Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Don't Wanna

So We Meet Again

by disturbedangel6 3 reviews

Troy is great at massaging feet and working is great when your new friends visit.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2008-11-04 - Updated: 2008-11-05 - 1323 words

"I love you Troy," I said with my eyes closed.
Troy chuckled, "Yea, you only love me when I'm massaging your feet."
"Hmm," I wasn't bothered to say anything more.
Ofcourse I love Troy, I just loved him more when he massaged my feet after I had a long day at work.
"There. Done," he pushed my legs off his lap and stood up.
"Naww," I groaned. "Troy, couldn't you massage more with your magic fingers?" I slurred.
"Ruth, I've been doing that for the past 20 minutes!"
I gave my famous puppy dog eyes look.
"Nope! Not looking!" he turned and ran out.
I made sobbing noises but he didn't come back, "Oh I hate you!"
"No you love me so much!" I heard him say from the kitchen.
"Whatever," I laid back and my phone started to buz as a message came through. I grabbed it and groaned at the message.
It was a message from Sophie who I have casual flings with, 'Babe, I'm bored and I can't remember the last time we hit it together. I'm free tonight, my house?'.
I sighed, I didn't feel like having a one off thing right now. So I messaged back that I was busy.
I stood up and walked into the kitchen in my newly reviatilized feet. "Hey, whatcha doing?" I peaked from behind Troy.
"Noodle," he said simply.
"Mmm..." I licked my lips.
"Oh by the way, Poison Love, remember that band?" I asked.
"That band that Spaz is in?" he asked as he put the noodles in two seperate bowls.
I silently used a gun to shoot the name. "Yea, they have a gig at the mall on Saturday."
He looked up, "Well do you wanna go?"
I shrugged my shoulders, "I dunno."
"In my opinion, you should, don't make him or anyone think you're a coward."
"Ok, a maybe." I laughed. "Now gimme noodles!"

I put the customer's newly bought clothes into the shopping bag and handed it to him.
"Thanks," he said.
"You're welcome," I gave my regular smile and slipped the copy of the reciept in the draw.
"Hello again."
I looked up and was surprised to see Gerard and Frank again. "Hey, nice to see you guys are back."
"Well, it wasn't like we weren't gonna meet again," Frank grinned.
I smiled and leaned onto the counter, it's amazing how I get use to newly met people soon. Well, counting the fact that I had to help Gerard find new skinnys which took a long time. "So what were you guys doing?"
They both looked pretty with their darkness of clothing and only their eyes in colour and maybe also Frank's almost red lips.
"Nothing, just bumming around and we thought that we might visit you again," Gerard shrugged.
"Yea, at first we thought 'nah Ruth wouldn't be working on a Saturday'," Frank added.
"And look! You are!" Gerard laughed.
I frowned at him. "Well I am going to finish in half an hour."
"That's good! We'll wait till you finish then," Frank sat on the counter.
I sighed and went back to work.
It was really nice that I have made friends in such a short time, and my friends are pretty hot too. I sniggered. What a nice package.

"So where are we going?" I asked when I pulled on my chucks.
My workplace allows the employees to wear any clothes but we had to wear the black leather shoes.
"Well there is a gig downstairs, I think we should check them out," Frank said. "If that's okay with you."
"Yeah, its cool," I shrugged. I told Troy that I wasn't going. Oh what the hell, its not like its gonna hurt going to see them anyway.
"Yay!" Frank hurried ahead.
"Frank is obsessed with other bands. He likes to see how good they are," Gerard said.
"So he's in a band or something?" I asked.
"Well we both are in the same band."
"Really? That's interesting. I'd like to check you guys out sometime," I smiled.
"Don't worry, you will."
"So what do you guys do in the band?" I'm an okay expert in bands myself since I've floated in and out of a couple of bands till now.
"I'm the vocalist and Frank's the guitar."
"Wow, awesome. How old are you guys anyway?"
"I'm 20 and Frank's 19."
"Decent ages."
"What about you?"
"Oh, I'm 19 also."

Poison Love is a hard rock band and I was intrigued to see what they have done after their short break of hiring new band menbers. I immediately spotted Spaz clinging on his guitar as the band appeared on stage. He hasn't changed much at all.
"Hey we're Poison Love," announced the new lead songer. "And this song is called Sanctuary."
So they started to play with their old song. I nodded to the beat. I felt really glad that I wasn't hanging out with my usual clique. I felt happy just standing in between Gerard and Frank who concentrated on the lyrics.
"Ruth! You're here!" my friend from my usual clique squashed out of the crowd. "I never thought that you'd be here."
I smiled, "Well I am."
"I was about to call you to come but since you're here, guess what?" she looked jumpy.
"What?" I asked thinking she was going to ramble on about her latest boy craze.
"Spaz asked about you! He said that he saw you working and that you changed in a good way. He asked me to tell you to come to my house after the gig, everyones gonna be there including him!" she squeaked.
I sighed and caught Gerard's stare. "Well good for him, and I don't know if I should."
"What?" her smile faded. "You're not jumpy or excited or whatever?"
"Angela, that was last year, and he's right I have changed."
"Oh... anyway I'm glad you're over him then," she hugged me. "So aren't you gonna introduce me to your friends?" she asked.
"Oh sorry. This is Gerard and Frank," I put my arms around them.
"Hey," they said in unison
"Hi! Nice to meet you, I'm Angela," she flicked her ash blonde hair.
"Nice to meet you too." Gerard smiled.
"I gotta go now," she waved and pushed through the crowd.

"So who's Spaz?" Frank asked.
It was after the gig and we were all at Maccas eating.
"The lead guitarist," I replied.
"Oh the guy with long hair."
I nodded.
"So he was your boyfriend or something?" Gerard asked.
"No, I just use to like him."
"And?" Frank pushed on.
"And we never got the chance to be together. He looked like he liked me back but..." I told them half the truth.
"But he was playing you all along," Gerard finished my sentence.
"Yea, how do you know?" I asked, suddenly interested.
"I went through the same thing, I guess," he shrugged and continued to eat his chips.
"Gerard's a man with a past of failed relationships," Frank said.
"Dude!" he nudged him.
"Sorry! I thought she needed to know."
"Well she doesn't," Gerard seemed embarrassed.
Its nice to know that they talk about me in third person.
"Sorry," Gerard noticed my sudden uncomfortableness.
"So anyway, I was thinking we should go to your friend's house," Frank said and gobbled up the remaining chips.
"What? Angela's?" I asked.
"Yea, it'll be fun!" he grinned.
"Oh, I don't know."
"Plus, you'l show how much you really changed to what's his name?"
"Yea, Spaz. Like you'll be the pimp and we'll be your men," he said as he posed.
I laughed, "Nah."
"Yea, I think it's a great idea," Gerard suddenly said.
"You think?" I asked him.
Gerard nodded.
I trusted his thought.

Poison Love is the name of a band that my close friends are in so yea hope they don't mind it haha.
But the people in it are imaginary.

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