Categories > Original > Drama > Hell or High water...

Part 2: Will o' Wisp

by xxkarasukuraixx 0 reviews

Fire gets a bit shaken up when a few of her friends randomly show up.

Category: Drama - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Fantasy, Humor - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-03-11 - Updated: 2006-03-11 - 479 words

And 'lo, though I walk through the valley of light, I shall fear no evil, for thou art with me, Thy hand guides me to the path I shall take, and Though you'll be with me no longer, I shall strive to hold you up.
-excerpt from Valentine, by Dimitri Roskov

Fire had bewildered her self. She had shattered (yet another) mirror. This one was in her bedroom, and she had punched it as hard as she could, and her fist had gone through it like a knife through butter. It was sad really. She had liked the mirror and actually enjoyed the way it looked, though she really couldn't any more....

Oh well, that's life. It was the day after Ice had approached her, and she had made her escape, and now here she was, sitting at home, alone, staring (of course) furiously, at her computer monitor. There was a knock on her door and, grumbling, she stood. The knock came again louder this time. "DAMN YOU!" she shouted. "Hold on (*if your some solicitor I swear I'll-)" Her words fell dead from her lips as she open the door the reveal a pair of smirky faces.

Hastily, she attempted to close the door on them, only to be, almost easily, stopped. Snow and Demon Lord let themselves in. "Kitten told us," Demon began. "That you've been refusing to answer you're phone. So we are here to rescue you from your stupor."

Mentally, Fire added all three to the Must Kill list. "What do you want?"

Snow grinned, her blue eyes twinkling. She held up a cup of noodle. "And alice looked at the table and there was a bottle which read: DRINK ME, and a cup of noodle-" "Cracker tin," Demon corrected "Which read: EAT ME!"

"Leave now or die!"

Fire was extremely irritated by her friends random knocking on her door. Where was a gun when you need one?

Snow was busy making the apartment "Clean" or even more messy if you will and Demon threw himself on Fire's couch.

The red head glared at them both. "Leave, I don't want any one here!" She shouted.

"Ah, but you need us." Demon said with a grin. Need? Yeah right, May be him, but what was he doing bringing Snow with him?

"I thought you hated him!" Fire hissed through clenched teeth to Snow.

"As you're love intrest, yes, as a person, no. He just makes a lousy girl."

Fire was confused at the last part, but let it drop. "If you both don't leave in five seconds I am!" she shouted, finally. "One, two," they both stayed where they were. "Three, four, five! DAMN YOU BOTH!" She shouted, storming out the door, and slamming it behind her. The full length mirror on the back of the door fell.

"Tch..." Demon said softly. "Seven years bad luck..."
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