Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Sweetheart Rebels

Operation: Tart

by Noizchild 0 reviews

Vanessa comes up with a great plan to get ruin of Ashlee so that Pete and Rose can get together.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2008-10-30 - Updated: 2008-10-30 - 436 words - Complete

Operation: Tart:


Blog Title: I've got it!

I have finally got it! I've got the perfect plan to drive Tart Simpson out of the picture. Yes, I know it's late tonight, but I couldn't resist typing this post. I have the best plan to make Tart Simpson free up Panda so he can get with Rosie! Drum roll please! Loud drum roll Long dramatic pause

I plan to plant in that Tart's mind that Panda is having an affair with Rosie. I'll drop a little hint that there is something going on let her jealous mind do the rest. The conditions are just right. She's pregnant and she'll be easily hormonal. That means mood swings ahead. The tart will confront Panda and accuse him of cheating. He'll deny it and she won't believe him. The jealousy will become so bad that the talentless tart ends up driving away Panda to the point that he files for a divorce. Then, Panda and Rosie can be together as lovers! Laughs This plan is so perfect it's child's play!

But of course, I'm going to need my BUS to help out. Tart Simpson is like Voldemort. (Yes, I used Harry Potter for an example. I'm hyper tonight! Bear with me!) She just keeps coming back! Have no fear, Hogwarts is here! We are going to bring Panda and Rosie together as lovers. Plus, I got some new people on my BUS. Gareth, Rachel, Tim, and Garry are at my aid for this operation. Squeals in delight Oh yes!!! This mission is going to be a HUGE success this time! Panda won't get away! Hell, I'll keep him in Miami if I have to. (I don't know how I will, but I'm going to do it!) Anything to have Panda and Rosie together 4-ever! (And maybe married with children if I'm lucky!)

Oh shit! It's time for me to get dressed for work and crap! I've been awake and typing past the night that I have lost track of time. See what happens when you wake up in the middle night excited with a new idea and type it out in a blog? Oh well! I've got work to do. Both at my job and on this operation! Hey, now! I've got to make a living and give my Prose fans more Prose news with this blog! Holler at y'all later! Got to go!



Love, Aunt Nessa

P.S.: Petey has the Decaydance posse with him. You know what that means? Aunt Nessa needs a man! Wish me luck there as well! ;*

Well, She's Walking Through the Clouds
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