Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Deadly Chemical Life (Sequel to My Simple Chemical Life)

Rikers Island

by Moonshyne 2 reviews

Barry and Rachel go talk to the prisoner that Chris mentions.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2008-11-02 - Updated: 2008-11-02 - 1456 words - Complete

The next day Rachel and Barry got an early start to head out to Riker’s Island. Everything was all set. If the man gave them the information they needed the lucky bastard would be out in two hours. The both hoped the information was good.

They met Lenny outside of the prison, he was holding the release papers if they were necessary. They walked in the door and was thoroughly frisked to the point that some might call it invasion of privacy. Then the three were escorted to a private room. They waited for ten minutes making small talk until the prisoner arrived.

The guards unshackled his feet then shackled them to the chair. The guards left and it was now Lenny, Barry and Rachel in the room.

“Hey Lenny what’s up?”

“Hey Joe, not much.”

“Wanna tell me what I’m doing here with you? I didn’t kill anybody. I’ll take a lie detector to prove it.”

“No Joe you didn’t but you might have been a witness to one.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“These release papers might tell a different story.”

“Release papers?”

“You help my friend over here and the D.A. has agreed to drop the charges and you’re free to go.”

“Wadda ya wanna know?”

Barry finally spoke, “I know you were paying a visit to the Gadsen house a few weeks ago?”

“No idea what you’re talkin’ about.”

“Listen I don’t give a shit why you were there, I just want to know what happened!” yelled Barry.

“Joe,” said Rachel, “I can call you Joe?”

“Baby you can call me anything you want? And once I get out, please do.”

Lenny noticed Barry getting hot under the collar, and how he was staring at the two. From Barry’s reactions there was definite something going on between the two.

“I want to clear my clients and what you have to say could help them.”

“Yeah, who’s your clients?”

“Madison Trenton and Bob Bryar.”

“The rich girl that was kidnapped and raped by the senator?”


“Why is she connected to all this?”

“Mark Gadsen was her husband and she and Mr. Bryar have a history.”

Barry rolled his eyes and mumbled, “History my ass. Probably fucking each other as we speak.”

Rachel gave him a sharp look.

“She was married to Gadsen? The bitch sure knows how to pick ‘em.”

“So did you see anything that night?”

“If I talk no questions why I was there?”

“You know how trial works, but Barry here will make sure that no charges are pressed.”

Joe looked around nervously, “You really got my release papers?”

“Right here,” said Lenny.

“I was paying a visit to Gadsen, gate was open and I pulled in. In the driveway was a brown Lexus from a rental place, Greenberg Rent-A-Car. The plate number was an Illinois plate 463 654.”

“How do you remember that?”

“I took it down after I heard the gunshots.”

“Why’s that?” asked Barry.

“Knew I might need it someday.”

“So many gun shots did you hear?”


“Not three?”

“I know how to count asshole. It was two. Maybe a third happened before I got there or after I left, but I personally only heard two.”

“So what happened after you pulled out?”

“I parked on the side of the street and waited.”

“Did you see the Lexus pull out?” asked Rachel.

“Yeah, sweetheart.” Joe turned to Barry to watch his reaction to his comment to Rachel. He loved making Barry squirm.

“Did you see anyone in it?”

“Yeah, a beautiful blonde hair, blue eye number and someone I swore I recognized but know who it was until a few minutes ago.”

“Until you heard your walking papers?” asked Barry sarcastically.

“No, when beautiful here said her client’s name was Madison Trenton. That’s where I knew him from. He’s the asshole that raped the girl you know the senator.”

“Bradley Johnson?”

“Yeah, he’s the one.”

Barry took a picture out of Ali and pushed it towards him, “Is this the girl?”

“Yeah. Nice pic, mind if I keep it?”

“When I’m done with it.”

Joe threw the pic back at Barry face down. Before Barry had a chance to pick it up Rachel grabbed it. If she wasn’t on the job she would kill him right then and there. It was a professional picture of Ali topless and a miniscule g-string, it seemed it was taken recently. Rachel looked at her husband coldly.

Lenny smiled at the couple, and thought ‘If that ain’t a married couple then I don’t know what is.’

“Did you see this man at all?” Barry asked as he showed him the picture of Bob.

“Yeah, that’s when I decided to book it.”

“Do you think he saw the senator and the woman?”

“Yeah he did, and he looked shocked, almost hit me.”

“Are you willing to testify to this?”


“Thanks Joe,” said Rachel.

“Anytime sweetcakes,” Joe grinned as Barry shot him a dirty look. Barry knocked on the window to inform the guard that they were done. “So Lenny am I outta here?”

“I’ll drop the papers off at the warden.”

“Thanks and baby if you get sick of this dope,” Joe said pointing at Barry, “come find me I’ll treat you right.”

Joe left with the guard. “Come find me and I’ll treat you right,” said Barry mockingly.

Rachel walked up to him and slapped his face. Lenny tried not to laugh at the situation.

“I gotta go see the warden.”

“What was that for?”

“Do you really have to ask?”


“You really think it’s okay to have that picture in your wallet?”

“Ah Rach, is that what’s upsetting you?”

“Don’t ah Rach me?”

They continued bickering all the way out the prison doors, by the time they got in the car Rachel was crying. “Answer me Barry, are you fucking her? Because I heard she gets around. Is that why you were so attentive this weekend because you feel guilty?”



“Rachel, Thursday night we took MacKenzie out for drinks, you know to help him get over his wife leaving him. So we went to a strip bar. They had pictures of the strippers and when I saw Ali’s I grabbed it, purely for professional reasons. See it paid off.”

“So you’re not screwing with her?”

“Why would I want shitty hamburger when I have filet mignon right heree?”

“You mean that?”

“I love you more than anything baby. I thought I showed you that this weekend. I even shut my cell off for you.”

Rachel smiled at her husband, “That you did.”

Barry turned his cell on and immediately it started ringing.

“Holloway here.”


Rachel looked at him curiously.

“I took my wife out for a nice romantic weekend and everything goes to hell.”

“Yeah been married a couple of months.”

“I’m sure she’ll be fine with it.”

“Thanks for the info I’m in NY and will be on the first flight back to Chicago and get Ali Bryar in along with a full background check. See if she has a connection to our favorite senator.

“What was that all about?” asked Rachel.

“The money moved to the Cayman Islands and Madison is due to take it out this week.”

“And the rest of the conversation? Like who would be fine with your marriage.”

Barry gave her a huge smile, “You. It seems you have a crush on me.”

“Oh really? It’s actually more.”

“Good cause I love you Rach.”

“I love you too.”

Four hours later they were in the offices of Kenilworth “So what did you find?” Barry asked his partner.

“It seems Ali Bryar isn’t really Ali Bryar, but Ali Johnson, niece to our esteemed senator.”

“What do you mean she’s not Ali Bryar?”

“Marriage license was never filed.”



“So where is she now?”

“Seems she and a James Bryar took off for the Caymans yesterday.”

“Wasn’t someone supposed to be watching her?”

“She gave them the slip.”

“I’m taking off for a few days.”



Barry went outside where Rachel was still in the car waiting.

“Pack your bikini, cause we’re going to the Cayman Islands.”

Before he had a chance to pull out his partner came running out to his car, “Just so you know the Trenton’s have a house down there.”

“Of course they do.”

With that the Holloways took off not knowing what their trip has in store for them.
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