Categories > Anime/Manga > Yami no Matsuei > Twisted Shadows

Chapter 1: Vigils and Meetings - Eternal Debt

by Ariel_Tempest 0 reviews

A bargain is struck

Category: Yami no Matsuei - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Muraki, Other - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2006-03-11 - Updated: 2006-03-12 - 169 words


"He is a rather intriguing boy, isn't he?" Handless gloves steepled themselves in front of the Count's mask. "I can see why you're interested. Still, I will never understand why you try so hard to keep people alive now. You certainly weren't so...concerned...before, especially where your partner was concerned."

Candle light caught in a quick, glass scowl. "I am...was a doctor. Don't forget that. My partner was something else all together." He looked down at the photograph on the table between them. "This boy is a medical anomaly. Nothing more." Pale lips smirked around a cigarette, then dispelled the smoke in a smooth purr. "One would think that you didn't like having me in your debt."

"Oh no, I quite like knowing that I own you."

"And you'll collect when?" Ash flicked from the cigarette's tip, sifting through the air to the carpet.

"When I feel like it." One gloved finger reached out and stirred a soft fall of pale hair. "When I feel like it."

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