Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Deadly Chemical Life (Sequel to My Simple Chemical Life)

The Four Course Meal

by Moonshyne 2 reviews

Bob and Maddie have a romantic dinner on the island.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar - Published: 2008-11-01 - Updated: 2008-11-02 - 1479 words - Complete

Madison’s POV

I started to stir and noticed I wasn’t as cozy as I was when I fell asleep, someone was missing. I looked around the massive room filled with white wicker furniture and so no sign of him. I went to get up and another waive of nauseau came over me. I was hungry. I patted my tummy and sighed. I had a really sad dream about my father and the baby. Before coming here I had on straight on what I wanted but now I don’t know. I’m so confused and I know I have to choose between the child I’m carrying and the man I love most in the world.

I remember Bobby sleeping in my arms so sweet, so innocent isn’t my baby innocent too? He couldn’t help that he was conceived that way. I’m sure if he had a choice it wouldn’t been that way. But like me he didn’t have a choice. On the other hand could I look at the constant reminder of the man I hate most in the world, and at the risk of losing Bob. I’m so torn. Right now I wish my father was here, here to give me some words of wise advise. I felt a tear roll down my face and the more I thought how much I missed him the more the tears flowed, until I crying into my hands. Shortly after Bob appeard and squated down next to the bed his arms folded and his chin on his arm.

“What’s the matter?” he asked quietly.

“I don’t think I can do it,” I said through my tears.

“Go tomorrow?”

“I want to find out who killed Mark.” I noticed how he lowered his head and sighed when I said that. “I don’t know if when it comes down to it I can kill my baby.”

“Maddie,” he said sympathetically.

“Bob, I see how much you love Bobby and before you found out you weren’t his dad, why did you love him so much?”

Again he looked down probably knowing where I was going with my questioning “Because I thought he was a part of me. That Ali and I created this beautiful life. And now he’s not as big of a part of me but I still love him like crazy.”

I turned so I was laying on my side, staring at him. I was still crying but seeing those blue eyes started to comfort me. “That’s how I’m starting to feel I’m feeling something because it’s a part of me and a part of him.”


“No my dad.”

“Any babies we’ll have will be part of him.”

“What if something happens and I can’t have any more babies. I mean I have problems as it is.”

“I’ll be honest, I was hurt and angry about this whole situation. I hated what you had inside you. Then I calmed down and thought about how hard this must be for you. So whatever you decide I’m with you all the way.”

“You’re not just saying that?” I asked.

“No.” Suddenly there was a beeping noise.

“What’s that?” I asked wondering if someone was breaking in or the house was on fire.

“It’s the oven timer, I’m making you dinner. I better get going before it burns.” He smiled at me and gave me a slight pat on the shoulder, “You feeling any better?”

“A little.”

“Let’s make a deal, for tonight no more talk about murders and babies. Lets make it about us. We’re on this beautiful tropical island the ocean just feet away from us. Let’s make the most of it before it’s back to reality tomorrow.”

“Okay. And Bob, how the hell did you make dinner with no food?”

“I took some cash out of your wallet and took a car from the garage. You really shouldn’t leave the keys in the ignition someone could steal such a sweet ride.”

I smiled at him playfully? “You like it?”

“Who wouldn’t, it’s a classic.”

“You can keep it then.”


“It must have cost a fortune?”

“Don’t you have a dinner to get to?”


I smiled all this time and he still had no grasp of the money we have. My father bought the 1972 Corvette convertible four years ago and had it restored using as many parts original parts as possible. He replaced the AM/FM radio with, AM/FM cd and put a GPS in there. It was a classic car with all the modern bells and whistles I got up and looked for the paperwork in the library and smiled when I saw the color, Bryar Blue. Yes this is definitely the car for him. I only wonder how much he would freak at the racing car dad had a the villa in Monaco. Once all matters are settled and after he has his surgery maybe that’s where we’ll have him recuperate, of course I’ll have to equip it with a very large screen tv and an X-box. I can’t wait for this mess to be over so we can start living our lives again.

I went into my bedroom and went through the closets. I had some clothes that I kept only for here. I found exactly what I was looking for a white crop top peasant shirt that had ties in the front it was like a one size fits all so it fit over my ever expanding bustline and white long gauze skirt that hangs off the hips. I really only have a slight bump.

I took my shower, letting the water get rid of the dirt from travelling. I looked down at my belly wondering what the hell I was going to do? Half hour later I was dressed and applying the finishing touches of my make-up and looked in the mirror. I looked good, not my best but still good. I know I didn’t have to for Bob, he loved me no matter what. I just liked to.

I went out just as Bob was lighting the candles for the table and two chairs that was set-up outside on the patio, underneath the awning. There was a slight breeze coming off the ocean, which made the flames dance a little. He’s so cute the sun hadn’t set yet, but he wanted this to be such a romantic night. Didn’t he realize being with him was the only romance I needed. But it was nice to know how much I was loved. Bob finally looked and saw me and smiled. I loved that smile. He walked over to me and hugged me and whispered in my ear, “You look ravishing.”

I smiled. The man always knew what to say and how to get to me. He escorted me to the waiting table. It had a white linen table cloth and napkins in holders. He pulled out a chair for me and after I sat down he pushed it back in. He then got two plates of spinach salad with cherry tomotoes and carrot shavings. The dressing was raspberry vinegrette, which was my favorite.

“Is this our dinner, because to be honest I’m hungrier than that?” I asked.

“No, it’s just the first course.”

“And how may courses are we having tonight?”

“Just three. Maybe four depending on your mood.”

I couldn’t help but smile at him. I was starving so I went through the salad pretty quickly, every once in a while I would look over at Bob who was looking at me and smiling. This felt so right. After we finished the salad Bob cleared the table and came back with the next course, grilled Mahi-Mahi with aspargus and a pasta salad. It was delicious, nothing is sexier than a man who can cook. Last it was time for dessert as the sun was starting to set. Bob cleared the dishes again and made room for dessert which was strawberry shortcake.

I ate half of it and swore I couldn’t eat anymore. He took my hand and helped me up then brought me over to the hammock. We laid there and watched the sunset across the ocean, just snuggling. I think I missed this the most, when we snuggled.

“What’s on your mind?” he asked breaking the silence.

“Nothing,” I smiled. “Just being in your arms like this. I missed it.”

“Me too.” He smiled mischievously at me, “Guess what?”

“What?” I asked as he started kissing my neck.

“I think we’re alone. No interupting friends or babies.”

“Would you like that fourth course now?”
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