbed them from me. She pressed another code to the front door and we walked into this amazing foyer, she turned to me and finally spoke.

“I’m taking the master bedroom, there are four others that you can have your choice of. I’m tired and going to bed.”

I followed her to the master bedroom and put my bags on the floor. “I told you there was four other bedrooms.”

“I want this one.”

“Fine I’ll find another.”

I blocked the doorway. “I want this one with you.”

She looked at me with those emarld eyes so full of hope and love. “Really?”

“I’m sorry baby, I just had a lot on my mind and never even realized that all that time went by.”

“Like what am I doing with a woman whose carrying a child that isn’t mine?”

“No, like what happens to us if the roads don’t lead to my innocence.”

“I’ll wait for you.”

“I can’t expect you to do that.”

“I will only love you. I don’t want anyone else and if I have to do it once a week between a piece of glass then so be it.”

“That’s no way to live.”

“I lived once without you and I can’t do it again. Besides your not going anywhere.”

“So I can stay here?”

“Yeah,” then she let out this huge yawn.

“Let’s take a nap I’m kinda tired too.”

We took off our shoes and and climbed under the covers, I turned to her and said “No matter what happens, I love you.”

She turned to me, “I love you too.”

And soon sleep took us both over.
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