Categories > Anime/Manga > Yami no Matsuei > Twisted Shadows

Chapter 1: Vigils and Meetings - Binding

by Ariel_Tempest 0 reviews

Two partners meet for the first time.

Category: Yami no Matsuei - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Hisoka, Muraki - Warnings: [!!!] [?] [R] [Y] - Published: 2006-03-11 - Updated: 2006-03-12 - 229 words


He stared up at the moon, its face reflecting down on the cherry blossoms carpeting the
ground, dyeing them red.

It didn't seem real.

His eyes tracked back down to the man under the tree, to the woman lying too still at the
man's feet. "Why?"

"It was past her time." The man smiled, tilting his head so his bangs fell back, revealing
the glass orb beneath them. "It was the only way to make her leave."

"You can't live past your time." He snorted. "When it's your die."

"Not so, little one. Not always."

Something coiled, tightening in his mind. "Then I won't die either." His chin notched up,
defiant, proud. "I'll live forever and you can't stop me!"

"Oh really?"


The boy was small, fragile, but he could almost see the snake looking through those eyes.
"Oh really?"

"Yes!" The boy took a step backwards, turning to run.

A flicker of power and his arm was around the boy's waist, like the serpent waiting to
claim him, knife kissing the pale skin. "No. You'll die at your appointed time. I'll make
certain of it."

The snake screamed as his knife sliced through the bonds it had already formed, sending
power backlashing through the darkness. The boy screamed as he forged new bonds,
tying them together. "You have no choices in this life, boy. Accept that."

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